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A30    world news
                   Diaranson 9 Maart 2022

                           US and 10 countries condemn North Korean missile launch

                                                                      Council  briefing  on  North  They  said  the  United  States  Russia join us in this group,”
                                                                      Korea’s 11th ballistic missile  and  others  have  repeatedly  she said.
                                                                      launch since the beginning of  offered dialogue without pre-
                                                                      the  year  on  Saturday,  which  conditions. But they said the  The  Security  Council  ini-
                                                                      was detected by its neighbors.  DPRK has chosen to increase  tially  imposed  sanctions  on
                                                                      Experts say the launches are  its ballistic missile launches in  North Korea after its first nu-
                                                                      an attempt to add new weap-  violation of Security Council  clear test in 2006 and tough-
                                                                      ons  systems  to  the  North’s  resolutions and international  ened  them  after  further  nu-
                                                                      arsenal  and  pressure  the  law, “instead of embarking on  clear tests and launches from
                                                                      United  States  into  making  a path of diplomacy and de-  its  increasingly  sophisticated
                                                                      concessions  amid  stalled  di-  escalation.”             ballistic missile program.
                                                                                                   The 11 countries called on all  Former  U.S.  ambassador  to
                                                                      The  11  countries  —  Alba-  15  Security  Council  mem-  the  United  Nations  Nikki
                                                                      nia, Australia, Brazil, France,  bers “to speak with one voice  Haley  said  in  2018  that  the
                                                                      Ireland,  Japan,  New  Zea-  in condemning these danger-  sanctions  had  cut  off  all
            (AP) — The United States  most  powerful  body  and  land,  Norway,  South  Korea,  ous and unlawful acts.”         North  Korean  exports  and
            and  10  other  countries  undermines global efforts  United Kingdom and United                                     90% of its trade and disband-
            on  Monday  condemned  to  prevent  the  prolifera-       States  —  said  they  remain  Thomas-Greenfield     re-  ed the pool of workers which
            North  Korea’s  latest  bal-  tion of nuclear weapons.    committed  “to  seeking  seri-  sponded  to  a  question  ask-  North  Korea  sent  abroad  to
            listic  missile  launch  and                              ous  and  sustained  diploma-  ing about the failure of veto-  earn  hard  currency,  though
            urged  the  U.N.  Security  U.S.    Ambassador    Linda  cy” with Democratic People’s  wielding  council  members  experts monitoring sanctions
            Council  to  respond,  say-  Thomas-Greenfield  read  a  Republic of Korea, the coun-  China and Russia to support  say  Pyongyang  continues  to
            ing its inaction erodes the  statement from the 11 coun-  try’s official name.         the  statement.  “We  would  evade the measures.
            credibility  of  the  U.N.’s  tries  after  a  closed  Security                        love  to  have  had  China  and

                          Meet the candidates dueling to be S. Korea’s next president

            (AP) — An unusually bitter elec-    vulnerable groups like farmers, fish-  tor  general.  He  spearheaded  high-  people.”
            tion season in South Korea culmi-   ermen and artists.                  profile  corruption  investigations  of
            nates on Wednesday when tens of                                         past  conservative  governments.  But  In  2017,  Lee,  then  Seongnam  may-
            millions of voters pick their next  On foreign policy, Lee has vowed to  he  resigned  in  2021  and  joined  the  or, said he wanted to make Yoon his
            president.                          continue  Moon’s  conciliatory  ap-  conservative People Power Party fol-  prosecutor general if he became pres-
                                                proach  toward  North  Korea  and  lowing infighting over his probes on  ident. He now says that a Yoon gov-
            The winner, who will be sworn into  questioned the effectiveness of U.S.-  Moon allies.                     ernment would begin a “prosecutors’
            office in May and serve one five-year  led economic sanctions in pressuring                                 dictatorship  that  is  scarier  than  past
            term,  will  face  crucial  challenges  as  Pyongyang  to  abandon  its  nuclear  He has spent most of his 27-year pro-  military-backed governments.”
            the leader of a fast-aging nation that’s  weapons  program.  On  tensions  be-  fessional career as a state prosecutor,
            grappling with economic inequalities,  tween  Washington  and  Beijing,  Lee  and faces criticism that his untested
            soaring  debt  and  a  growing  North  says South Korea should not be forced  and forceful style of leadership would
            Korean nuclear threat.              to choose between its treaty ally and  fail to steer South Korea out of com-
                                                largest trading partner, respectively.  plex security and economic challeng-
            Here’s a look at the two main candi-                                    es. He says he would appoint expe-
            dates ahead of the vote:            Lee has been dogged by controversy  rienced advisers and let them handle
                                                surrounding  a  recorded  telephone  key affairs that require expertise.
            Lee jae-myung                       conversation  where  he  verbally
            The ruling Democratic Party’s hopes  abused his sister-in-law in 2012 over  If elected, some experts say Yoon may
            for  producing  back-to-back  presi-  a  family  dispute.  He  also  faced  ac-  enjoy  a  greater  honeymoon  period
            dents lie with a firebrand former gov-  cusations  that  he  abused  his  power  with  the  public  than  Lee,  as  many
            ernor  who  promises  universal  basic  as Seongnam mayor to force his late  opinion surveys show that more than
            income  and  engagement  with  rival  brother into a mental institution that  half  of  people  polled  want  a  shift
            North Korea.                        year,  but  he  was  acquitted  of  those  in  power.  It’s  still  unclear  whether
                                                charges in 2020.                    he  could  translate  that  into  legisla-
            Lee Jae-myung’s supporters adore his                                    tive reform steps because Lee’s party
            outspoken style and see him as an an-  Lee has denied involvement in a dubi-  still holds nearly 60% of seats in the
            ti-elitist hero who could fix establish-  ous development project launched in  295-member parliament.
            ment  politics,  eradicate  corruption  Seongnam during his time as mayor
            and solve growing economic inequal-  that raised suspicions of corrupt ties  Yoon  said  he  would  provide  more
            ity, a decaying job market and soaring  between city officials, politicians and  than  2.5  million  housing  units  to
            house prices.                       a small asset management firm which  suppress soaring housing prices, offer
                                                reaped a huge profit. Several former  financial aid packages to small busi-
            To critics, the 57-year-old is a danger-  city officials and businessmen and an  ness owners hit by pandemic restric-
            ous  populist  who  relies  on  stoking  ex-lawmaker have been arrested over  tions and drastically raise salaries for
            division  and  demonizing  his  con-  bribery and other suspicions amid an  conscript soldiers.
            servative  opponents  while  failing  to  ongoing investigation into the case.
            back his ambitious vows for welfare                                     Yoon has built an image as a strong-
            spending with realistic funding plans.  Yoon suk yeol                   minded,    uncompromising    pros-
                                                Yoon  Suk  Yeol,  61,  is  a  former  top  ecutor. During a parliament audit in
            Lee proposes a universal basic income  prosecutor  who’s  looking  to  restore  2013, Yoon, then a senior prosecutor,
            policy that would eventually provide  conservative  rule.  He  promises  to  revealed he was pressured by his boss
            every  South  Korean  an  annual  pay-  win stronger U.S. security commit-  over  an  investigation  into  an  allega-
            ment  of  1  million  won  ($820)  and  ments  to  neutralize  North  Korean  tion that the country’s spy agency had
            plans to adopt a new type of property  nuclear threats and to take a more as-  conducted an illicit online campaign
            tax  to  help  fund  the  payments.  He  sertive stance on China.       to  help  conservative  President  Park
            also  promises  additional  payments                                    Geun-hye  win  the  previous  year’s
            for  young  adults  under  30,  senior  A  novice  in  party  politics,  Yoon  election.  At  the  time,  he  famously
            citizens  in  their  60s  and  older,  and  served  as  Moon’s  popular  prosecu-  said,  “I’m  not  loyal  to  (high-level)
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