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                                                                                                       SPORTS Wednesday 19 February 2025
            Guerrero plans to become free agent after season, fails to reach

            long-term deal with Blue Jays

            By CHRIS NELSEN                                                                                                     kins  thinks  the  team  made
            Associated Press                                                                                                    fair proposals.
            DUNEDIN, Fla. (AP) — Vladimir                                                                                       "The offers we made for Vlad
            Guerrero Jr. plans to become                                                                                        would  have  been  record-
            a free agent after the season                                                                                       setting and made him one
            following the passing of his                                                                                        of the highest-paid players in
            deadline Tuesday to reach                                                                                           the game," Atkins said. "We
            a long-term agreement with                                                                                          were, in our view, very ag-
            the Toronto Blue Jays.                                                                                              gressive."
            "Listen, I want to be here. I                                                                                       Guerrero's  father,  Vladimir
            want  to  be  a  Blue  Jay  for                                                                                     Guerrero, is a Hall of Famer
            the rest of my career," the                                                                                         and  nine-time  All-Star  who
            four-time  All-Star  first  base-                                                                                   was voted the 2004 AL MVP.
            man said through translator                                                                                         Toronto  players  hope  their
            Hector Lebron at Blue Jays                                                                                          teammate's  contract  situ-
            camp. "But it's free agency.                                                                                        ation  doesn't  become  a
            It's  business.  I'm  going  to                                                                                     constant  focus  during  the
            have  to  listen  to  29  more                                                                                      season.
            teams and they're going to                                                                                          "We know, without a doubt,
            have to compete for that."                                                                                          he's  a  Blue  Jay  this  year,"
            Guerrero has a $28.5 million,                                                                                       pitcher Kevin Gausman said.
            one-year contract and will                                                                                          "I'm sure it could be a distrac-
            be  perhaps  the  top  free                                                                                         tion, but I'm not too worried
            agent  on  the  market  one   Toronto Blue Jays first baseman Vladimir Guerrero Jr. takes batting practice during spring training   about that. I think Vladdy is
            year after Juan Soto signed   baseball workouts in Dunedin Fla., Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025.           Associated Press   focused on going out and
            a record $765 million, 15-year                                                                                      playing baseball."
            contract with the New York  Guerrero  had  said  during  couldn't get a deal done,"  his big league debut in 2019  Guerrero appeared to be in
            Mets.  Guerrero,  who  turns  the offseason he would cut  Blue Jays president Mark Sha-  and has a .288 average, .863  good spirits when practice
            26 next month, said his last  off  negotiations  when  he  piro said. "When you go into  OPS, 160 homers and 507 RBs.  began  Tuesday,  laughing
            communication  with  the  reported for spring training.   a negotiation, each side has  "I'll do anything, everything  and  smiling  with  his  team-
            team  came  around  10:30  "I don't want, especially my  rational for a number. In this  I have, to stay here with the  mates.  As  Guerrero  was
            p.m. Monday and the two  teammates, to go through  case, we couldn't align on  Blue  Jays,"  Guerrero  said.  preparing  for  running  drills,
            sides never came close to  any distractions about that,"  a common number. There's  "I love it here. I want to be  a fan from Toronto yelled: "I'd
            a deal. "I have my number  Guerrero said. "I'm here to-   no  such  thing  as  close  or  here. I'm not thinking about  write you a blank check if I
            all along," Guerrero said. "I  day and I'm ready. I want to  not  close.  There's  done  or  free agency. I won't be think-  had the money."
            changed it a little bit. I tried,  win a lot of games and I want  not done."           ing about free agency at all  Toronto  expects  to  make
            but it still didn't happen."  to  make  it  to  the  playoffs.  Shapiro maintained the team  during the season."    offers to Guerrero as a free
            "I know my value," he add-   That's all that's in my head  will not entertain trade offers  Shapiro,  team  chairman  agent after the World Series.
            ed. "I didn't see the front of-  right now."              for Guerrero.                Edward Rogers and Rogers  "We are certainly positioned
            fice moving to my number.  Guerrero hit .323 last season  "Our only focus now is win-  Communications  Inc.  CEO  well," Shapiro said. "We have
            It wasn't the number I was  with a .940 OPS, 30 homers  ning with Vladdy," he said.    Tony Staffieri were involved  the  financial  wherewithal
            looking for. Unfortunately, it  and 103 RBIs.             Guerrero came up through  in the negotiations.            to pursue the contracts we
            didn't happen."              "We're  disappointed  we  the  Toronto  system,  made  General manager Ross At-        want to pursue."q

            Bruins D Charlie McAvoy is out and Canucks’ Quinn
            Hughes is in for U.S. in 4 Nations final vs. Canada

            By JIMMY GOLEN               hockey players to the interna-  would mean one more U.S.
            AP Sports Writer             tional stage after they missed  defenseman would have to
            BOSTON (AP) — The United  the last two Winter Olympics.   be ruled out. The rules allow
            States didn't have to sacri-  Hughes, 25, was a first-round  them to apply for emergency
            fice much when looking for a  draft choice who joined the  relief on an "as needed" basis,
            replacement for injured de-  Canucks after two years at  an application that would be
            fenseman Charlie McAvoy in  Michigan, where he was a  considered by tournament
            the 4 Nations Face-Off final:  finalist for the Hobey Baker  chairs Bill Daly and Rob Zepp.
            Reigning Norris Trophy winner  Award as a sophomore. He  "Right now, we're just taking
            Quinn Hughes was ready to  had career highs of 17 goals  each day as it comes," Sul-   Canada's Connor McDavid (97) scores on United States goal-
            step in.                     and 75 assists for Vancouver  livan  said.  "We'll  see  what   tender Connor Hellebuyck (37) as United States' Charlie McA-
            U.S. coach Mike Sullivan said  last season, when he was the  potential options might be   voy (25) looks on during first period 4 Nations Face-Off hockey
            Tuesday that Hughes was on  runaway winner of the award  available for us for the cham-  action in Montreal on Saturday, Feb. 15, 2025.
            his way to Boston to be avail-  that for the NHL's top defen-  pionship game and then we'll                                     Associated Press
            able  when  the  Americans  seman and finished seventh  make decisions accordingly  to the American team whose  TD Garden, the Bruins' home
            play Canada in the cham-     in voting for the Hart Trophy  from there."               big  hits  on  Canadian  stars  ice.
            pionship game. Hughes has  that goes to the league MVP.   A 27-year-old Boston Univer-  Connor McDavid and Sidney  The  Bruins  announced  on
            missed the Canucks' last four  According to the 4 Nations  sity product and top Bruins  Crosby were credited with  Tuesday that he was admit-
            games and was a last minute  rules,  the  Americans  can  defenseman who has twice  setting a tone in the round  ted to Massachusetts General
            scratch from the international  only  add  him  to  the  roster  finished in the top five of the  robin matchup between the  Hospital  on  Monday  night
            tournament,  which  marks  if they drop below six "able-  Norris Trophy voting, McAvoy  North Americans. Thursday's  with  an  unspecified  upper
            the return of the world's best  bodied"  defenseman;  that  had been a key contributor  championship will be at the  body injury. q
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