Page 16 - aruba-today-20250219
P. 16

             Wednesday 19 February 2025

            Spurs star Victor Wembanyama brings books

            to games; that's not all that makes him different

            By TIM REYNOLDS                     when his team lost the All-Star tour-  great,  obviously,  for  the  franchise
            AP Basketball Writer                nament final.                       with the Spurs. But he's going to be
            Let's  start  with  this:  He  brought  a  San  Antonio  knows,  and  has  great  for  our  league  for  so  many
            book to the All-Star Game.          known,  that  Wembanyama  is  the  years to come."
            As if the NBA needed more proof  face  of  the  Spurs.  The  rest  of  the  Wembanyama was the unanimous
            that  San  Antonio's  Victor  Wem-  league  has  probably  figured  out  rookie of the year last season; he's
            banyama  is  different,  the  latest  that  he's  one  of  the  faces  of  the  the  favorite,  according  to  Bet-
            example came Sunday in a locker-    league — the game globally, too  MGM Sportsbook, to be defensive
            room video posted by the league.  — and is well on his way to super-    player of the year this season. He is
            Wembanyama was getting settled  duper-superstardom,  if  he's  not  almost certainly going to make the
            in before the games and Denver's  there already.                        All-NBA team. He will likely get MVP
            Nikola Jokic was puzzled by what  LeBron  James  had  nothing  but  votes.
            the Spurs star had with him.        rave  reviews  for  Wembanyama  All for good reason.
            "You really brought a book?" Jokic  when  the  7-foot-3  French  center  His scoring average is up. Rebounds
            asked.                              —  who  just  turned  21  last  month  per  game,  up.  Shooting  percent-
            "I read before every game," Wem-    —  was  coming  into  the  league.  ages,  up.  He's  already  taken  403   San  Antonio  Spurs  center  Victor
            banyama said.                       James  heaps  the  Wemby  praise  3-pointers  and  blocked  176  shots   Wembanyama dunks past teammates
            Even  at  All-Star  weekend,  Wem-  even higher now.                    this season — no player in NBA his-  Trae Young and Nikola Jokic during the
            banyama  didn't  change  who  he  "I've seen one quote that he says  tory has ever finished a season with   NBA All-Star basketball game Sunday,
            is. He got himself and Spurs team-  that  nobody  better  call  him  past  those  numbers,  and  Wemby  did   Feb. 16, 2025, in San Francisco.
            mate  Chris  Paul  disqualified  from  9 o'clock at night because he's ei-  it  this  year  by  the  All-Star  break.           Associated Press
            the skills competition at All-Star Sat-  ther reading or he's asleep. I think  He's  averaging  24.3  points,  11  re-  asked what he marvels at when he
            urday  night  after  finding  what  he  that's super cool. I think that's super  bounds, 3.8 blocks and 3.7 assists;  watches Wembanyama.
            thought was a loophole in the rules  dope," the Los Angeles Lakers' star  the only other player to finish a sea-  "Everything  he  does,"  Curry  said.
            and could increase the chance of  said. "That lets you know where his  son averaging all that was Kareem  "Everything."
            winning.  He  brought  the  book  on  mind frame is at, where he is at in-  Abdul-Jabbar in 1975-76.        The Spurs have been through some
            Sunday.  He  was  visibly  frustrated  tellectually,  and  I  think  he's  been  Golden State's Stephen Curry was  things this season.q

              Lack of snow north of the Alaska Range prompts Iditarod to

              move official start to Fairbanks

              ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP)                                                                                           Nome."  The  safety  of  the
              — A lack of snow along a                                                                                         dogs,  mushers  and  volun-
              dangerous  stretch  of  trail                                                                                    teers remains the Iditarod's
              has  led  organizers  of  the                                                                                    top priority, the statement
              world's  most  famous  sled                                                                                      said.  Even  with  snow,  this
              dog  race  to  move  the                                                                                         stretch  of  the  Iditarod
              start of the Iditarod farther                                                                                    consistently  has  some  of
              north.                                                                                                           the worst trail in the entire
              The Iditarod Trail Sled Dog                                                                                      1,000-mile   (1,609-kilome-
              Race will still have its cere-                                                                                   ter) race across the Alaska
              monial start in Anchorage                                                                                        wilderness.
              on  March  1,  but  the  offi-                                                                                   The  race's  description  of
              cial  start  for  the  33  teams                                                                                 the  trail  for  mushers  en-
              will  be  two  days  later  in                                                                                   courages  them  to  do  this
              Fairbanks, about 360 miles                                                                                       stretch  in  a  convoy  with
              (579 kilometers) north.     Mats Pettersson, from Sweden, makes the corner onto Cordova Street during the Iditarod Trail   one  or  more  teams  be-
              It's the fourth time the race   Sled Dog Race ceremonial start in Anchorage, Alaska, on Saturday, March 2, 2024.   cause  they  might  require
              has been moved because                                                                          Associated Press   help.  Conditions  include
              of a lack of snow. The race  in  a  statement  Monday,  as unpassable.               can  allow  the  teams  to  windblown  gravel  sand-
              previously  started  in  Fair-  trail breakers said no snow  "After  a  heavy  discussion  progress  through  that  20-  bars,  high  winds,  rivers,  a
              banks  in  2003,  2015  and  since  that  Jan.  31  an-  with  our  lead  Trail  Break-  mile (32-kilometer) stretch,"  glacier, slippery conditions
              2017.                       nouncement  led  them  er  and  other  friends  of  Race Marshal Warren Pal-         and ice at the bottom of a
              Race  officials  last  month  to  deem  one  portion  of  the  race  including  local  frey said in the statement.  canyon.
              said  the  race  would  start  the  trail  —  from  the  Rohn  knowledge,  and  with  no  "It is a shame because the  The  winner  is  expected  in
              as  normal  from  the  An-  to  Nikolai  checkpoints  —  new  snow  on  the  horizon,  remainder  of  the  trail  is  in  Nome about 10 days after
              chorage  area.  However,  north of the Alaska Range  there is simply no way we  great shape all the way to  the start.q
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