Page 14 - aruba-today-20250219
P. 14

             Wednesday 19 February 2025
            From farms to bakeries, egg shortages and price hikes are

            challenging small businesses

            By MAE ANDERSON                                                                                                     ing  to  have  to  increase
            AP Business Writer                                                                                                  my  prices,  which  is  hard
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  Small                                                                                           because  that’s  going  to
            business  owners  that  rely                                                                                        mean  that  there’s  a  cat-
            on  eggs  for  their  products                                                                                      egory  of  customer  that
            are  facing  sticker  shock                                                                                         won’t order from me any-
            because  the  usually  reli-                                                                                        more,” she said.
            able  staple  is  in  short  sup-                                                                                   In  Princeton,  New  Jersey,
            ply.                                                                                                                John Nachlinger, owner of
            Avian  flu  is  forcing  farm-                                                                                      the Bad Cookie Company,
            ers  to  slaughter  millions  of                                                                                    is imposing a temporary 25
            chickens  a  month,  caus-                                                                                          cent per cookie surcharge
            ing  U.S.  egg  prices  to  sky-                                                                                    to  help  mitigate  added
                                                                                                                                costs.  “As  cookies  are  al-
                                                                                                                                ready a tight-margin food,
                                                                                                                                these  increases  have  re-
                                                                                                                                ally  hurt  our  bottom  line,”
                                                                                                                                Nachlinger  said.  He  said
                                                                                                                                he doesn’t want to perma-
                                                                                                                                nently raise prices or adjust
                                                                                                                                the size of his cookies since
                                                                                                                                he hopes the egg situation
                                                                                                                                is temporary. “We want to
                                         The price is displayed on the edge of an empty shelf used to display eggs at a grocery store,   bring value to our custom-
                                         Feb. 12, 2025, in Nashville, Tenn.                                                     ers,” he said.
                                                                                                               Associated Press   At Daisies, a pasta restau-
                                         rocket.  The  average  price   products.  Liz  Berman  is   sized  white  shelled  eggs,   rant in Chicago, chef/part-
                                         of a dozen Grade A eggs      the owner and sole propri-   buying a box with 18 dozen   ner Joe Frillman and chef/
                                         in U.S. cities reached $4.95   etor of The Sleepy Baker in   eggs,  but  two  weeks  ago   partner  Leigh  Omilinsky
                                         in  January,  eclipsing  the   Natick, Massachusetts. She   those were unavailable, so   haven’t  raised  prices  but
                                         previous  record  of  $4.82   specializes in custom, from-  she had to buy brown eggs   are  thinking  of  adjusting
                                         set  two  years  earlier  and   scratch cakes but also sells   in individual cartons of 12.  menu items.
                                         more than double the low     cupcakes,  cookies,  pies    “It  sounds  kind  of  silly,  but   Omilinsky  said  she  is  think-
                                         of $2.04 that was recorded   and other baked goods.       when  I  I’m  the  sole  pro-  ing of adding more vegan
                                         in August 2023. The Agricul-  Eggs  are  just  one  of  the   prietor and I have a huge   and egg-free deserts to the
                                         ture  Department  predicts   baking  ingredients  experi-  volume of work, to have to   menu and has been work-
                                         prices will soar another 20%   encing price shocks. Items   take  a  dozen  of  eggs  out   ing  more  with  flax  seeds.
                                         this year.                   such  as  cocoa  powder      of my walk-in at a time as   She  said  the  shortage  has
                                         Most owners are taking the   and  butter  have  gone  up   opposed to a flat of eggs,   made her more conscious
                                         increase  in  stride,  looking   as well. And price isn’t the   it’s just it’s a pain,” she said.  of the ingredients she is us-
                                         at it as just one of many hur-  only issue.               She doesn’t think prices will   ing and wasting less.
                                         dles  they  constantly  face.   “It’s  not  just  the  cost  of   ease anytime soon. Cocoa   “You know, if we need egg
                                         But if the problem persists,   eggs, right? It’s also just the   powder prices have been   yolks  we  are  absolutely
                                         they  could  be  forced  to   availability,”  she  said.  She   elevated for years.    saving  those  whites,”  she
                                         raise  prices  or  adjust  their   prefers  to  buy  medium-  “I  think  ultimately  I’m  go-  said.q

                                           Trump Media says it lost more than $400 million last year

                                           By The Associated Press     on  paper    as  a  “bona  to  more  than  half  of  the  children, is the sole trustee
                                           NEW YORK (AP) — The par-    fide gift” to the Donald J.  company’s stock.           and  has  sole  voting  and
                                           ent company of President  Trump  Revocable  Trust.  Donald Trump Jr., the old-      investment power over all
                                           Donald Trump’s social net-  Trump’s  shares  amounted  est  of  the  president’s  five  securities  owned  by  the
                                           working  site  Truth  Social                                                        trust.
                                           says  it  lost  $400.9  million                                                     Trump created Truth Social
                                           last  year  and  its  annual                                                        after he was banned from
                                           revenue  declined  12%  to                                                          Twitter  and  Facebook  fol-
                                           $3.6 million.                                                                       lowing  the  Jan.  6,  2021,
                                           Trump  Media  &  Technol-                                                           Capitol riot. Citing its “early
                                           ogy  Group  reported  its                                                           development  stage,”  the
                                           earnings late Friday, blam-                                                         parent  company  based
                                           ing the losses in part on a                                                         in Sarasota, Florida, said it
                                           revenue-sharing    agree-                                                           doesn’t report “traditional
                                           ment  with  an  undisclosed                                                         key  performance  indica-
                                           advertising partner.                                                                tors”  used  by  other  social
                                           After winning the U.S. presi-                                                       media  companies,  such
                                           dential election in Novem-                                                          as how many people have
                                           ber,  Trump  in  December                                                           signed  up  for  the  service,
                                           transferred all of his shares     The download screen for Truth Social app is seen on a laptop   use it on a daily or monthly
                                           worth  around  $4  billion   computer, March 20, 2024, in New York.  Associated Press   basis or see its ads.q
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