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LOCAL Wednesday 19 February 2025
Aruba to me
ORANJESTAD — You are back and we would paper, Caribbean Speed Printers and any of
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Complete the sentence: Aruba to me is ……. gram and Facebook page! Thank you for sup-
Send your picture with that text (including your porting our free newspaper, we strive to make
name and where you are from) to: news@aru- you a happy reader every day again. beautiful sunsets, blue waters & the soft sandy and we will publish your vaca- For today we received a lovely message from beach.”
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Surf’s Up: Favorite places to catch waves in Aruba
ORANJESTAD – Whether you Arashi and little crabs and snails.
are a salt-seasoned surfer Arashi, a beach located
looking for a thrill, or just close to the California Light- Hadicurari
looking to wet your toes in house, is a good spot for Known locally as Fisherman’s
a little ocean adventure, learning and having fun – if Hut, here is where you will find
Aruba has amazing places you’re lucky! The waves at most of the action for surfers
to learn and practice surf- Arashi are usually calm, but in Aruba. With a variety of
ing! Although more known with just the right weather, surf shops and schools in this
for the calmer waters of Palm a swell forms attracting all area, you will find it easy to
Beach, Eagle Beach and the local surfers to the area. get in on the action. Had-
Mangel Halto, Aruba also icurari is also the site of the
has some special places to to try for the first time and suited for those with more ex- Boca Grandi Aruba Hi Winds World Chal-
thrill your senses. need a little help. These can perience in surfing. However, Boca Grandi is at the most lenge, which takes place
be found around the island, the beach with two bluffs – southern spot in Aruba, and usually in June/July, and it is
Because of strong winds and and will surely come in hand one on each side – is worth is a popular spot with expe- the largest windsurfing com-
breezes, Aruba is perfect for if you’re wanting to try a new a visit, if only to watch the rienced surfers. Close to the petition in the Caribbean!
wind and kite surfing. You will experience! exciting show presented by famous Red Anchor and our
surely notice kites in the air as the surfers. beloved Sunrise City – San Malmok
you drive around the wilder, With that said, here are Aru- Nicolas, a trip to Boca Grandi If you’re a beginner, this is
rougher areas on Aruba’s ba’s favorite surf spots! To go to Andicuri, you will can easily turn into an all-day your spot. There are also
east side. need a 4x4 vehicle and drive trip to this area of the island. various shops to rent gear
Andicuri from the ex-Natural Bridge With a beautiful beach (al- and receive lessons, facili-
There are plenty of surf shop Andicuri is recognized as the Center. Alternatively, you though it is not allowed to tating learning and just try-
rentals to help you with your best place for body board- can make it an adventure swim here, because of strong ing out a new experience.
gear, and there are also a ing. Because of the rough by going on a hike! The scen- currents), you can enjoy a The beach is also popular for
lot of tutors if you’re looking waves, this beach is better ery is unique and beautiful relaxing time combing the paddleboarding and other
on its own. beach for driftwood, coral, watersport activities.q
Reaching Andicuri Beach
can be an adventure in it-
self, as it can be difficult to
find and is only accessible by
4x4 vehicle or walking from
the ex-Natural Bridge center,
but the impressive scenery
makes it all worthwhile!