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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 19 February 2025

            Hamas says it will free 6 living hostages and hand over 4 bodies,

            accelerating Gaza releases

            By SAMY MAGDY and NAT-                                                                                              The  AP  journalist  saw  two
            ALIE MELZER                                                                                                         bulldozers  clearing  rubble
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in an area near the Pales-
            CAIRO (AP) — A top Hamas                                                                                            tinian side of the Rafah bor-
            official  says  the  militant                                                                                       der  crossing.  An  Egyptian
            group  will  free  six  living  Is-                                                                                 driver  told  AP  that  dozens
            raeli hostages on Saturday                                                                                          of  bulldozers  and  tractors
            and  return  the  bodies  of                                                                                        were  at  another  crossing,
            four  others  on  Thursday,                                                                                         awaiting  Israeli  permission
            a  surprise  acceleration  in                                                                                       to enter.
            releases  that  apparently                                                                                          Israel  is  expected  to  con-
            comes  in  return  for  Israel’s                                                                                    tinue  releasing  hundreds
            allowing   mobile   homes                                                                                           of   Palestinian   prisoners,
            and  construction  equip-                                                                                           including   many   serving
            ment  into  the  devastated                                                                                         life  sentences  for  deadly
            Gaza Strip.                                                                                                         attacks,  in  exchange  for
            The  six  are  the  last  living                                                                                    the  hostages.  Others  were
            hostages  set  to  be  freed                                                                                        detained  without  charge.
            under  the  ceasefire’s  first                                                                                      During  the  first  phase,  Isra-
            phase.  The  warring  sides                                                                                         el is also due to release all
            have  yet  to  negotiate  the   Displaced Palestinians, traveling in vehicles, wait to cross through a security checkpoint at the   women and children seized
            second  and  more  difficult   Netzarim corridor as they make their way from central Gaza to the northern Gaza Strip, Tuesday,   from  Gaza  since  the  war
            phase,  in  which  Hamas     Feb. 18, 2025.                                                        Associated Press   began.q
            would release dozens more
            hostages in exchange for a
            lasting ceasefire and an Is-  tion showed Shiri swaddling
            raeli withdrawal.            her  redheaded  boys  in  a
            Hamas  leader  Khalil  al-   blanket and being whisked
            Hayya,  in  prerecorded  re-  away by armed men.
            marks  released  Tuesday,  The  six  living  hostages  slat-
            said  the  “Bibas  family”  ed  for  release  are  Eliya
            would  be  included  in  the  Cohen, Tal Shoham, Omer
            handover  of  four  bodies,  Shem  Tov,  Omer  Wenkert,
            apparently referring to Shiri  Hisham  Al-Sayed,  and  Av-
            Bibas  and  her  two  young  era Mengistu, the Hostages
            sons, Ariel and Kfir, who for  and Missing Families Forum
            many  Israelis  embody  the  said  Tuesday.  Cohen,  27,
            captives’ plight.            Shem Tov, 22, and Wenkert,
            Israel  has  not  confirmed  23,  were  abducted  from
            their deaths, and the prime  a  music  festival.  Shoham
            minister’s  office  urged  the  was  taken  from  the  hard-
            public  not  to  distribute  hit  community  of  Kibbutz
            “photos,  names  and  ru-    Beeri.  Al-Sayed,  36,  and
            mors” after the announce-    Mengistu,  39,  have  both
            ment by Hamas.               been  held  since  crossing
            “In the past few hours, we  into Gaza years before the
            have been in turmoil,” sur-  Oct. 7 attack.
            viving  members  of  the  Bi-  An  Israeli  official,  speaking
            bas  family  said  in  a  state-  on  condition  of  anonymity
            ment  released  Tuesday  by  in line with regulations, said
            a  group  representing  the  Prime Minister Benjamin Ne-
            relatives of hostages. “Until  tanyahu had agreed to al-
            we  receive  definitive  con-  low long-requested mobile
            firmation, our journey is not  homes  and  construction
            over.”                       equipment  into  Gaza  as
            Israel has said it was gravely  part  of  efforts  to  acceler-
            concerned about the Bibas  ate the hostages’ release.
            family,  while  Hamas  said  Hamas  last  week  threat-
            they were killed in an Israeli  ened  to  hold  up  releases,
            airstrike  early  in  the  war.  citing the refusal to allow in
            Yarden Bibas, the husband  mobile  homes  and  heavy
            and father, was kidnapped  equipment  among  other
            separately  and  released  alleged  violations  of  the
            this month.                  truce.
            Kfir,  who  was  9  months  Israel began allowing entry
            old  at  the  time,  was  the  of  rubble-removing  equip-
            youngest  hostage  taken  ment  Tuesday,  according
            in Hamas’ Oct. 7, 2023, at-  to an Associated Press jour-
            tack  that  triggered  the  nalist in southern Gaza and
            war. A video of the abduc-   Egypt’s  state-run  media.
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