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Wednesday 19 February 2025
NYC voters would likely support Gov. Kathy Hochul removing
Adams as mayor, AP VoteCast shows
By LINLEY SANDERS views of Adams
Associated Press Even before the order from
WASHINGTON (AP) — As top Justice Department
New York Gov. Kathy Ho- officials to drop charges
chul weighs whether to re- against Adams, he wasn’t
move New York City Mayor broadly popular among
Eric Adams from office, AP New York City voters. Just
VoteCast shows that many over half of NYC voters had
New York City voters in last a “very” or “somewhat” un-
year’s election were al- favorable view of Adams
ready on board with the in November, and about
move. one-third viewed him favor-
About two-thirds of New ably. About 1 in 10 NYC vot-
York City voters in Novem- ers said they did not know
ber’s election said at the enough about Adams to
time that they would ap- have an opinion.
prove of Hochul removing In the state as a whole, Ad-
Adams, and most had an ams was not as well-known:
unfavorable view of the about one-third of New
Democratic mayor. That’s York voters living outside
according to AP Vote- NYC said they didn’t know
Cast, a survey of more than enough about Adams to
4,000 New York voters and give an opinion. But those
120,000 voters nationwide. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul and Rev. Al Sharpton meet at the governor’s office in New York, with one were about three
About 1,700 of those New Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2025. times as likely to have a
York voters resided in New Associated Press negative view as a positive
York City. extraordinary events in the Donald Trump with immi- guilty to charges including one.
Hochul said on Monday she last week. gration enforcement. Sev- conspiracy, wire fraud and New York voters are con-
was considering remov- The federal Justice Depart- eral federal prosecutors bribery after prosecutors cerned about corruption
ing Adams amid what she ment pushed to dismiss resigned in protest, includ- accused him of accepting Most New York voters saw
called “serious questions corruption charges against ing the interim U.S. attorney illegal campaign contribu- corruption as a pervasive
about the long-term fu- Adams, saying that the for Manhattan. Then four of tions and overseas trips. He problem in their state’s
ture” of his administration. case was interfering with Adams’ top deputies quit. denies wrongdoing. government in the Novem-
They arose after a series of his ability to help President Adams has pleaded not NYC voters had negative ber survey.q
Wisconsin Republicans propose $10K income tax break for
hurricane and wildfire relocations
By TODD RICHMOND help alleviate chronic of up to 19,000 registered the devastating wildfires she said.
Associated Press workforce shortages, par- nurses in the state by 2040 affecting Los Angeles The bill’s prospects look
MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Peo- ticularly in the health care and nearly 32,000 annual County have displaced murky at best.
ple who lost their homes to sector. A task force that openings in the health thousands of people from Republican Assembly
Hurricane Helene or Cali- Democratic Gov. Tony care field over the next their homes,” the lawmak- Speaker Robin Vos said
fornia wildfires could get a Evers formed to study Wis- five years. ers wrote in their memo. in an email to The Associ-
sizeable tax break to move consin’s worker shortage “Hurricane Helene cre- “Many have lost nearly all ated Press that the bill is an
to Wisconsin. released a report in August ated massive flooding is- possessions and will need interesting concept and
Republican legislators in showing a potential deficit sues in Appalachia, and to rebuild in the wake of that he’d like lawmakers
the Dairy State have pro- this tragedy. Some highly to learn more about how
posed a bill that would skilled workers may con- it could boost the state’s
give anyone who moves sider or be forced to leave workforce. A spokesperson
to Wisconsin from North North Carolina or Califor- for Senate Republican Ma-
Carolina or Los Angeles nia, so why not incentivize jority Leader Devin LeMa-
County because they them to settle in Wiscon- hieu didn’t immediately
were displaced by one sin?” respond to emails.
of the disasters a $10,000 Duchow told The Associ- Evers’ spokesperson, Britt
income tax credit for the ated Press that she got the Cudaback, also didn’t
2025 tax year. People who idea for the bill after look- immediately respond to
have been convicted of ing at photos of the wildfire an email asking what the
felonies wouldn’t be eli- destruction and thinking, governor might do with
gible. “Where do these people the proposal if it reaches
The bill’s authors, state Rep. go?” his desk. It’s unlikely he
Cindi Duchow and state The bill makes sense be- would sign it into law giv-
Sen. Dan Feyen, said in cause Wisconsin would en the gaping rift that has
memo to their colleagues Addisun Cole, 8, plays with Little Bit, her grandmother’s cat, offer people displaced by developed between him
seeking co-sponsors that outside the trailer of her grandmother, Vickie Revis, where Revis the disasters a safe haven and Republican legislative
the tax credit could draw is living after her home was destroyed by Hurricane Helene, and so many businesses leaders since he first took
Wednesday, Feb. 5, 2025, in Swannanoa, N.C
people to the state and Associated Press in the state need workers, office in in 2019.q