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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 4 Juni 2021

                          Texas push to close shelters for migrant kids alarms groups

            (AP) — A move by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to
            shutter more than 50 shelters housing about  Abbott also has been critical of emergency facilities
            4,000 migrant children could seriously disrupt  that lack state licenses, which may end up taking in
            a national program that already faces strained  more children if his order succeeds in shuttering
            capacity to properly care for minors crossing  smaller shelters.
            the U.S.-Mexico border alone.
                                                            In April, Texas officials announced they were in-
            The  U.S.  Department  of  Health  and  Human  vestigating three reports alleging abuse and neglect
            Services,  which  cares  for  migrant  children,  said  at a San Antonio coliseum holding more than 1,600
            Wednesday that it did not intend to close any fa-  migrant teens. There also have been abuse or ne-
            cilities but that it was “assessing” the Republican  glect investigations at state-licensed facilities, and
            governor’s  late  Tuesday  disaster  declaration.  The  Texas lists 18 total citations between April and May.  With fewer beds in smaller shelters and growing
            proclamation directs a state agency to deny or dis-                                             numbers of children crowding U.S. Border Patrol
            continue within 90 days licenses for child care fa-  Some critics worry the disaster declaration could  stations,  the  Biden  administration  awarded  huge
            cilities sheltering migrant children.           set a precedent for other Republican governors to  contracts to private companies to set up unlicensed
                                                            thwart efforts by the Biden administration to in-  emergency facilities at convention centers, military
            Groups  that  represent  migrant  children  and  re-  crease  capacity  in  a  network  of  licensed  shelters.  bases and other large venues in March. These ven-
            unite them with their families said the order could  Governors  in  Iowa  and  Nebraska  have  rejected  ues  resemble  hurricane  evacuation  shelters  with
            be harmful because it may mean more minors are  federal requests to house migrant children, saying  little space to play and no privacy, and critics say
            sent to mass-scale, unlicensed facilities that attor-  they oppose President Joe Biden’s stance on caring  the contractors are not equipped to adequately care
            neys and advocates say endanger their health and  for minors before they are reunited with family in  for the minors.
            safety. Abbott argues that the federal government  the U.S.
            can’t force Texas to keep issuing state licenses in                                             Health and Human Services has refused access to
            response to a federal problem.                  “This is a transparent and troubling ploy to politi-  news media once children are at the facilities, cit-
                                                            cize a humanitarian crisis,” Krish O’Mara Vignara-  ing the pandemic and privacy restrictions. Advo-
            The U.S. government funds 56 shelters in Texas,  jah,  head  of  Lutheran  Immigration  and  Refugee  cates and lawmakers who have been allowed to vis-
            out of about 200 licensed shelters in the country.  Service, said in a statement. “Because Texas-based  it have expressed concerns about children’s mental
            The  last  census  taken  on  May  19  showed  4,223  shelters comprise a significant portion of U.S. ca-  health at the sites where hundreds can sleep in cots
            children in 52 of those state-licensed shelters, ac-  pacity, this order could do real damage, and to the  in large tents. These facilities require fewer youth
            cording to the Texas Health and Human Services  serious detriment of children’s well-being.”    care workers and clinicians per child and no tradi-
            Commission.                                                                                     tional legal oversight, skirting state regulations.
                                                            The increasing arrival of migrant children has test-
            The  agency  was  directed  to  remove  the  licenses  ed the Biden administration, with the U.S. govern-  The Biden administration has maintained that the
            and sent a notice to providers Wednesday telling  ment picking up nearly 19,000 children traveling  sites provide “lifesaving services” for children, with
            them to wind down operations by Aug. 30.        alone  across  the  Mexican  border  in  March  and  officials  assuring  lawmakers  that  minors  would
                                                            more than 17,000 in April.                      be kept in large-scale settings no more than two
            After that date, it says, “if you are still providing                                           weeks, then placed with family in the U.S. or sent
            care for individuals who are not lawfully present in  The record-setting numbers come as the adminis-  to a permanent licensed facility. But some children
            the United States under a contract with the federal  tration decided to exempt unaccompanied children  have been at the large venues much longer.
            government,  HHSC  will  take  necessary  steps  to  from federal pandemic-related powers to immedi-
            comply with the proclamation.”                  ately expel most migrants from the country with-  Doing away with more state-licensed shelters is a
                                                            out giving them an opportunity to seek asylum.  “wrongheaded approach,” said Wendy Young, pres-
            The highly unusual move to order a disaster dec-                                                ident of Kids in Need of Defense, which provides
            laration  —  usually  reserved  for  natural  disasters  The pandemic also has meant less capacity at small  legal services to immigrant children.
            or health crises — comes amid Abbott’s criticism  and medium-size shelters that care for minors. The
            of  record  numbers  of  border  crossings  in  recent  program lost thousands of beds due to COVID-19  “At a time when the United States needs far more
            months. He has increased the presence of the Texas  restrictions, bringing down the tally to about 7,100  licensed  placement  settings  for  unaccompanied
            Department of Public Safety and National Guard  by February.                                    migrant children, the order threatens to leave the
            in south Texas.                                                                                 nation with far less,” Young said.

                            Oklahoma jury recommends death for alleged serial killer

            (AP)  —  A  jury  in  Okla-  20 years ago.                1997  kidnapping  and  killing  shortly  after  her  disappear-  tors wouldn’t seek the death
            homa  has  recommended                                    of 19-year-old Tiffany John-  ance, but the remains of Cain  penalty.
            a death sentence for an al-  The jury on Wednesday rec-   ston. Formal sentencing is set  and Cox weren’t found until
            leged serial killer who was  ommended  the  death  pen-   for Aug. 19.                 2016, when Reece began co-   “A promise he couldn’t keep,
            convicted  of  kidnapping  alty for William Lewis Reece,                               operating with prosecutors.  but still a promise,” Benedict
            a woman from a car wash  who was convicted last week  Reece  did  not  testify  at  his                             said.
            and killing her more than  of first-degree murder for the  trial,  but  the  jury  heard  re-  “We’re  all  so  happy  that  he
                                                                      cordings of his confessions to  got  the  death  penalty,”  said  Gay  Smither,  the  mother  of
                                                                      police in which he admitted  Johnston’s  mother,  Kathy  12-year-old  Laura  Smither,
                                                                      killing  Johnston  and  three  Dobry.                     traveled  to  Oklahoma  for
                                                                      other  people  in  Texas,  The                            the trial, Houston TV station
                                                                      Oklahoman reported.          “Even  though  it  helped  KPRC  reported.  Reece  still
                                                                                                   families  in  Texas  …  it  was  faces charges for her daugh-
                                                                      Johnston,  20-year-old  Kel-  for  Tiffany,”  she  said  of  the  ter’s death in Texas.
                                                                      li  Cox,  17-year-old  Jessica  verdict.  “After  24  years,  and
                                                                      Cain  and  12-year-old  Laura  10  months,  this  is  Tiffany’s  “If we don’t have our day in
                                                                      Smither all disappeared over  time.”                      court  in  Galveston,  we  can
                                                                      a four-month period in 1997,                              live  with  it  because  he’s  at
                                                                      after Reece had been released  Reece’s defense attorney, Ja-  least held accountable here,”
                                                                      from an Oklahoma prison for  cob Benedict, did not dispute  she  said.  “The  most  impor-
                                                                      previous rape and kidnapping  that  Reece  killed  Johnston,  tant  thing  is  we  know  now
                                                                      convictions.                 but said his client only con-  for  sure  there  is  absolutely
                                                                                                   fessed because a Texas Ranger  no way this man will ever get
                                                                      Smither’s  body  was  found  had  promised  that  prosecu-  out.”
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