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A28    u.s. news
                      Diabierna 4 Juni 2021

                             Military leaders wary of changes in sexual assault policy

                                                                      Members  of  Congress  are  Austin  held  a  “listening  ses-  the new special victim pros-
                                                                      also pushing for a similar —  sion”  to  hear  their  concerns  ecutor  office  be  under  the
                                                                      and  in  some  respects  more  in person.                 jurisdiction  of  the  Defense
                                                                      expansive  —  change.  Be-                                Department, rather than hav-
                                                                      cause any such change would  Officials  said  the  Army  ex-  ing  offices  overseen  by  each
                                                                      amend military law, it will re-  pressed doubts about the ac-  military service.
                                                                      quire an act of Congress and  curacy of any data suggesting
                                                                      cannot  be  done  unilaterally  that  removing  commanders  The  military  service  memos
                                                                      by Austin.                   from  the  process  will  result  were signed by the three men
                                                                                                   in  more  sexual  assault  pros-  serving  as  acting  secretaries
                                                                      A  longtime  advocate  for  ecutions.  The  acting  Army  of  the  Army,  Navy  and  Air
                                                                      changing  the  policy  is  Sen.  secretary,  John  E.  Whitley,  Force  —  all  holdovers  from
                                                                      Kirsten  Gillibrand,  a  New  in  the  memo,  said  that  the  the  Trump  administration.
                                                                      York  Democrat,  who  now  change  could  reduce  com-    Since  then,  Christine  Wor-
                                                                      has  bipartisan,  filibuster-  mander effectiveness and ac-  muth  has  been  confirmed
                                                                      proof  support  for  a  bill  that  countability and may reduce  as the Army’s new secretary,
            (AP)  —  Military  service  Austin were from the civilian  would  take  prosecution  de-  criminal convictions, officials  but she took office after the
            leaders  are  privately  ex-  secretaries of the Army, Navy  cisions  out  of  the  chain  of  said.                memos had been finalized.
            pressing      reservations  and  Air  Force  and  from  the  command  for  major  crimes,
            about removing sexual as-    National Guard.              including sexual assault, rape  As a result, Whitley said, more  Wormuth has not specifically
            sault cases from the chain                                and  murder.  The  legislation  cases may be settled with ad-  addressed  the  recommen-
            of  command,  The  Asso-     The  reservations  expressed  has  been  stalled  in  a  proce-  ministrative  discipline,  and  dations,  but  in  a  message  to
            ciated  Press  has  learned,  by service leaders could pro-  dural  struggle  in  the  Senate  that  can  erode  victims’  trust  the  force  on  Wednesday  she
            striking a note of caution  vide  a  measure  of  ammuni-  that supporters see as an ef-  in the system.            said:  “We  must  also  elimi-
            as  momentum  builds  to-    tion  for  those  in  Congress  fort to delay and water down                           nate  harmful  behaviors  that
            ward  changing  a  military  who oppose taking the chain  the bill.                    The Navy offered some sup-   undermine  readiness.  There
            justice  system  that  has  of command out of sexual as-                               port  for  the  change.  Act-  is  no  place  in  our  Army  for
            come  under  increasing  sault  prosecutions.  Support-   In testimony on Capitol Hill  ing  Navy  Secretary  Thomas  sexual  harassment  and  as-
            criticism.                   ers of change, however, argue  last  week,  Austin  said  the  Harker, in his memo, said the  sault,  domestic violence, ex-
                                         that  the  current  system  has  military  must  not  be  afraid  Navy agrees with the concept  tremism, or racism.” During
            In  memos  to  Defense  Sec-  failed  to  address  to  a  prob-  to  change  how  it  addresses  of  having  an  independent  her  recent  Senate  confirma-
            retary Lloyd Austin, the ser-  lem that has long plagued the  the problem of sexual assault.  judge  advocate.  But  he  said  tion hearing she also said that
            vice  leaders  laid  out  their  military.                He  added:  ”Clearly  what  there are a number of ques-   the Army must put more fo-
            concerns  about  the  growing                             we’ve been doing hasn’t been  tions and concerns about how  cus  on  improving  the  com-
            push to shift prosecution de-  Officials  said  that  all  service  working.”          the change is implemented. A  mand climate at all levels so
            cisions on sexual assault and  leaders recognize that change                           key Navy and Marine Corps  younger soldiers feel safe and
            possibly  other  major  crimes  is  virtually  certain  and  that  Gen. Mark Milley, chairman  concern is that the shift may  able  to  make  complaints  if
            to  independent  judge  ad-  they agree more needs to be  of  the  Joint  Chiefs  of  Staff,  cause delays in prosecutions,  needed.
            vocates.  They  said  the  shift  done to improve and profes-  previously  opposed  remov-  particularly  since  many  sail-
            could decrease the number of  sionalize  the  judge  advocate  ing  commanders  from  the  ors and Marines are deployed  Officials  said  the  military
            prosecutions, delay cases and  corps. But they are concerned  process,  but  he  told  the  AP  overseas  or  on  ships  for  chiefs of the services all par-
            potentially  provide  less  help  about  how  quickly  changes  and  CNN  recently  that  he  monthslong tours.     ticipated  in  the  discussions
            for victims.                 are being made and whether  had changed his mind. While                                leading up to the secretaries’
                                         there is room for negotiation  he has not publicly endorsed  Acting  Air  Force  Secretary  memos. Because the Marine
            While  they  indicated  they  about  how  they  are  imple-  any  specific  change,  he  said  John Roth also said the force  Corps is part of the Depart-
            are open to changes and im-  mented.                      the  time  had  come  to  try  was open to new approaches,  ment of the Navy, there was
            provements  in  the  justice                              something  different  because  including  removing  cases  no  separate  Marine  recom-
            system,  most  were  worried  Earlier this year, an indepen-  “we’ve  been  at  it  for  years,  from the chain of command,  mendation.  And  the  Space
            about  how  that  would  be  dent review commission cre-  and  we  haven’t  effectively  officials  said.  But  he  cau-  Force  was  included  as  part
            done while ensuring no un-   ated by Austin recommended  moved the needle.”            tioned that the change could  of the Department of the Air
            intended harm is done to unit  that the prosecution of sexual                          inadvertently  have  a  nega-  Force.
            leadership or readiness. Sev-  assaults  be  shifted  to  judge  Austin sought input from the  tive impact on commanders’
            eral  said  it  would  create  ad-  advocates  reporting  to  a  ci-  service leaders on the review  leadership  or  accountabil-  There was broader agreement
            ditional burdensome bureau-  vilian-led Office of the Chief  board’s   recommendations,  ity. The Air Force said com-  on  other  recommendations
            cracy,  according  to  officials  Special  Victim  Prosecutor.  and he is now assessing their  manders  play  a  critical  role  made  by  the  independent
            familiar with the memos.     The  independent  judge  ad-  memos  before  he  reaches  a  in  prevention,  victim  sup-  review  panel.  The  officials
                                         vocates would decide two key  conclusion on his own, final  port and creating a respectful  largely  supported  efforts  to
            Several officials described the  legal  questions:  whether  to  recommended  change.  He  command  climate,  and  any  improve  the  judge  advocate
            memos to the AP on the con-  charge someone and whether  met  with  service  secretar-  changes must not erode that.  corps, and agreed that protec-
            dition of anonymity because  that  charge  should  go  to  a  ies and chiefs on Tuesday to                          tive orders for victims should
            they have not been made pub-  court martial.              discuss  the  issue.  Pentagon  Several expressed opposition  be handled more quickly.
            lic. The memos submitted to                               spokesman  John  Kirby  said  to  the  recommendation  that

                          Police say threat over after 3 officers wounded in Delaware

              (AP)  —  Residents  of  a  trucks  and  a  SWAT  team  News outlets report that of-  to leave the scene.
              20-block  area  of  north-  converged on the scene after  ficers used a Wilmington fire                         The three officers were hos-
              west  Wilmington  where  the  officers  were  wound-    ladder to enter a third-floor  Police then sent an alert say-  pitalized in stable condition,
              three  officers  were  shot  ed  at  about  10:30  p.m.  on  apartment  through  a  win-  ing there was no immediate  police said. The News Jour-
              overnight no longer need  Wednesday.  Officers  with  dow  early  Thursday  morn-   threat  to  the  public.  They  nal  reports  that  Fraternal
              to  shelter  in  place,  po-  long guns took up positions  ing, and helped a child and a  did not say anything about a  Order  of  Police  President
              lice announced Thursday  around an apartment build-     woman descend the ladder.  shooting suspect or whether  Greg Ciotti said one officer
              morning.                    ing  as  a  standoff  ensued,  Loud bangs could be heard,  any arrests have been made.  was  treated  and  released,
                                          lasting through the night.  and by 10 a.m. , the SWAT  The shooting remains under  while  the  other  two  would
              Dozens  of  police  cars,  fire                         team  and  firefighters  began  investigation, police said.  undergo surgery.
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