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A30     world news
                      Diabierna 4 Juni 2021

                          In Syria camp, forgotten children are molded by IS ideology

                                                                                                   own son and daughter.        If home countries won’t re-
                                                                                                                                patriate,  at  least  they  should
                                                                                                   “We  want  our  children  to  help  set  up  facilities  to  im-
                                                                                                   learn.  Our  children  should  prove  children’s  lives,  said
                                                                                                   be  able  to  read,  to  write,  to  Shixmus Ehmed, head of the
                                                                                                   count,” said the 42-year-old,  administration’s  department
                                                                                                   who  was  fully  covered  in  for refugees and displaced.
                                                                                                   black, including her face and
                                                                                                   hands. She said her husband  “We  have  suggested  schools
                                                                                                   was  dead  but  refused  to  say  be opened, as well as rehabili-
                                                                                                   how.  “We  want  to  go  home  tation programs and fields to
                                                                                                   and  want  our  children  to  do sports,” Ehmed said. “But
                                                                                                   have a childhood.”           so far, there is nothing.”
                                                                                                   The women in the camp are  In  the  camp’s  main  section,
                                                                                                   a mix. Some remain devoted  UNICEF  and  Kurdish  au-
                                                                                                   to IS, but others became dis-  thorities had set up 25 learn-
                                                                                                   illusioned  by  its  brutal  rule  ing  centers,  but  they  have
                                                                                                   or by its defeat. Others were  been  closed  since  March
                                                                                                   never  ideologically  commit-  2020 because of COVID-19.
                                                                                                   ted but were brought into the  UNICEF  and  its  partners
                                                                                                   “caliphate”  by  husbands  or  have  distributed  books  for
                                                                                                   family.                      kids to study on their own.

                                                                                                   The  camp  began  to  be  used  In the annex, authorities have
                                                                                                   to  house  the  families  of  IS  been unable to set up learn-
                                                                                                   fighters in late 2018 as U.S.-  ing centers. Instead, children
            (AP)  —  At  the  sprawling  governments  often  see  the  during a rare visit by The As-  backed Kurdish-led forces re-  there  are  largely  taught  by
            al-Hol  camp  in  northeast  children  as  posing  a  danger  sociated  Press  to  the  camp  captured  territory  in  eastern  their mothers, mostly with IS
            Syria,  children  pass  their  rather than as needing rescue.  last month. Around a dozen  Syria  from  the  militants.  In  ideology,  according  to  U.N.
            days  roaming  the  dirt                                  young  boys  in  the  annex  March 2019, they seized the  and Kurdish officials.
            roads,  playing  with  mock  “These  children  are  ISIS’s  hurled  stones  at  the  team,  last  IS-held  villages,  ending
            swords and black banners  first  victims,”  said  Save  the  which  was  accompanied  by  the “caliphate” that the group  Though  the  annex  residents
            in  imitation  of  Islamic  Children’s  Syria  Response  Kurdish guards. A few waved  declared  over  large  parts  of  are  considered  the  strongest
            State   group    militants.  Director  Sonia  Khush.  “A  sharp  pieces  of  metal  like  Iraq and Syria in 2014.   IS supporters, the group has a
            Few can read or write. For  4-year-old  boy  does  not  re-  swords.                                                presence in the main section
            some,  the  only  education  ally  have  an  ideology.  He                             Since  then,  the  Kurdish  ad-  housing Syrians and Iraqis as
            is  from  mothers  giving  has  protection  and  learning  “We will kill you because you  ministrators  running  east-  well.
            them IS propaganda.          needs.”                      are an infidel,” screamed one  ern  Syria  have  struggled  to
                                                                      child who looked around 10.  repatriate  camp  residents  in  In  late  March,  the  Kurdish-
            It  has  been  more  than  two  “The camps are no place for  “You are the enemy of God.  the  face  of  local  opposition  led  forces  assisted  by  U.S.
            years  since  the  Islamic  State  children to live or grow up,”  We are the Islamic State. You  to their return or because of  forces  swept  through  the
            group’s self-declared “caliph-  she  said.  “It  does  not  allow  are a devil, and I will kill you  the  residents’  own  fears  of  camp,  seizing  125  suspected
            ate” was brought down. And  them to learn, socialize or be  with a knife. I will blow you  revenge  attacks.  Earlier  this  IS operatives, including Iraq-
            it  has  been  more  than  two  children ... It does not allow  up with a grenade.”    year, hundreds of Syrian fam-  is and Syrians.
            years that some 27,000 chil-  them  to  heal  from  all  that                          ilies left the camp after a deal
            dren  have  been  left  to  lan-  they have lived through.”  Another  child  slid  his  hand  was reached with their tribes  Those sleeper cells had been
            guish in al-Hol camp, which                               across  his  neck  and  said,  to accept them. Last month,  carrying  out  a  campaign  of
            houses  families  of  IS  mem-  In the fenced-off camp, row  “With  the  knife,  God  will-  100  Iraqi  families  were  re-  killings against residents sus-
            bers.                        after row of tents stretch for  ing.”                     patriated to live in a camp in  pected  of  abandoning  the
                                         nearly  a  square  mile.  Con-                            Iraq, but still  face sharp op-  group’s  ideology,  working
            Most of them not yet teenag-  ditions  are  rough.  Multiple  At a market inside the annex  position  among  their  neigh-  as  informants  or  defying  its
            ers,  they  are  spending  their  families  are  often  crammed  where  women  sold  sham-  bors.                   rules by, for example, work-
            childhood in a limbo of mis-  together;  medical  facilities  poo,  bottled  water  and  used                       ing as prostitutes for survival.
            erable  conditions  with  no  are  minimal,  access  to  clean  clothes,  one  woman  looked  Some  former  Soviet  Union  At least 47 people were killed
            schools,  no  place  to  play  or  water and sanitation limited;  at  a  reporter  and  said,  “The  states  have  let  back  some  of  this year, according to Kurd-
            develop,  and  seemingly  no  the tents flood in the winter,  Islamic  State  endures”  —  a  their citizens, but other Arab,  ish-led forces, while U.S. of-
            international  interest  in  re-  and  fires  have  broken  out  slogan of the group.  European and African coun-   ficials put the number at 60.
            solving their situation.     from  use  of  gas  stoves  for                           tries  have  repatriated  only
                                         cooking or heat.             During its nearly 5-year rule  minimal  numbers  or  have  A Syrian woman who left the
            Only one institution is left to                           over much of Syria and Iraq,  refused.                    camp with her five grandchil-
            mold them: remnants of the  Some  50,000  Syrians  and  IS made a priority out of in-                               dren earlier this year told the
            Islamic State group. IS opera-  Iraqis  are  housed  there.  doctrinating  children  in  its  “Those  children  are  there  AP she knew of several wom-
            tives  and  sympathizers  have  Nearly  20,000  of  them  are  brutal  interpretation  of  Is-  through  no  fault  of  their  en killed for alleged prostitu-
            networks  within  the  camp,  children. Most of the rest are  lamic law, aiming to entrench  own,  and  they  should  not  tion. In each case, a masked
            and  the  group  has  sleeper  women,  the  wives  and  wid-  its “caliphate.” It trained chil-  pay  the  consequences  of  man appeared at the woman’s
            cells  around  eastern  Syria  ows of fighters.           dren as fighters, taught them  their  parents’  choices,”  Ted  tent,  identified  himself  as
            that continue to wage a low-                              how to carry out beheadings  Chaiban, Mideast and North  an  IS  member  and  shot  the
            level insurgency, awaiting an  In a separate, heavily guarded  using  dolls,  and  even  had  Africa  director  of  the  U.N.  woman in front of neighbors
            opportunity for a revival.   section of the camp known as  them  carry  out  killings  of  children’s  agency,  UNICEF,  or even her children, she said.
                                         the annex are housed another  captives  in  propaganda  vid-  told  the  AP.  Chaiban  visited
            Kurdish  authorities  and  aid  2,000 women from 57 other  eos.                        al-Hol in December.          She said it was common even
            groups fear the camp will cre-  countries,  considered  the                                                         in the main part of the camp
            ate a new generation of mili-  most  die-hard  IS  support-  A  Russian-speaking  woman  The Kurdish-led administra-  to see children chanting “the
            tants. They are pleading with  ers, along with their children,  in the annex, who identified  tion  says  it  doesn’t  have  the  Islamic  State  endures”  and
            home  countries  to  take  the  numbering 8,000.          herself  as  Madina  Bakaraw,  resources  to  maintain  and  carrying a stick with a black
            women  and  children  back.                               said she feared for the future  guard the camp.           bag tied to it to symbolize an
            The  problem  is  that  home  The  IS  influence  was  clear  of the children, including her                        IS flag.
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