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Wednesday 13 november 2019
The Kitchen Table enters fifth year of gastronomic success on NEW location:
A very fine culinary journey of Caribbean and Peruvian fusion cuisine
The 7-8 course gastronomic journey will concept the two blended
start with sparkling wine at the patio of The the Peruvian culinary art
Kitchen Table’s new location at Paradise of Roxanna’s top kitchen
Beach Villas as of 6.45PM. Around 7.00PM team and Jan’s expertise
guests will be guided for a memorable din- from The Kitchen Table.
ner on the second floor of the other pop- The result is one big trip of
ular restaurant Asi es mi Peru. The dining delight, indulge and tick-
concept reflects extraordinary, elegant ling of your taste buds. The
and exquisite dishes from the Caribbean, first night at the new loca-
Peruvian fusion and international cuisine tion will be tomorrow, from
created by the owners, Chef David Lizano then The Kitchen Table wel-
and his team. To pair the perfect wines comes you with open arms
three sommeliers were invited to make the every Tuesday to Saturday.
section. experience,” says Robert
J. Giordanella from New Peruvian touch
The interior of the restaurant is if you were York. “The food is truly di- In the last ten years, Peru
EAGLE BEACH — The Kitchen Table is an in an elegant establishment in Lima, the vine,” shares a local guest. has been recognized as
elegant, classy, intimate, high-quality capital city of Peru. You feel elevated in An evening at The Kitchen one of the world’s best cu-
restaurant with an exceptional dining set- the top of the building where dinner takes Table will be noted as un- linary destinations, and for
up. Dining here is an experience, a kind place in an intimate setting. The typical, forgettable in your book of seven consecutive years,
of sitting- at your- best- friend’s or family’s colorful Peruvian fabrics dress the ceiling vacation memories, as it the South American coun-
kitchen table where you feel and taste that while the large windows dignify the room. stands out from the regular try has won the award for
the food contains love. Are you looking for There are only 16 seats available creat- island dinners. the Best Culinary destina-
something different, an ecstatic foody trip, ing an intimacy underlined by the owner’s tion at the Worlds Travel
than this is where you need to go. personal attention. “This is an amazing It is all about consistency Awards. Biodiversity com-
The Peruvian-born Roxan- bined multiculturalism are
na Salinas and her husband the reasons why Peru is so
Jan van Nes are the secret rich in gastronomy. You
formula behind The Kitchen can travel through the
Table’s success. The couple last 500 years, touch a mix
takes a personal approach of cultures whenever you
to what they do, this is not taste authentic Peruvian
about running a business cuisine. The Kitchen Table
as usual. This is more about brings this epicurean deli-
making you feel welcomed cacies to Aruba paired
home, as well as being perfectly with the best
pampered. They bring top wines and they will make
hospitality, experience and you understand why Peru
authenticity to the table. is at the height of today’s
Within this gourmet dinner gastronomy.q