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P. 9
Wednesday 13 november 2019
Helin and Tavo from Estonia, the first ones to buy the book
An Aruban In Libya
By Clyde Harms dation equivalent of the visiting the Butterfly Farm
ORANJESTAD — On their American Cancer Society. several times, climbing the
very first trip to Aruba, He- All profits (100%) from the Hooiberg, exploring the
lin, Tavo and their daugh- sale of An Aruban in Libya Northeast coast and the
ter Hanna became the first go to the Foundation. small lonely beaches. They
“Airbnb” guests at Mila- The book is hard covered, have found the Arubans
gro’s Garden Apartments contains 111 pages and very friendly and hospi-
and the first ones to pur- over 150 very interesting table. They have tried and
chase the book An Aruban pictures. Its prologue was enjoyed several ethnic res-
In Libya written by Clyde written by Mrs. Lynn Long, taurants. When they get
Harms, an Exxon retiree. a frequent visitor to Aruba back to faraway freezing
The book tells the stories from Salt Lake City, Utah. Talinn, they will long again
of his years 1966-1973 with It was edited by Irene Pe- for the sunny weather of
Esso in Tripoli. terson who has edited two Aruba.
other books by the same
The printing of the book author. An Aruban In Libya has not
was financed by two Ven- yet been launched offi-
ezuelan brothers living in Tavo and Helin tell us that cially, but it is for sale at the
Aruba, Alberto and Irwin they are enjoying the Aru- Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds at the very low price of gift. Purchasing An Aruban
Perret-Gentil, as a gift to ban sun, the turquoise blue office at Spinozastraat and US$ 20. It is a beautiful sou- In Libya you will also help
the Koningin Wilhelmina sea and the great variety will be at the local book venir of Aruba and would Aruba fight the dreaded
Fonds, the Aruban foun- of cacti. They had a blast stores in a couple of days be a wonderful Christmas disease.q
Love4Art Studio exhibition at “Aruba’s people are very
the National Library hospitable”, says Alfred and
Marion Olieszewski
ORANJESTAD — Recently, Kimberley Richardson of the Aruba Tourism
Authority had the great pleasure to honor Aruba’s loyal and friendly
visitors as Goodwill Ambassadors of Aruba. The symbolic Goodwill
Ambassador certificate is presented to guests who visit Aruba 20
years or more consecutively.
ORANJESTAD — Love4Art Studio consists of a group of 10 creative
women that comes together throughout the year to create some art. The honorees were the couple Alfred and Marion Olieszewski from
Once a year they put all their creations together and expose these USA. These people have been visiting Aruba for over 25 years and
to the public. This annual exhibition will be open for the public until even sometimes twice a year!
November 29th of 2019 at the National Library of Aruba in Oranjestad.
These wonderful people stated that they love the island very much,
This year Love4Art Studio choose the theme ‘Journey’ for their exhibi- especially for its year-round sunny weather, nice sandy beaches, de-
tion. This exhibition consist of acrylic paintings and assembled artpiec- licious variety of foods, its safety, and Aruba’s warm and friendly peo-
es. The ladies taking part to this are: Anna Fit-Buriakova, Carina Mo- ple. They also mentioned that Aruba’s people are very hospitable
lina, Diana Hopman-Betjes, Dina Legger, Geneviève Wientjes, Gina Jie and they will help you in any way they can.
Sam Foek, Marianne Beijderwellen, Roelie Groenewegen, and Sandra
Slabbekoorn-Wijngaarde. As a token of appreciation for the contini- Ms. Richardson together with the representatives of the Renaissance
ous support they receive from the National Library the ladies of Love- Aruba Resort and Casino presented the certificate to the honorees,
4Art donated a painting to the library created by all of them. handed over some presents and also thanked them for choosing
The exhibition is open daily to the public from 8am-5PM from Monday Aruba as their favorite vacation destination and as their home-away-
thru Friday. Entrance is completely free.q from-home.q