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                                                                                                           local Wednesday 17 July 2024

              LIV Casino at Barcelo Aruba Unveils Exciting New Slot Machines: Jackpot Carnival™

                                                                 Aristocrat  characters,  creating  a  familiar
                                                                 yet fresh gaming environment that players
                                                                 will love.
                                                             •   Clown  Feature:  Boogie  up  the  multiplier
                                                                 chart with the return of the popular Clown
                                                                 feature, adding a whimsical and reward-
                                                                 ing twist to your game.
                                                             •   New  Hammer  Bonus:  Experience  the  all-
                                                                 new  hammer  bonus  that comes  packed
                                                                 with credit prizes and free games, provid-
                                                                 ing endless opportunities to win big.
                                                             •   Immersive  Carnival  Theme:  The  vibrant
                                                                 carnival theme enhances the excitement,
                                                                 offering a visually stunning and entertain-
                                                                 ing atmosphere.

                                                             Experience the Carnival Magic
                                                             “We  are  beyond  excited  to  introduce  the
              Palm  Beach,  Aruba  –  LIV  Casino  at  Barcelo  Jackpot Carnival™ slot machines to our guests
              Aruba is thrilled to announce the arrival of an  at LIV Casino,” said Carlo Falconi, at LIV Ca-
              exhilarating new addition to our gaming floor:  sino  at  Barcelo  Aruba.  “These  machines  not
              the  Jackpot  Carnival™  slot  machines.  These  only offer a unique and entertaining gaming
              innovative machines promise to bring an un-    experience but also bring a sense of nostalgia
              paralleled level of excitement and fun to our  with the return of beloved features and char-
              esteemed guests.                               acters. We invite all our guests to join us and
                                                             discover the magic of the carnival right here
              Jackpot  Carnival™:  Where  the  Fun  Never  at LIV Casino.”
              Step  right up  and  immerse  yourself in the vi-  About LIV Casino at Barcelo Aruba
              brant world of Jackpot Carnival™! This latest  LIV Casino, located within the luxurious Barcelo
              offering from Aristocrat is set to redefine your  Aruba, offers a premier gaming experience in   LIV Casino is the perfect destination for excite-
              gaming experience with its engaging features  the heart of Palm Beach. Our casino features    ment and entertainment.q
              and captivating gameplay. Here’s what play-    a wide variety of slot machines, table games,
              ers can look forward to:                       and a Florin Machines area, ensuring an unfor-  Visit Us Today!
              •   Beloved  Aristocrat  Characters:  Jackpot  gettable experience for every guest. Whether   For more information, please visit our website
                  Carnival™  brings  together  your  favorite  you're a seasoned player or a first-time visitor,   at

            Aruba’s Bocas: home to the rarest fossil reefs on the planet!

            (Oranjestad)—If  you’ve  been  to  reefs  at  the  University  of  Aruba.                                   concrete action in protecting and
            the  northern  coast  of  Aruba  al-  Their focus for their research includ-  These  findings  can  certainly  put  preserving our coral reefs. So, if you
            ready,  you’ve  probably  noticed  ed studying the health and forma-    things into perspective. The ground  are ever visiting one of the bocas
            how the ground differs entirely from  tion  patterns  of  these  coral  reefs,  on  which  we  have  walked  many  or  driving  along  the  northern  part
            the sandy beaches on the southern  and to investigate how these reefs  times  in  the  northern  part  of  the  of the island, please be conscious
            part of the island. These hard sur-  have responded and can respond  island hold such rich history, histo-  to help protect our natural histori-
            faces, with sharp bumps and holes  to fluctuating sea levels or extreme  ry  that  dates  back  to a  time  that  cal remnant. Oh, and wear (coral-
            are  actually  fossilized  coral  reefs,  weather, like hurricanes and tsuna-  most  of  us  cannot  even  imagine.  friendly) sunscreen! q
            of  which  its  growth  and  changes  mis.                              As  the  scientists  themselves  have
            can be traced back to the last gla-                                     pointed  out,  these  fossilized  reefs
            cial period.                        Through underwater and land sur-    on the windward side are truly an
                                                veillance,  and  3D  models  of  the  incredible  and  rare  remnant  of
            On May 30 2023, geoscientists, Dr.  reefs,  they  were  able  to  narrow  geological history, as they provide
            Patrick  Boyden  from  the  Marum  down when these formations start-    a  clear  view  of  how  these  reefs
            research  faculty  at  the  University  ed  to  take  place.  They  were  also  have formed.
            of Bremen, Prof. dr. Alessio Rovere  able to track the fluctuation of sea
            from  the  Ca'  Foscari  University  of  levels  during  the  past  hundred  or  This  research  is  also  important  for
            Venice  and  Prof.  dr.  Gianfranco  even thousands of years, and the  the future of coral reefs on the is-
            Scicchitano,  from  the  University  effects that this fluctuation has had  land.  By  studying  rising  sea  lev-
            of Bari Aldo Moro, presented their  on the coral reefs of the windward  els  and  climate  impact  on  these
            research  on  these  fossilized  coral  side of Aruba.                  coral  reefs,  we  are  able  to  take
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