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a8    local
                   Wednesday 17 July 2024

              Stay Connected and Relaxed with SETAR in Aruba!

              SETAR,  the  island's  premier  Tele-  Tourist  Bundles!  Stay  connected,  provides you the freedom to call  plans without worrying about ad-
              com  provider,  is  a  pioneer  in  share  the  magic,  and  make  the  anytime or choose from the differ-  ditional charges and you can use
              shaping  connectivity  in  Aruba.  most of your Aruban escape with  ent Prepaid bundles SETAR offers:     it anywhere on the island. It is easy
              SETAR has become indispensable  seamless communication.               Data  Bundles:  Stay  connected  to  use  and  access.  Choose  the
              to Aruba's vibrant tech landscape                                     with  high-speed  Internet  and  bundle that suits your budget and
              by  delivering  lightning-fast  net-  Tourist Bundles to Suit Your Journey:  choose from various data options  needs.
              works  to  local  communities  and  Tourist Bundles - 7 Days (35GB)   to suit your needs.
              visitors.  The  island  is  transforming  •   UNLIMITED Data [5GB DAILY]   One  Bundle:  Enjoy  the  conve-  Explore  the  options  that  best  suit
              with  SETAR's  ambitious  project  to  •   200  Minutes  on-net  to  Fixed  nience  of  bundled  SMS,  Voice,  your Workcation in Aruba:
              convert  the  entire  island  to  fiber,   and Mobile                 and Data in one package.            1 Day Plan:
              revolutionizing  how  Aruba  stays  •   30  Minutes  to  other  providers  SETAR ensures you have the best  •   10GB Data
              connected, and marking a signifi-      and International              communication  experience  dur-     •   Valid for 1Day or upon deple-
              cant leap in innovation and firmly  •   50 SMS Local and International  ing your time in Aruba.              tion of your bundle
              establishing  Aruba  as  one  of  the  •   Valid for 7 Days                                               •   $5.55
              most  technologically  advanced  •     For only $30                   Makes  your  Workcation  in  Para-
              islands in the Caribbean.                                             dise Effortless                     1 Week Plan:
                                                 Tourist Bundles - 14 Days (70GB)   Are you planning a trip to Aruba  •    50GB Data
              With stores around the island and  •   UNLIMITED Data [5GB DAILY]     that  blends  business  with  leisure,  •   Valid for 7Day or upon deple-
              services designed to keep all visi-  •   300  Minutes  on-net  to  Fixed  or perhaps seeking a remote work   tion of your bundle
              tors  connected,  whether  they're     and Mobile                     setup? Whether you're coming to  •     $20
              coming  for  vacation  or  work,  SE-  •   60  Minutes  to  other  providers  Aruba for business or to embrace
              TAR ensures you stay in touch ef-      and International              a 'workcation,' SETAR has tailored  30 Days Plan:
              fortlessly. Revel in the high speed  •   50 SMS Local and International  solutions  to  ensure  seamless  and  •   75GB Data
              Internet  on  Aruba's  exceptional  •   Valid for 14 Days             uninterrupted connectivity during  •   Valid for 30Day or upon deple-
              Fixed and Mobile Networks, ensur- •    For only $50                   your stay.                             tion of your bundle
              ing  you're  connected  wherever                                      Stay  productive  while  enjoying  •   $55.50
              your adventure takes you.          When  purchasing  the  bundle  for  the  beauty  of  Aruba.  SETAR  de-
                                                 the first time at one of our stores,  signed  flexible  plans  and  reliable  Imagine  strolling  along  the  Aru-
              Are you eager to start your expe-  the Tourist SIM card is FREE and is  services  to  cater  to  your  needs,  ban  beaches  after  a  productive
              rience?  Start  by  purchasing  your  tailored  for  visitors  staying  a  few  providing you with the connectiv-  workday or unwinding with a pic-
              SETAR  Tourist  SIM  at  the  TeleKiosk  weeks in Aruba.              ity required for work and play. Go  turesque sunset as your backdrop
              in the Arrival Hall of Aruba's Airport.  For  visitors  staying  longer  on  the  to the TeleKiosk in the Arrival Hall  to a successful day's work. Experi-
                                                 island, SETAR offers a flexible Pre-  of Aruba’s Airport and ask for the  ence the ideal blend of work and
                         Tourist SIM             paid option that allows you to buy  Prepaid Wireless Home Internet for  relaxation in Aruba, supported by
              Paradise awaits in Aruba, and SE-  credit  conveniently  at  any  Tele-  seamless  connectivity.  Enjoy  the  SETAR's seamless connectivity. Let
              TAR, is here to enhance your tropi-  shop,  gas  station,  minimarket,  or  fastest  Internet  speeds  with  our  us make your stay in Aruba an ex-
              cal  adventure  with  our  exclusive  supermarket.  This  prepaid  credit  Wireless  Home  Internet  Prepaid  perience like no other. q

            Visit the natural bridges of Aruba!

            (Oranjestad)—After  you’ve  Natural  Bridge.  Once  the  and  crafted  by  the  wild
            visited   the   Alto   Vista  largest natural bridge in the  waves  that  crash  into  the
            Church,  the  Bushiribana  Caribbean, this bridge has  coral  stone  walls  of  the
            Gold  Mill  Ruins  and  the  been a tourist attraction for  coast.  Before  its  collapse,
            mini natural pool that is lo-  many years.                this  bridge  measured  30
            cated right next to it, you’re                            meters in length and 7 me-
            next  up  around  the  north-  The bridge was formed dur-  ters in height, making it the
            ern coast line must be the  ing thousands of years, cut  biggest  natural  bridge  in
                                                                      the Caribbean at the time.
                                                                      For many years, this site was
                                                                      also  a  frequently  visited
                                                                      beach,  as  the  bridge  had
                                                                      a  small  opening  through
                                                                      which the water would flow  many visitors walking along
                                                                      into the tiny beach.         the coral cliffs of the bridge  While  the  natural  bridge
                                                                                                   to see the spectacular view  no  longer  is  functional,
                                                                      Unfortunately  in  2005,  the  of  the  northern  coastline  there is now a smaller nat-
                                                                      bridge  collapsed,  and  the  and  the  Caribbean  Sea.  ural  bridge  very  close.  This
                                                                      little  beach  dried  up.  De-  Visitors can also still visit the  bridge  is  often  called  the
                                                                      spite this, this site remained  souvenir shop on the left of  “Baby  Bridge”  or  “Daugh-
                                                                      a  tourist  attraction,  with  the bridge entrance.       ter Bridge”.q
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