Page 20 - AHATA
P. 20
local Wednesday 17 July 2024
The legend of the Kibrahacha tree
(Oranjestad)—The Kibrahacha is One day Aterima, who lived west they saw that it was covered head
a famous tree known locally for its of the hill Sero Warawara, woke up to toe in thorns, with only a few
bright, yellow flowers that blooms one day to find her father sleeping closed flowers at the very top. Ku-
for just three days. Scientifically in his hammock, suffering a bout of dawecha, experienced veteran in
known as Tabebuia billbergii, and terrible fever. Her mother was very all things Aruban flora and fauna,
in English as the Yellow Poui, this worried, and as was the custom in told Aretima to start plucking the
tree is native to the Caribbean is- the olden days, asked Aterima to thorns of the tree to climb to the
lands of Aruba, Bonaire and Cura- go fetch Kudawecha, who was a top where the flowers are. Aretima,
cao, and is considered among lo- epistemophile, to come see his fa- just as determined to save her fa-
cals as one of the most spectacu- ther. ther, didn’t hesitate to start.
lar trees on the island. But did you
also know that the beautiful yellow Aterima wasted to time and went To her surprise, every time she
flowers have a story behind them? to go fetch Kudawecha. Upon plucked a thorn of the tree, a
telling Kudawecha that her father bright, yellow flower bloomed in
The Kibrahacha is said to have ex- was sick, he immediately accom- its place. The thorns were hard
tremely hard wood—so hard that panied Aretima back to her hut, to pluck out, but Aretima contin-
it can break an axe. In fact, that’s where he encountered her father ued plucking with enthusiasm and father’s fever left his body imme-
what its name means in Papia- in a bad state. Not willing to waste wonder at the unfolding sight be- diately, and he opened eyes and
mento: “kibra” (break) “hacha” any time, he told Aretima that the fore her. Not too long after she was sprung up feeling new.
(axe). The flowers bloom around only thing that can cure her father is able to fill her entire satchel with
April and May, but this only last for a home-made potion made out of the yellow flowers. Kudawecha, The next morning, they all visited
about three days, as the flowers the Kibrahacha flower. At the time satisfied to see Aretima so happy the same Kibrahacha tree that
start to fall off and the tree starts the Kibrahacha was not yet in her and encouraged to help her fa- saved the life of Aretima’s father
growing its green leaves. The Kibra- blooming season, but the stubborn ther, took her back to her hut. and they saw another miracle.
hacha is especially particular, as Kudawecha was determined to The tree was covered again in the
it’s the only one among its neigh- bring back Aretima’s father back Upon arriving back at the hut, same bright, yellow flowers, with
boring trees to starts blooming first. to health, and so off they went to Aretima’s mother quickly made a not a thorn in sight. And as the leg-
the nearest Kibrahacha tree. tea out of the flowers and gave it end goes, from that day on, the
The legend of the Kibrahacha to her sick husband. Miraculously, Kibrahacha tree no longer pro-
Written by Hubert (Lio Booi) When they arrived at the tree, after just one sip of the tea, the duced any more thorns.q
Meet our Aruban trailblazers:
Padu Lampe
(Oranjestad)—This week we love for music. Starting from
remember one of our most the age of 12, he was ag-
beloved Aruban giant, Juan ile in the clarinet, mandolin
Chabaya Lampe—better and cuatro. Henry Lampe,
known as Padu Lampe or his father, was also a well-
Padu del Caribe. As one known pianist and musi-
of the most important and cian. In a publication of the
renowned artists in the Aru- informative seminar, “Ob-
ban cultural sphere, Padu’s server”, from august 1st,
long career led him to be 1962, Padu’s many merits
honored today as “the fa- and friendly personality
ther of culture.” stood out. It was said that participated in an art ex- with sponsorship provided most influential trailblazers
he was an excellent pianist hibit in New York, where he by the Prince Bernhard of our community.
On April 26th, 1920, Juan with a personal style and won a bronze medal for his Funds Netherlands Antilles. Padu will always be in Aru-
Chabaya Lampe “Padu full of surprises. Secondly, painting “Typical View of Besides that, Padu passed ba’s heart, because he had
Lampe/Padu del Caribe” though the composer was Aruba.” his exam on “Society to Ad- composed various special
was born in Nassaustraat, not too familiar with music Padu remained a popular vanced Ethical Hypnosis” songs dedicated to the
Oranjestad. He grew up in theory, he showed innova- artist within the Dutch Antil- in 1964 in New Jersey. He mothers of the island; his
a happy musical environ- tions in his compositions. les and the Caribbean as a received a certificate as song “Sonrisa di un baby”
ment, and it is because of Lastly, Padu was a promot- pianist, singer, author and a hypnotechnician, which (“A baby’s Smile”) has
this that he developed a er of Creole music around painter. Padu Lampe was gave him the authority to been written in three differ-
the world. a local artist who became practice hypnosis in some ent languages. Padu also
One of the most important renowned in Venezuela, states. wrote our national anthem
moments in Aruban history, Colombia, The U.S. and Over the course of his ca- “Aruba Dushi Tera”, along
in which he was able to wit- The Netherlands too. In the reer, he received many with Mr. Rufo Wever. This
ness first-hand, was the first 1950s, he sold no less than accolades and awards in song was approved by the
radio broadcast on the is- 50 thousand copies of his Aruba, Curacao, Venezu- government of Aruba and
land on March 20th, 1954. long-playing albums (LPs). ela and the Netherlands. was named the official an-
Here, he was accompa- Padu Lampe was a multi- Padu del Caribe passed them of the island in 1976.
nied by Antillean guitarist faceted artist, inspired by away on November 29th, Other songs that have
Julian Coco and Hubert his interest in parapsychol- 2019, at the age of 99 years been considered as being
“Loi” Booi. ogy and supernatural phe- old. Padu brought the Aru- almost a second anthem
In the art world, Padu was nomenon. He wrote three ban culture around the for Arubans is the special
also a known painter. Dur- books in Papiamento on world. His legacy will remain composition he wrote for
ing his youth, he made the subject in 1986, which ingrained in the Aruban cul- his wife Daisy Croes called
several painting using his was published by the Aru- tural history, and he will be “Abo so”. Daisy later passed
unique style. In 1939, he ban National Printing Press known forever as one of the away in 1994. q