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               Thursday 30 November 2023

            Sea turtle conservation by Turtugaruba Foundation

            ORANJESTAD  ―  Turtugaruba  was  beaches  are  used  by  them.  For
            founded  on  September  3rd,  2003,  a  period  of  25  years,  a  study  has
            by  a  group  of  enthusiastic  volun-  been  conducted  in  which  investi-
            teers.  Ten  years  earlier  in  1993,  a  gators monitored the beaches ev-
            Sea  Turtle  Recovery  Action  Plan  ery  morning  to  study  turtle  move-
            (STRAP)  was  introduced  in  Aruba  ment. Now, there is a good over-
            and  the  rest  of  the  Caribbean  as  view of sea turtle nesting activities.
            an  initiative  of  the  United  Nations
            Environment Program (UNEP). Tom  There are 4 different species of sea
            Barmes, who was working at DLVV  turtle  that  visit  Aruba  to  lay  their
            (Deptartment  of  Agriculture,  Hus-  eggs, each with their own specific
            bandry  and  Fishery)  was  one  of  season:
            the writers of the STRAP for Aruba,  •  Leatherback  Sea  Turtle  -  Led-
            together  with  Karen  Eckert,  direc-  erschildpad - Driekiel (March –
            tor of WIDECAST (Wider Caribbean        September)
            Sea  Turtle  Conservation  Network).  •  Loggerhead  Sea  Turtle  -  Dik-
            This is how sea turtle conservation     kopschildpad - Cawama (May
            started  on  the  island  following  a   – September)                   the  volunteers,  the  sea  turtles  are  nesting  beaches  for  their  survival.
            plan  that  is  still  complied  with  to-  •  Hawksbill Sea Turtle - Karetsch-  still here. On Aruba, the sea turtles  It  is  clear  that  even  more  coastal
            day.                                    ildpad - Caret (June – Decem-   are  threatened  with  extinction  by  development would not make the
                                                    ber)                            pollution,  people  driving  ATVs  on  situation  better  for  the  sea  turtles.
            Tom  formed  a  group  of  volun-   •  Green  Turtle  -  Soepschildpad   dunes  and  beaches  and  the  loss  Do  we  need  more  hotel  rooms?
            teers around him like an organiza-      -  Turtuga  Blanco  (July-Novem-  of nesting beaches due to coastal  And  even  busier  beaches?  These
            tion  such  as  DLVV,  because  na-     ber)                            development for tourism. Because  are  the  choices  that  Aruba  has
            ture  does  not  know  office  hours.                                   coastal  development  comes  with  to  make.  Do  we  want  to  leave  a
            This  group  of  volunteers  used  the  Investigators  also  reached  a  bet-  artificial  lighting,  these  can  cause  place for the sea turtles? Not only
            name Widecast Aruba and today  ter  understanding  and  overview        major issues for sea turtles. Female  do  we  need  sea  turtles,  but  so
            there are still a few of them active.  of  the  biggest  threats  to  the  sea   turtles usually come ashore at night  does the rest of the world! Sea tur-
            They  first  started  protecting  the  turtles’  existence  in  Aruba  and   looking for a dark beach to make  tles play a vital role in keeping our
            Leatherback  Sea  Turtle  nests  on  how  these  problems  should  be   her nest. However, a dark beach is  oceans  healthy.  The  Green  Turtle,
            Palm Beach and Eagle Beach. This  tackled. Despite the hard work all    hard to find here nowadays. Light  for example, keeps the sea grass-
            group also investigated which oth-  those  years,  most  problems  have   causes stress and can result in her  es on the bottom of the sea short
            er species of sea turtles use Aruba  not really gone away. Luckily—and   returning  to  the  sea  without  lay-  and therefore a healthy place for
            as their nesting habitat and which  thanks to the enormous efforts from   ing her eggs. Furthermore, artificial  many fish to deposit their eggs. The
                                                                                    lighting  causes  disorientation  for  Leatherback,  the  largest  turtle  of
                                                                                    the baby sea turtles (hatchlings).   the world, eats mainly jellyfish and
                                                                                                                        helps  maintain  the  balance  be-
                                                                                    They  crawl  towards  artificial  light  tween jellyfish and plankton.
                                                                                    sources (like streetlights, hotel lights,
                                                                                    etc.) and end up walking in the op-  Despite  the  threats  that  exist  on
                                                                                    posite direction towards the hotels  Aruba, the turtles still keep coming.
                                                                                    and away from the sea. In the 90’s,  That’s  why  today  Turtugaruba  is
                                                                                    it  was  a  common  occurrence  to  especially proud of the volunteers
                                                                                    find  complete  nests  of  about  70  and the many people and organi-
                                                                                    hatchlings dead on the street due  zations of our community that car-
                                                                                    to being run over by passing cars.  ry a warm place in their hearts for
                                                                                    Thanks to their protection methods  the sea turtles. All four species are
                                                                                    and  a  lot  of  time  and  effort,  the  active now, which means all hands
                                                                                    volunteers  of  Turtugaruba  have  on deck in the field for us, the vol-
                                                                                    managed to get this under control.  unteers. We strive to keep the sea
                                                                                    However, for long-term prevention,  turtles,  our  oldest  ‘repeat  guests’,
                                                                                    there  must  be  less  light  visible  on  always  coming  back  to  Aruba
                                                                                    the beaches and a strict regulation  and get the chance to reproduce
                                                                                    of  it.  Sea  turtles  simply  need  dark  here.q
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