Page 12 - HOH
P. 12
Thursday 30 November 2023 locAl
Episode 80 Archaeological sites of Aruba
riods of permanent inhabi-
These are the three large
villages and only two sites
are classified in the medi-
um category: Tanki Lend-
ert and Parkitenbos west.
The extent and density of
finds is considerable but
less than the three earlier
discussed sites. They are
interpreted as permanent
settlements for at least
some decades by a con-
siderable population.
Parkitenbos west is an ex-
ception within the group
of 5 large/relatively large
terrains. This site only yield-
ed undecorated relatively
Sites contain archaeologi- ramic period people whom should be included in this time frame. We should coarse pottery up to know.
cal features of national and also consider the ceramic All four others sites shows
international importance period sites containing co- evidenced of an apprecia-
of Special Scientific Inter- lonial artifacts of great im- ble quantities of Dabaju-
est (SSSIs) that we consider portance. There are six sites roid decorated pottery. All
best represent our natural that are considered to be these site era now under
heritage in terms of ethnic Colonial Amerindian Period the tread and menace
origins and iconic cultural Sites. Primarily within the ar- of being developed with
values. chaeological record are housing and commercial
three sites: Tanki Flip, east projects.
Aruba has fifty eight loca- Aruba, Santa Cruz Island
tions classified as Ceramics central Aruba and Sava- Aruba`s cultural heritage is
Periods Sites which had an neta at coastal southwest constantly threatened by
open heart burning during Aruba. These sites are situ- many external and internal
the Ceramic Period (ca ated more or less on one risks and elements. In order
1000 -1515 AD). While two straight line to each other to preserve and to use cul-
stone exploitations sites with 6.8 km between Tanki tural heritage sites, objects,
where probably used in an Flip and Santa Cruz and 8 collections or architectural
epoch before by a pre ce- km between Santa Cruz heritage, one is required
and Savaneta. Surface to be continuously aware
finding and excavations of and manage numerous
production in the subsoil of threats to prevent the loss
these sites suggest all three of this heritage and its at-
were large permanent in- tributed cultural value. Be-
habitant villages by gener- ing in responsible unison
ations during considerable with other institutes, orga-
periods of time. nizations and amateurs for
the preservation of Dutch
Excavations between 1974 Island cultural heritage, the
and 1976 yielded hundreds Cultural Heritage Agency
of postholes and other fea- of the Netherlands (RCE) is
tures and Santa Cruz and well aware of this. The RCE
Savaneta respectively 500 implements policy pro-
postholes and other fea- vides advice and devel-
tures. Tanki Flip was exca- ops knowledge in order to
vated in 1995; excavations carry out its mission.
on the north part of this site
resulted in the find of larger To get to know a little bit
oval structures and smaller more regarding Aruba’s
round ones. Such quantity and its cultural origins, etc.,
of the postholes concen- we highly recommend you
trations suggested long pe- to book your participation
in our cultural encounter
session. A mind opening
Article by: Etnia Nativa revelation and entertain-
ing island experience. Mail
Whatsapp us +297 592 2702 and book us at etnianativa03@gmail.
your Aruban exprerience com, our facilities and ac-
Etnia Nativa is close to the high rise hotels tivities take place close to
high rise hotels.q