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A30    world news
                        Diamars 18 mei 2021

                               France holds global talks to offer debt relief for Sudan

                                                            ence. "We are expecting from other participants ...  The  country's  annual  inflation  soared  past  300%
                                                            to make a similar effort, which is the needed effort  last month, one of the world's highest rates.
                                                            to free Sudan from the debt burden."
                                                                                                            The country plunged into an economic crisis when
                                                            Macron said a global process of reduction of Su-  the oil-rich south seceded in 2011 after decades of
                                                            dan's debt should be formally launched by the IMF  war, taking with it more than half of public rev-
                                                            by the end of June.                             enues and 95% of exports.

                                                            France will also provide $1.5 billion loan to clear  Sudan was also an international pariah after it was
                                                            Sudan's arrears to the IMF, he added.           placed on the United States' list of state sponsors of
                                                                                                            terror in the 1990s. This largely excluded the coun-
            (AP) — French President Emmanuel Macron  Burhan hoped that "this will pave the way for other  try from the global economy.
            announced the cancellation of Sudan's $5 bil-   creditors of Sudan."
            lion debt to France in an effort to support the                                                 Former President Donald Trump removed Sudan
            country's transitional leadership and help its  Sudan's transitional government has taken a set of  from the blacklist after the transitional government
            crippled economy recovering, at a Paris con-    measures in recent months to transform the coun-  agreed  to  pay  $335  million  in  compensation  for
            ference gathering African leaders and inter-    try's economy. That measures included a managed  victims of attacks carried out by Osama bin Laden's
            national creditors.                             flotation  of  the  Sudanese  pound  in  an  unprece-  al-Qaida network while the terror leader was living
                                                            dented step that led to hikes in the price of fuel and  in Sudan. The removal also was an incentive for
            Macron hosted the event Monday for Gen. Abdel-  other essential goods.                          Sudan to normalize ties with Israel.
            Fattah  Burhan,  head  of  Sudan's  ruling  sovereign
            council, and Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok. The  The flotation was a key demand by the IMF, with  Dr. Suliman Baldo, senior advisor at The Sentry,
            heads of state of neighboring Egypt and Ethiopia  which  Sudan  is  expected  to  end  in  September  a  a watchdog group, said the Sudanese transitional
            were notably attending, as well as the Internation-  12-month  program  to  win  relief  on  its  foreign  government continues to make "encouraging prog-
            al  Monetary  Fund  Managing  Director  Kristalina  debt, which is at $70 billion.              ress" but "this progress risks being undone unless it
            Georgieva and African Union Commission Chair-                                                   is rooted in a tangible shift away from the opaque
            man Moussa Faki Mahamat.                        Hamdok praised a "milestone, historic conference"  and  corrupt  system  operated  for  decades  by  the
                                                            and wished the conference will be a starting point  former regime."
            The  conference  aimed  at  marking  Sudan's  rein-  for the return of private and international invest-  "The transitional government must deal with this
            tegration  into  the  international  community  after  ments to Sudan in the wake of economic changes  legacy  with  more  resolve  than  it  has  shown  to
            three  decades  of  isolation.  A  popular  uprising  in  initiated by the transitional government.   date," Baldo said.
            the African nation led to the military's overthrow
            of longtime autocrat Omar al-Bashir in 2019.    Cash-stripped Sudan has for years struggled with  On  Tuesday,  another  summit  hosted  by  Macron
                                                            an array of economic woes, including a huge bud-  will focus on ways to finance African economies to
            "We are in favor of entirely cancelling Sudan's debt  get  deficit  and  widespread  shortages  of  essential  help them recover from huge economic losses due
            (towards France)," Macron said in a news confer-  goods and soaring prices of bread and other staples.  to the pandemic.

                           EU vows to boost efforts to end Israeli-Palestinian fighting

            (AP)  —  The  European  stressed  the  "absolute  need"  to call for an end to the esca-  targeting Hamas' militant in-  Hamas used the building for
            Union will redouble its ef-  to  cease  hostilities  between  lation in violence and ensure  frastructure. Palestinian mili-  a military intelligence office.
            forts to end the surge in vi-  Israel  and  the  Palestinians,  that civilians are protected.  tants in Gaza have fired more  The AP has called on Israel to
            olence between the Israeli  the  French  presidency  said.                             than 3,100 rockets into Israel.  provide evidence.
            military  and  Palestinian  Macron  reaffirmed  France's  Tuesday's meeting is to seek
            militants,  and  seek  prog-  support to the Egyptian me-  "how best that EU can con-  At least 198 Palestinians have  "The  destruction  of  media
            ress during a special meet-  diation in the conflict.     tribute  to  diffusing  the  ten-  been killed in the strikes with  offices  in  Gaza  is  extremely
            ing of its foreign ministers                              sions, stop the escalation and  1,300  people  wounded,  ac-  worrying  and  the  safety  and
            on Tuesday.                  Rome  also  looked  ahead  to  stop  the  ongoing  violence,"  cording  to  the  Gaza  Health  security  of  journalists  and
                                         Tuesday's  meeting.  Foreign  EU  spokesman  Peter  Stano  Ministry. Eight people in Is-  all their colleagues, the press
            The EU also called the week-  Minister Luigi Di Maio said  said.                       rael have been killed in rock-  people,  is  essential,"  Stano
            end destruction of a building  Italy had requested to discuss                          et attacks from Gaza.        said.  "Independent  report-
            housing The Associated Press  the Mideast violence and said  Pro-Palestinian critics of EU                          ing, especially in situations of
            and other major international  "the violence and attacks be-  policy insist the bloc has been  Over  the  weekend,  Israel  conflict  and  especially  from
            media  "extremely  worrying"  tween  Israel  and  Palestine  far too lenient when it comes  destroyed  a  building  hous-  areas of conflict, is indispens-
            and said safe working condi-  must  stop."  In  a  Facebook  to imposing sanctions on Je-  ing The Associated Press and  able."
            tions for journalists were es-  post, he added that "the EU  rusalem.                  other media, and claimed that
            sential.                     with  its  27  member  states
                                         must take a clear and unified  The  fighting  broke  out  last
            The  EU  has  never  had  the  position and work to press the  week, when the Hamas mili-
            impact  that  Washington  can  parties to sit together again at  tant  group  fired  long-range
            wield  in  the  region  and  no  the negotiation table."   rockets  at  Jerusalem  after
            immediate     breakthrough                                weeks  of  clashes  in  the  city
            was expected from Tuesday's  Because  EU  policy  toward  between  Palestinian  protest-
            meeting. Ever since the out-  the region requires unanimi-  ers  and  Israeli  police.  The
            break  of  violence  last  week,  ty among the 27 EU member  protests were focused on the
            the  EU  has  been  calling  for  nations, its actions and state-  heavy-handed  policing  of  a
            restraint and condemned at-  ments haven't had the impact  flashpoint  sacred  site  during
            tacks that hit civilian popula-  that could be expected from  the  Muslim  holy  month  of
            tions.                       a bloc of 450 million people  Ramadan and the threatened
                                         that  has  large  trade  interests  eviction  of  dozens  of  Pales-
            Individual  member  states  in the region.                tinian families by Jewish set-
            also let their voices be heard.                           tlers.
                                         EU foreign policy chief Josep
            France's President Emmanu-   Borrell and European Coun-   Since  then,  the  Israeli  mili-
            el Macron and Egypt's Presi-  cil President Charles Michel  tary  has  launched  hundreds
            dent  Abdel  Fattah  el-Sissi  both called over the past days  of  airstrikes  that  it  says  are
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