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u.s. news Diaranson 27 Juli 2022
Trump and Pence back in Washington for rival speeches
(AP) — Former President Donald because what's at stake is the very sur- ing book, "So Help Me God," which Trump's speech.
Trump is returning to Washing- vival of our way of life." will be published in November. The
ton on Tuesday for the first time publisher said the book is the "most "You're going to hear the same thing
since leaving office, delivering a The former White House partners robust defense of the Trump record of that you hear at all the other speech-
speech hours after former Vice are making dueling appearances again anyone who served in the administra- es," Tuberville told reporters at the
President Mike Pence, a poten- after campaigning for rival candidates tion," but also "chronicles President Capitol. "But, you know, go down
tial 2024 rival, who called on the in Arizona on Friday. Their sepa- Trump's severing of their relationship there and listen, as a lot of us will."
Republican Party to stop looking rate speeches come amid news that on January 6, 2021,when Pence kept
backward. Pence's former chief of staff, Marc his oath to the Constitution." The nonprofit America First Policy
Short, has testified before a federal Institute, which is holding the two-
Trump's appearance in the nation's grand jury investigating the Jan. 6, Allies have urged Trump to spend day America First Agenda Summit,
capital — his first trip back since Jan. 2021, assault on the U.S. Capitol. more time talking about his vision is composed of former Trump ad-
20, 2021, when President Joe Biden for the future and less time relitigat- ministration officials and allies and is
was sworn into office — comes as Short was at the Capitol that day ing the 2020 election as he prepares widely seen as an "administration in
some who are mulling White House as Pence fled an angry mob of riot- to announce an expected 2024 White waiting" that could quickly move to
bids have been increasingly willing to ers who called for his hanging after House campaign. the West Wing if Trump should run
challenge him directly. They include Trump wrongly insisted Pence had He has spent much of his time since again and win.
Pence, who on Tuesday outlined the power to overturn to the election leaving office spreading lies about his Beyond the summit, staff at the
his "Freedom Agenda " not far from results. loss to sow doubt about Biden's vic- America First Policy Institute have
where Trump was to speak before an Asked about the growing divide be- tory. Indeed, even as the House Jan. been laying their own groundwork
allied think tank that has been craft- tween Trump and himself, a man 6 committee was laying bare his des- for the future, "making sure we do
ing an agenda for a possible second who was once the former president's perate attempts to remain in power have the policies, personnel and pro-
term. most loyal sidekick, Pence said the and his refusal to call off a violent cess nailed down for every key agency
two don't differ on issues. mob of his supporters as they tried to when we do take the White House
While Trump still often complains halt the peaceful transition of power, back," said Brooke Rollins, president
about the election he falsely claims "But we may differ on focus. I truly Trump has continued to try to pres- of the America First Policy Institute.
was stolen from him a year and a half do believe that elections are about the sure officials to overturn Biden's win,
ago, Pence said, "Some people may future and that it's absolutely essen- despite there being no legal means to The group is one of several Trump-
choose to focus on the past, but elec- tial, at a time when so many Ameri- decertify it. allied organizations that have con-
tions are about the future." cans are hurting and so many families tinued to push his polices in his ab-
"I believe conservatives must focus are struggling, that we don't give way In his speech Tuesday, Trump sence, including America First Legal,
on the future to win back America," to the temptation to look back," he planned to focus on public safety, said dedicated to fighting Biden's agenda
Pence said before the Young Ameri- said. his spokesperson, Taylor Budowich. through the court system, the Center
ca's Foundation, a student conserva- Republican Tommy Tuberville of for Renewing America and the Con-
tive group. "We can't afford to take On Tuesday, Simon & Schuster an- Alabama said he'd be among several servative Partnership Institute.
our eyes off the road in front of us nounced the title of Pence's upcom- GOP senators planning to attend
Doctor: Biden's COVID symptoms 'almost
completely resolved'
(AP) — President Joe now almost completely re- plans to test for the virus on
Biden has improved solved," and all of his vital Wednesday.
enough from his corona- signs are good. If he tests negative, he will
virus infection that he's return to working in person.
able to resume his regular Biden took his fifth and fi-
exercise routine, accord- nal dose of Paxlovid, which "The moment that he turns
ing to an update Tuesday is intended to prevent severe negative, he'll return to
from his doctor. symptoms from COVID-19, work," said Dr. Ashish Jha,
on Monday night. the White House COVID-19
Dr. Kevin O'Connor wrote response coordinator, dur-
in a new note that Biden's Tuesday is Biden's fifth full ing Monday's briefing at the
COVID-19 symptoms "have day of isolation, and he White House.