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                                                                                         world news Diahuebs 3 Maart 2022

                       UN Assembly votes to demand that Russia stop war in Ukraine

            (AP)  —  The  U.N.  Gen-     and doesn’t begin to address  barbaric that it is difficult to
            eral Assembly voted at an  the concerns of both parties,  comprehend.”
            emergency special session  or “the responsibility of those
            Wednesday to demand an  who  took  aggressive  actions  Russia’s    U.N.    Ambassa-
            immediate  halt  to  Mos-    which  precipitated  the  esca-  dor  Vassily  Nebenzia  then
            cow’s  offensive  against  lation of this conflict.”      urged U.N. members to vote
            Ukraine  and  withdrawal                                  against  the  resolution,  alleg-
            of all Russian troops, with  Unlike  Security  Council  ing that Western nations ex-
            very  strong  support  from  resolutions,  General  Assem-  erted  “unprecedented  pres-
            the  world  organization’s  bly resolutions are not legally  sure” with “open and cynical
            193  member  nations  that  binding,  but  they  do  have  threats” to get support for the
            sparked    sustained    ap-  clout  in  reflecting  interna-  measure.
            plause.                      tional opinion. Under special
                                         emergency  session  rules,  a  The resolution also deplores
            The  vote  on  the  resolution,  resolution needs approval of  “the  involvement  of  Belarus
            entitled  “Aggression  against  two-thirds of those countries  in this unlawful use of force  “keep  the  momentum  go-  independent.
            Ukraine,” was 141-5 with 35  voting, and abstentions don’t  against Ukraine,” a character-  ing,”  do  everything  possible
            abstentions.                 count.                       ization that Belarussian Am-  to help the Ukrainian people,  During  more  than  two  days
                                                                      bassador  Valentin  Rybakov  hold Russia accountable and  of  meetings  preceding  the
            Russia got support for its ap-  After  Russia  vetoed  a  simi-  flatly rejected in his speech to  “match  our  strong  words  vote,  there  were  speeches
            peal to vote against the reso-  lar resolution in the Security  the  assembly  shortly  before  with strong actions.”  from about 120 countries.
            lution  only  from  Belarus,  Council on Feb. 25, Ukraine  the vote.
            Syria,  North  Korea  and  Er-  and  its  supporters  won  ap-                         In  his  explanation  of  Chi-  From  the  tiny  Pacific  island
            itrea,  a  powerful  indication  proval for an emergency spe-  He  said  his  country’s  only  na’s  abstention,  Ambassa-  nation  of  Palau  to  Europe’s
            of the international isolation  cial session -- the first since  involvement  in  the  conflict  dor  Zhang  Jun  used  more  economic  powerhouse  Ger-
            that Russian President Vladi-  1997 -- to try to spotlight op-  was  organizing  talks,  due  to  emotional  language  than  at  many,  country  after  country
            mir Putin faces for invading  position to Russia’s invasion.  continue  Thursday,  between  previous U.N. meetings, cit-  lashed  out  at  Russia’s  inva-
            his  country’s  smaller  neigh-                           Russia and Ukraine. Belarus  ing “dramatic changes of the  sion  of  Ukraine  and  urged
            bor.  Emphasizing  that  isola-  The  resolution  states  that  has taken Russia’s side in the  situation  in  Ukraine”  and  support  for  the  U.N.  reso-
            tion was a major goal of the  Russia’s  military  operations  conflict,  with  Rybakov  say-  calling  what  is  unfolding  lution during their speeches.
            resolution’s supporters.     in Ukraine “are on a scale that  ing the resolution a reflected  “heart-wrenching.”  He  reit-  There  were  only  a  few  that
                                         the international community  a “double  standards”  toward  erated  Beijing’s  support  for  supported  Russia  and  some
            The  abstentions  included  has  not  seen  in  Europe  in  Russia and the West.       the sovereignty and territorial  that took no position such as
            China and India, as expected,  decades  and  that  urgent  ac-                         integrity of all countries, and  Suriname  and  South  Africa,
            but also some surprises from  tion  is  needed  to  save  this  U.N. Secretary-General An-  for  the  peaceful  settlements  which  urged  compromise
            usual Russian allies Cuba and  generation from the scourge  tonio Guterres told reporters  of all disputes in line with the  and diplomacy to find a last-
            Nicaragua.  And  the  United  of war.” It “urges the imme-  immediately  after  the  vote:  U.N. Charter.           ing resolution to the crisis. In
            Arab  Emirates,  which  ab-  diate  peaceful  resolution  of  “The message of the General                           Wednesday’s vote, Suriname
            stained on last Friday’s simi-  the  conflict”  and  reaffirms  Assembly  is  loud  and  clear:  The  assembly  resolution,  voted “yes” and South Africa
            lar  Security  Council  resolu-  the  assembly’s  commitment  End hostilities in Ukraine —  co-sponsored  by  96  coun-  abstained.
            tion, voted “yes.”           “to the sovereignty, indepen-  now. Silence the guns — now.  tries,  deplored  Russia’s  “ag-
                                         dence,  unity  and  territorial  Open  the  door  to  dialogue  gression”  against  Ukraine  The  resolution’s  co-spon-
            Speaking to the General As-  integrity  of  Ukraine  within  and diplomacy — now.”     “in the strongest terms” and  sors  included  Afghanistan,
            sembly  on  Tuesday,  Cu-    its internationally recognized                            demanded an immediate halt  where the Taliban ousted the
            ban  Ambassador  Pedro  Luis  borders.”                   U.S.   Ambassador    Linda  to Moscow’s use of force and  elected  government  last  Au-
            Cuesta  blamed  the  crisis  on                           Thomas-Greenfield      fol-  the immediate, complete and  gust,  and  Myanmar,  where
            what he said is the U.S. de-  Before  the  vote,  Ukraine’s  lowed, saying “the world has  unconditional   withdrawal  the  military  overthrew  the
            termination to keep expand-  U.N.  Ambassador  Sergiy  spoken  with  a  clear,  united  of  all  Russian  forces  from  elected  government  led  by
            ing  NATO  toward  Russia’s  Kyslytsya  said  of  Russian  voice” and the vote “demon-  Ukraine’s   internationally  Aung San Suu Kyi on Feb. 1,
            borders as well as the deliv-  forces:  “They  have  come  to  strated that Russia is isolated  recognized borders.  2021. But neither the Taliban
            ery  of  modern  weapons  to  the  Ukrainian  soil,  not  only  and alone, and that the costs                       nor Myanmar’s military gov-
            Ukraine,  ignoring  Russia’s  to kill some of us ... they have  will  keep  rising  until  Russia  The  measure  also  called  on  ernment  have  gained  U.N.
            concerns for its own security.  come  to  deprive  Ukraine  of  relents.”              Russia  to  reverse  a  decision  recognition  so  that  support
            He  said  the  resolution  “suf-  the very right to exist,” add-                       to  recognize  two  separatist  came from representatives of
            fers  from  lack  of  balance”  ing  that  “the  crimes  are  so  She  urged  all  countries  to  parts  of  eastern  Ukraine  as  their previous governments.

                         Germany to give $720 million to Holocaust survivors globally

              (AP)  —  The  organiza-     will  be  distributed  to  more  suffering  and  losses  result-  caust survivors there.  when they were young.
              tion  that  handles  claims  than 300 social welfare orga-  ing from persecution by the  With the end of World War
              on  behalf  of  Jews  who  nizations globally.           Nazis.                      II  now  more  than  76  years  Many also live isolated, hav-
              suffered  under  the  Na-                                                            ago, all living Holocaust sur-  ing lost their families in the
              zis  said  Wednesday  that  The  additional  funds  con-  The Claims Conference last  vivors are elderly, and many  war.  Many  Holocaust  sur-
              Germany  has  agreed  to  stitute  the  largest  amount  year  distributed  $653  mil-  suffer from numerous med-  vivors  came  out  of  the  war
              extend another $720 mil-    ever allocated for the Claims  lion  in  grants  to  hundreds  ical issues because they were  with  nothing  and  are  still
              lion  (647  million  euros)  Conference for welfare ser-  of  social  service  agencies  deprived of proper nutrition  impoverished today.
              to provide home care and  vices  in  a  single  year,  the  worldwide.
              supportive  services  for  organization said in a state-
              frail  and  vulnerable  Ho-  ment. It estimates the funds  The funds are distributed to
              locaust survivors.          will pay for services for ap-  social  welfare  organizations
                                          proximately 120,000 impov-   in regions where significant
              The New York-based Con-     erished Holocaust survivors.  numbers  of  survivors  live,
              ference  on  Jewish  Material                            to ensure vital services, such
              Claims  Against  Germany,  Since  1952,  the  German  as home care, medical care,
              also referred to as the Claims  government  has  paid  about  emergency  assistance  and
              Conference, said the money  $90 billion to individuals for  food are available for Holo-
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