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A32 sports
Diahuebs 3 Maart 2022
Fans chant ‘We want baseball!’ but won’t get it anytime soon
(AP) — As Rob Manfred MLB proposed raising the tax ego Padres have the higher
stood behind a podium threshold from $210 million payroll than the New York
in the left-field corner of to $220 million in each of the Yankees.”
Roger Dean Stadium and next three seasons, $224 mil-
announced that opening lion in 2025 and $230 million Players asked for a $238 mil-
day was canceled, a cluster in 2026. lion threshold this year, $244
of fans gathered outside million in 2023, $250 mil-
the spring training home A higher threshold likely lion in 2024, $256 million
of the Miami Marlins and would lead to more spending in 2025 and $263 million in
St. Louis Cardinals. by large-market teams such 2026. The union aims higher
as the New York Yankees, to encourage teams to boost
They had something to say, Boston Red Sox and Los An- payrolls — and salaries.
too. geles Dodgers.
Manfred vowed players will
“We want baseball!” the “We have a payroll dispar- not receive salary or ma-
group chanted at the MLB ity problem,” Manfred said, jor league service for games
commissioner. format of the postseason have “and to weaken the only missed, exacerbating already
“We’ve seen this coming in become divisive. mechanism in the agreement visceral anger of the roughly
They won’t get it anytime a sense,” free agent reliever that’s designed to promote 1,200 players locked into
soon. Andrew Miller said. “It’s un- “A core of this negotiation’s some semblance of competi- a contest of will against 30
fortunate. But this isn’t new to increase competition and tive balance is just something controlling owners. Manfred
With owners and players un- to us. This is not shocking.” there’s no way we’re leaving that I don’t think the club maintained daily that inter-
able to agree on a labor con- the table without something group is prepared to do right league play made reschedul-
tract to replace the collective More than pure numbers are that does that,” Miller said. now.” ing impossible.
bargaining agreement that a cause of the contention. “We’re not going to do any-
expired Dec. 1, Manfred fol- Players are seething over thing to sacrifice this compe- Players are unhappy over “To say they won’t resched-
lowed through with his threat their allegations of service- tition of the season. Anything how the tax system worked ule games if games are can-
and canceled the first two se- time manipulation and Major that points towards medi- during the last labor contract, celed or they won’t pay play-
ries for each of the 30 major League Baseball’s increased ocrity, that’s the antithesis which included surtaxes to ers for those games that are
league teams. The announce- number of rebuilding clubs, of our game and what we’re discourage high spending. canceled is solely their posi-
ment Tuesday cut each club’s which the union calls tank- about as players.” tion,” union negotiator Bruce
schedule from 162 games to ing. “We’re seeing it act as a sal- Meyer said. “We would have
likely 156 at most. A total of The luxury tax may be the ary cap,” Mets pitcher Max a different position.”
91 games were erased. Issues such as the size and single most difficult issue. Scherzer said. “The San Di-
Retirement looms, but Krzyzewski’s influence built to last
(AP) - Mike Krzyzewski’s mer players currently are on Blue Devils reach both next teams have drafted 68 of er moves over one seat on
unparalleled coaching NBA rosters. Another dozen week’s Atlantic Coast Con- Krzyzewski’s Blue Devils, Duke’s bench as Krzyzews-
career is down to a few or so are coaching or work- ference Tournament final in with 42 as first-round picks ki’s designated successor.
basketball games, with no ing for NBA teams. There New York and the NCAA and three – Elton Brand in
more than a month left are others who lead their own championship game in New 1999, Irving in 2011 and Wil- For all, Krzyzewski’s lessons
before the retiring Duke Division I college programs. Orleans on April 4. liamson in 2019 – going No. linger.
Hall of Famer walks off And some of the NBA’s big- 1 overall.
the sideline for the last gest stars of the past two de- Regardless of when or how Former Duke guard Grayson
time. cades have won Olympic the end comes, Krzyzewski’s Duke notes that Krzyzewski Allen, now with the NBA
gold medals under his direc- place is unquestioned among has coached 113 NBA players champion Milwaukee Bucks,
His influence on the sport tion. the greatest coaches in the between the school and USA noted how Krzyzewski stud-
will remain long past that fi- history of American sports. Basketball, where Krzyze- ied film after games well into
nal farewell. The fingerprints The 75-year-old Krzyzewski wski partnered with for- the night, then beat players to
of the man known simply as coaches his final home game He has a 1,196 career victo- mer managing director Jerry meetings early the following
“Coach K” are all over the at Cameron Indoor Stadium ries, more than any coach in Colangelo to restructure the morning.
highest levels of the game on Saturday, fittingly against men’s or women’s college men’s national team pro-
as he winds down his nearly rival North Carolina. At history. His five NCAA titles gram. The result: he man- Longtime Notre Dame coach
five-decade head-coaching most, he has 10 games left in rank second to late UCLA aged egos and meshed star Mike Brey studied Krzyze-
career. a career that began with five great John Wooden on the talent like LeBron James and wski’s competitiveness dur-
seasons at Army followed by men’s side, while his resume the late Kobe Bryant to thrice ing eight years as his assistant.
Nearly two dozen of his for- 42 at Duke, assuming the includes a record-tying 12 produce Olympic gold.
Final Fours and a record 127 As for Hurley, he has a great-
weeks with teams ranked Some former Krzyzewski er appreciation for Krzyze-
at No. 1 in The Associated players are now in NBA wski’s decade-after-decade
Press men’s college basket- leadership positions, such as run of sustained success after
ball poll. Quin Snyder as head coach nine seasons as a head coach
of the Utah Jazz, Brand as at Buffalo and Arizona State.
The numbers back up Boe- the general manager of the He recalled a vivid memory:
heim’s conviction. Philadelphia 76ers, Trajan the end of the classic 1992
Langdon as GM of the New NCAA regional final against
Krzyzewski had 21 players as Orleans Pelicans, and Grant Kentucky, right before Duke
of February on NBA rosters Hill as co-owner of the At- won on Hill’s fullcourt pass
— including current or for- lanta Hawks. to Christian Laettner for a
mer All-Stars Jayson Tatum, buzzer-beating turnaround.
Kyrie Irving, Zion William- The same is true in col-
son and Brandon Ingram – lege, with Krzyzewski’s tree It was one of many memo-
and an ACC-record 27 play- spawning 10 former players rable wins for Krzyzewski,
ers last season. or staffers as head coaches though his impact on the
– a number that will grow game extends beyond victo-
Go back further, and NBA next season when Jon Schey- ries.