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Blackstone Beach

                                                                                       February 21, 2024
                                                                                       T: 582-7800

                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                 A r u b a ’ s   O N L Y   E n g l i s h   n e w s p a p e r                                      Page 9
            The U.S. vetoes an Arab-backed U.N. resolution demanding an

            immediate humanitarian cease-fire

            By EDITH M. LEDERER          Gaza Health Ministry which
            Associated Press             says the vast majority were
            UNITED NATIONS (AP) — The  women and children.
            United  States  on  Tuesday  It was the third U.S. veto of a
            vetoed  an  Arab-backed  Security  Council  resolution
            and widely supported U.N.  demanding a cease-fire in
            resolution  demanding  an  Gaza and came a day af-
            immediate     humanitarian  ter the United States circu-
            cease-fire  in  the  Israel-Ha-  lated a rival resolution that
            mas  war  in  the  embattled  would support a temporary
            Gaza Strip, saying it would  cease-fire in Gaza linked to
            interfere  with  negotiations  the release of all hostages
            on a deal to free hostages  and call for the lifting of all
            abducted in Israel.          restrictions  on  the  delivery
            The vote in the 15-member  of humanitarian aid.
            Security  Council  was  13-1  Virtually   every   council
            with  the  United  Kingdom  member  —  including  the
            abstaining,  reflecting  the  United  States  —  expressed
            strong  support  from  coun-  serious  concern  at  the  im-
            tries  around  the  globe  for  pending  catastrophe  in
            ending the more than four-   Gaza's southern city of Ra-
            month  war,  which  started  fah, where some 1.5 million
            when  Hamas  militants  in-  Palestinians  have  sought   Riyad Mansour, Palestinian Ambassador to the United Nations, speaks during a Security Council
            vaded  southern  Israel,  kill-  refuge,  if  Israeli  Prime  Min-  meeting at United Nations headquarters, Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2024.
            ing about 1,200 people and  ister  Benjamin  Netanyahu                                                                          Associated Press
            taking  250  others  hostage.  goes ahead with his plan to
            Since  then,  more  than  evacuate civilians from the  rael says Hamas fighters are  Bendjama,  the  Arab  rep-     standing against the advo-
            29,000  Palestinians  have  city  and  move  Israel's  mili-  hiding.                  resentative on the council,  cates  for  murder  and  ha-
            been killed in Israel's military  tary  offensive  to  the  area  Before  the  vote,  Algeria’s  said: “This resolution stands  tred.”
            offensive, according to the  bordering  Egypt,  where  Is-  U.N.  Ambassador  Amar  for  truth  and  humanity            Continued on next page
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