Page 15 - AHATA
P. 15
LOCAL Wednesday 21 February 2024
Blackstone Beach
(Oranjestad)—Named after the more natural side of Beach. There, you can park
its most recognizable fea- Aruba: the stones that cov- your car and take a 1km
ture, the Blackstone Beach er the beaches and the hike towards Blackstone
almost represents the op- shape of it has been craft- Beach.
posite of the typical Aruban ed for thousand years via This beach forms part of the
beaches. For one, it has volcanic eruptions, coral Arikok National Park and is
black sand and is covered reef movements and wave therefore a site that is pre-
in black smooth stones. activity of the rural northern served. This is why it is also
Secondly, it lies on the part of the island. relatively untouched by
northern side of the island, commercial influences. De-
away from the white sandy Located further east to the spite being called a beach,
beaches of in the southern Natural Bridge and Andi- do note that it is not ad-
region. So, if you feel up for curi Beach, the Blackstone vised to swim in the water,
something different—or if Beach is relatively easy as the current is very strong
it’s opposite day, visit the to access. Once you get and can easily stray you
Blackstone Beach. passed the Ayo Rock For- further in the wild ocean. the stones and the northern take a picture with your
mation, take the Andicuri However, you can still en- ocean that stretches out friends or family!
Blackstone Beach shows road leading up to Andicuri joy a spectacular view of in front of the beach and
Aruba Tourism Authority honors loyal
visitors at Bucuti & Tara Beach Resort!
The Aruba Tourism Author- Emerald Ambassador weather.
ity recently had the great (35>years consecutively • Aruba’s beautiful
pleasure of recognizing visiting Aruba) beaches.
Distinguished Visitors of • Aruba’s safety.
Aruba. These visitors were The honorees were: • Aruba’s restaurants.
respectively honored with
certificates acknowledging Distinguished Visitors On behalf of the Aruba
their years of visits, loyalty, Mr. Jeff & Mrs. Denise Urban Tourism Authority, we
and love for the island of from Illinois, United States. would like to express our
Aruba. sincere gratitude and ap-
Ms. Marouska Heyliger rep- preciation to the honorees
The honor certification is resenting the Aruba Tourism for their continued visits to
presented on behalf of the Authority, and staff mem- the “One Happy Island”.
Minister of Tourism as a to- bers of the Bucuti & Tara
ken of appreciation and Beach Resort bestowed the
to say “Masha Danki” to certificate to the honorees,
guests who have visited presented them with gifts,
Aruba 10, 20, or 35 years or and also thanked them for
more consecutively. choosing Aruba as their fa-
vorite vacation destination,
The three honoring levels as their home away from
are as follows: home.
Distinguished Visitor Top reasons for returning
(10>years consecutively to Aruba, provided by the
visiting Aruba) honorees were:
Goodwill Ambassador • “The Bucuti & Tara
(20>years consecutively Beach Resort & staff.”
visiting Aruba) • Aruba’s fantastic