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a12   health
               Wednesday 20 January 2021
            A new COVID-19 challenge: Mutations rise along with cases

            By MARILYNN MARCHIONE                                                                                               ineffective,  Mina  said.  Be-
            AP Chief Medical Writer                                                                                             cause  the  United  States
            The  race  against  the  virus                                                                                      has  so  many  cases,  “we
            that  causes  COVID-19  has                                                                                         can  breed  our  own  vari-
            taken  a  new  turn:  Muta-                                                                                         ants  that  are  just  as  bad
            tions  are  rapidly  popping                                                                                        or worse” as those in other
            up, and the longer it takes                                                                                         countries, he said.
            to  vaccinate  people,  the                                                                                         TREATMENT,  VACCINE,  RE-
            more likely it is that a vari-                                                                                      INFECTION RISKS
            ant that can elude current                                                                                          Some lab tests suggest the
            tests,  treatments  and  vac-                                                                                       variants  identified  in  South
            cines could emerge.                                                                                                 Africa  and  Brazil  may  be
            The  coronavirus  is  becom-                                                                                        less susceptible to antibody
            ing  more  genetically  di-                                                                                         drugs or convalescent plas-
            verse,  and  health  officials                                                                                      ma,  antibody-rich  blood
            say  the  high  rate  of  new                                                                                       from COVID-19 survivors —
            cases  is  the  main  reason.                                                                                       both of which help people
            Each  new  infection  gives                                                                                         fight off the virus.
            the virus a chance to mu-                                                                                           Government  scientists  are
            tate  as  it  makes  copies  of                                                                                     “actively looking” into that
            itself,  threatening  to  undo                                                                                      possibility, Dr. Janet Wood-
            the progress made so far to                                                                                         cock of the U.S. Food and
            control the pandemic.                                                                                               Drug Administration told re-
            On Friday, the World Health                                                                                         porters Thursday.
            Organization  urged  more                                                                                           The government is encour-
            effort  to  detect  new  vari-                                                                                      aging   development     of
            ants.  The  U.S.  Centers  for   In  this  Jan.  12,  2021,  file  photo  a  pharmacist  draws  saline  while  preparing  a  dose  of  Pfizer’s   multi-antibody  treatments
                                         COVID-19 vaccine in Sacramento, Calif.
            Disease  Control  and  Pre-                                                                        Associated Press   rather than single-antibody
            vention said a new version                                                                                          drugs  to  have  more  ways
            first identified in the United  of antibody drugs as treat-  crowd out other versions.  version  identified  in  Britain  to  target  the  virus  in  case
            Kingdom  may  become  ments.                              In  March,  just  a  couple  also turned up on a differ-  one proves ineffective, she
            dominant  in  the  U.S.  by  “We’re  in  a  race  against   months  after  the  corona-  ent version “that’s been cir-  said.
            March. Although it doesn’t  time”  because  the  virus    virus  was  discovered  in  culating in Ohio ... at least  Current  vaccines  induce
            cause  more  severe  illness,  “may stumble upon a mu-    China,  a  mutation  called  as far back as September,”  broad enough immune re-
            it  will  lead  to  more  hospi-  tation” that makes it more   D614G   emerged   that  said  Dr.  Dan  Jones,  a  mo-  sponses  that  they  should
            talizations  and  deaths  just  dangerous,  said  Dr.  Pardis   made  it  more  likely  to  lecular pathologist at Ohio  remain effective, many sci-
            because  it  spreads  much  Sabeti,  an  evolutionary  bi-  spread.  It  soon  became  State  University  who  an-  entists say. Enough genetic
            more easily, said the CDC,  ologist  at  the  Broad  Insti-  the dominant version in the  nounced  that  finding  last  change eventually may re-
            warning  of  “a  new  phase  tute of MIT and Harvard.     world.                       week.                        quire tweaking the vaccine
            of exponential growth.”      Younger  people  may  be     Now,  after  months  of  rela-  “The important finding here  formula,  but  “it’s  probably
            “We’re taking it really very  less  willing  to  wear  masks,   tive  calm,  “we’ve  started  is  that  this  is  unlikely  to  be  going to be on the order of
            seriously,” Dr. Anthony Fau-  shun crowds and take oth-   to see some striking evolu-  travel-related” and instead  years if we use the vaccine
            ci,  the  U.S.  government’s  er  steps  to  avoid  infection   tion”  of  the  virus,  biologist  may  reflect  the  virus  ac-  well  rather  than  months,”
            top  infectious  disease  ex-  because the current strain   Trevor  Bedford  of  the  Fred  quiring  similar  mutations  Dr.  Andrew  Pavia  of  the
            pert, said Sunday on NBC’s  doesn’t  seem  to  make       Hutchinson  Cancer  Re-      independently  as  more  in-  University of Utah said Thurs-
            “Meet the Press.”            them  very  sick,  but  “in   search  Center  in  Seattle  fections occur, Jones said.  day  on  a  webcast  hosted
            “We need to do everything  one  mutational  change,  it   wrote on Twitter last week.  That  also  suggests  that  by  the  Infectious  Diseases
            we can now ... to get trans-  might,” she warned. Sabeti   “The  fact  that  we’ve  ob-  travel  restrictions  might  be  Society of America.q
            mission as low as we possi-  documented  a  change  in    served  three  variants  of
            bly can,” said Harvard Uni-  the  Ebola  virus  during  the   concern   emerge   since                                         By Dave Green
            versity’s  Dr.  Michael  Mina.  2014 outbreak that made it   September  suggests  that
            “The  best  way  to  prevent  much worse.                 there  are  likely  more  to  5 4                                      3 8
            mutant strains from emerg-   MUTATIONS ON THE RISE        come.”
            ing is to slow transmission.”  It’s normal for viruses to ac-  One  was  first  identified  in   7   8                      2          6
            So  far,  vaccines  seem  to  quire small changes or mu-  the  United  Kingdom  and
            remain effective, but there  tations  in  their  genetic  al-  quickly became dominant   9                 5 8 2                       1
            are signs that some of the  phabet as they reproduce.     in  parts  of  England.  It  has
            new mutations may under-     Ones  that  help  the  virus   now  been  reported  in  at        2                                 8
            mine tests for the virus and  flourish  give  it  a  competi-  least 30 countries, including
            reduce  the  effectiveness  tive  advantage  and  thus    the United States.
                                                                      Soon  afterward,  South  Af-   8                 6          9                2
                  Time Share Resales + Realty                         rica  and  Brazil  reported                                                        2021 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.
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                                    The  main  mutation  in  the                                                  1/20
                                                                                                    Difficulty Level
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