Page 4 - HOH
P. 4
Wednesday 14 august 2024
Biden announces $150 million in research grants as part of his
'moonshot' push to fight cancer
Continued from Front CEO of the American Can- to strengthen the economy
cer Society and the Ameri- and defend abortion rights,
The pair then championed can Cancer Society Cancer protecting children from
the announcement of Action Network. gun violence and making
$150 million in awards from Cancer is the second-high- changes to the Supreme
the Advanced Research est killer of people in the Court, which he called "ex-
Projects Agency for Health. U.S. after heart disease. This treme" in its current makeup
Those will support eight year alone, the American during a recent event.
teams of researchers around Cancer Society estimates Both the president and first
the country working on ways that 2 million new cases will lady have had lesions re-
to help surgeons more suc- be diagnosed and 611,720 moved from their skin in the
cessfully remove tumors from people will die of cancer past that were determined
people with cancer. It brings diseases. to be basal cell carcinoma,
the total amount awarded Still, "if all innovation ended a common and easily treat-
by the agency to develop today and we could just get ed form of cancer. In 2015,
breakthrough treatments for President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden listen during a people access to the inno- their eldest son, Beau, died
cancers to $400 million. demonstration of cancer research and detection techniques at vations that we know about of an aggressive brain can-
Cancer surgery "takes the Tulane University, Tuesday, Aug. 13, 2024, in New Orleans. right now, we think we could cer at age 46.
best surgeons and takes its Associated Press reduce cancer mortality by "It's not just personal," Biden
toll on families," Biden said. another 20 to 30%," Knudsen said Tuesday. "It's about
He said the demonstration Hopkins University, Rice Uni- ers and those suffering from said. what's possible."
of cutting-edge technology versity, the University of Cali- cancer. The issue is personal enough The president's public sched-
he witnessed would offer fornia, San Francisco, the "I'm a congenital optimist for Biden that, in his recent ule has been much quieter
doctors a way to visualize University of Illinois Urbana- about what Americans can Oval Office address about since he left the race and
tumors in real time, reduc- Champaign, the University do," Biden said. "There's so bowing out of the 2024 cam- endorsed Vice President
ing the need for follow-on of Washington and Cision much that we're doing. It paign, the president prom- Kamala Harris, making Tues-
surgeries. Vision in Mountain View, matters" ised to keep fighting for "my day's trip stand out.
"We're moving quickly be- California. Experts say the objective is cancer moonshot so we can Advocates have praised Bi-
cause we know that all Before he leaves office in attainable — with adequate end cancer as we know it." den for keeping the spotlight
families touched by cancer January, Biden hopes to investments. "Because we can do it," Bi- on cancer, bringing stake-
are in a race against time," move the U.S. closer to the "We're curing people of den said then. holders together and gath-
Biden said. goal he set in 2022 to cut U.S. diseases that we previously He said in that speech that ering commitments from pri-
The teams receiving awards cancer fatalities by 50% over thought were absolutely the initiative would be a vate companies, nonprofit
include ones from Tulane, the next 25 years, and to im- intractable and not surviv- priority of his final months in organizations and patient
Dartmouth College, Johns prove the lives of caregiv- able," said Karen Knudsen, office, along with working groups.q
Federal board urges stricter safety rules for loading
and dispatching charter flights like air tours
cated dispatchers to help rules. The NTSB noted that particular standards.
pilots plan their flights. historically airlines have The NTSB said it found four
The National Transportation had lower accident rates accidents and 11 deaths
Safety Board said Tuesday than charter operations. involving small planes that
that and other recom- The board said the Fed- were not loaded in a safe
mendations are based on eral Aviation Administra- manner. It recommended
a study of more than 500 tion should require air tours, expanding a current rule
accidents, some of them commuter services, air on weight and balance
fatal. ambulances and business documentation to single-
The NTSB said it began the jet charters to employ cer- engine planes.
study after seeing a "clus- tificated flight dispatchers. The board also repeated a
ter of safety issues" from in- The board said it found 12 previous recommendation
The National Transportation Safety Board logo is seen during a
news conference in Portland, Ore., on Jan. 6, 2024. vestigations of crashes be- accidents with a total of that planes used in non-
Associated Press tween 2010 and 2022. 45 deaths where flight dis- scheduled commercial
The recommendations patch was "deficient" be- operation be outfitted to
WASHINGTON (AP) — A tours and other commer- would not apply to major cause current regulations collect data that indicates
federal safety agency is cial aircraft operators be airlines, which operate un- don't require people per- when pilots fail to follow
recommending that air required to have certifi- der the most stringent U.S. forming the work to meet proper procedures.q