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                                                                                                       sports Diamars 17 augustus 2021

                        Paralympics follow lead of Olympics: No fans during pandemic

            (AP)  —  All  fans  will  be  Aug. 24 with about 4,400 ath-  With  the  situation  grow-
            barred from the Paralym-     letes, a far smaller event than  ing  worse,  Japanese  Prime
            pics  in  Japan  because  of  the  Olympics  with  11,000  Minister  Yoshihide  Suga  on
            the  coronavirus  pandem-    athletes. But the Paralympics  Monday said a state of emer-
            ic, just as they were from  come as new infections have  gency  in  Tokyo  and  other
            the    recently-completed  accelerated  in  Tokyo,  which  areas  will  be  extended  until
            Tokyo Olympics, organiz-     may expose an athlete popu-  Sept. 12. The state of emer-
            ers said Monday.             lation that is more vulnerable  gency has been in force since
                                         to COVID-19.                 July 12 and was to end later
            There were a few exceptions                               this month.
            made  during  the  Olympics  Parsons,  speaking  at  a  news
            with  some  fans  allowed  in  conference, said there was no  The  Paralympics  end  on
            outlying areas away from To-  room for complacency in the  Sept. 5.
            kyo.  This  time,  all  fans  will  wake of the Olympics.
            be barred except the possibil-                            “The  surge  in  infections  is
            ity of some children attend-  “In light of the current case  reaching  alarming  record
            ing a few unspecified events.  numbers in Tokyo and wider  highs,” Suga said after meet-  Dr.  Haruo  Ozaki,  president  “a  minimum  necessity”  and
                                         Japan,  everyone  attending  ing  with  other  government  of  the  Tokyo  Medical  Asso-  attributed  the  surge  to  the
            Organizers  have  also  asked  these  games  must  be  vigi-  ministers.               ciation,  said  in  an  interview  delta variant.
            the public not to come out to  lant,” Parsons said.                                    with regional newspaper To-
            view road events.                                         On  Friday,  Tokyo  logged  kyo Shimbun published Sat-    He  called  holding  the  Para-
                                         New infections in Tokyo tri-  5,773 cases, a new high. On  urday that a significant num-  lympics “a political decision,
            The decision was announced  pled during the 17 days of the  Sunday,  the  Japanese  capi-  ber of people are still unvac-  but the judgment by the me-
            after a meeting with Interna-  Olympics,  although  medi-  tal reported 4,295 cases. The  cinated,  and  characterized  dial side is that it will be dif-
            tional  Paralympic  Commit-  cal experts said the surge was  rise in infections has severely  the  virus  situation  for  the  ficult.”
            tee  president  Andrew  Par-  not directly linked the Tokyo  strained the medical system.  Paralympics as worse than it
            sons,  organizing  committee  Games.  Rather,  experts  sug-  Experts  say  the  situation  is  was during the Olympics.  “The Olympics,” Ozaki add-
            president  Seiko  Hashimoto,  gested  an  indirect  effect  as  getting  out  of  control  and                      ed,  “is  a  festival  and  might
            Tokyo    Governor    Yuriko  the public was distracted and  some call it “a disaster.”  Estimates suggest about 37%  have  affected  the  people  in
            Koike and Olympic Minister  lulled into a false sense of se-                           of  the  Japanese  population  ways to loosen up and served
            Tamayo Marukawa.             curity that staging the Games  Japan  has  attributed  15,400  has been fully vaccinated.  as an indirect cause of rising
                                         offered.                     deaths to COVID-19.                                       cases.”
            The  Paralympics  open  on                                                             Ozaki  called  having  no  fans

                           Afghanistan's female footballers make tearful calls for help

            (AP)  —  In  frantic  phone  Afghanistan.                 the  Taliban  in  2001.  Having  cause  I  was  quoted  on  the
            calls  and  voice  messages,                              fled with her family after the  national TV,” she said. “I was  An exasperated Popal sighs.
            Khalida  Popal  can  hear  “I have been encouraging to  Taliban  captured  Kabul  in  calling Taliban our enemy.”
            the  distress  and  tearful  take down social media chan-  1996,  Popal  returned  to  Af-                          “We would not have created
            pleas for help.              nels,  take  down  photos,  es-  ghanistan  two  decades  ago  Popal stopped playing in 2011  enemies,”  Popal  said.  “They
                                         cape  and  hide  themselves,”  as  a  teenager  who  had  been  to focus on coordinating the  are crying. They are just cry-
            The  football  players  in  the  Popal  told  The  Associated  living  in  a  refugee  camp  in  team as a director at the Af-  ing … they are sad. They are
            Afghanistan  women’s  na-    Press in a telephone interview  Pakistan. With the protection  ghanistan  Football  Associa-  just like desperate. They have
            tional team that Popal helped  from Denmark. “That breaks  of the international commu-  tion. But the threats contin-  so  many  questions.  What  is
            establish  now  fear  for  their  my heart because of all these  nity, Popal felt optimistic that  ued  and  she  was  eventually  happening to them isn’t fair.
            lives  after  the  Taliban  swept  years we have worked to raise  women’s  rights  would  be  forced to flee Afghanistan to
            to regain control of the coun-  the  visibility  of  women  and  promoted.             seek  asylum  in  Denmark  in  “They are hiding away. Most
            try after two decades.       now  I’m  telling  my  women                              2016.                        of  them  left  their  houses  to
                                         in Afghanistan to shut up and  “My generation had the hope                             go  to  relatives  and  hide  be-
            When they call, all Popal can  disappear.  Their  lives  are  in  of  building  the  country,  de-  “My life was in great danger,”  cause  their  neighbors  know
            do is advise them to flee their  danger.”                 veloping the situation for the  she said.                 they  are  players.  They  are
            homes,  escape  from  neigh-                              next  generation  of  women                               sitting,  they  are  afraid.  The
            bors who know them as pio-   The  34-year-old  Popal  can  and men in the country,” she  But she never abandoned the  Taliban  is  all  over.  They  are
            neering  players,  and  try  to  barely comprehend the speed  said. “So I started with other  female footballers, helping to  going around creating fear.”
            erase their history — particu-  of the collapse of the Afghan  young women using football  expose  physical  and  sexual
            larly activism against the Tal-  government and the sense of  as a tool to empower women  abuse, death threats and rape  Popal  is  a  world  away  but
            iban  who  are  now  re-estab-  being abandoned by Western  and girls.”                that  implicated  the  Afghani-  connected  by  the  messages
            lishing the Islamic Emirate of  nations who helped to topple                           stan  federation  leadership.  pinging into her phone of the
                                                                      By 2007, there were enough  The  corruption  in  the  sport  Taliban.
                                                                      players for Popal to be part of  was  reflective  of  the  shaky
                                                                      Afghanistan’s  first  women’s  foundations of a country that  “They keep taking video and
                                                                      national team.               has  deteriorated  rapidly  af-  photos  from  the  window
                                                                                                   ter the withdrawal of troops  showing they are just outside
                                                                      “We felt so proud of wearing  from the U.S.-led mission.  the  home  and  that  is  very
                                                                      the jersey,” Popal said. “It was                          sad,” she said.
                                                                      the most beautiful, best feel-  “The women of Afghanistan
                                                                      ing ever.”                   believed  in  their  promise  It’s hard to even imagine Af-
                                                                                                   but  they  left  because  there’s  ghanistan,  ranked  152nd  by
                                                                      Popal  encouraged  her  team-  no  more  national  interest.  FIFA  out  of  167  women’s
                                                                      mates to use their platforms  Why did you promise?” Po-   teams, playing again.
                                                                      to speak out as escalating at-  pal  asked.  “This  is  what  my
                                                                      tacks were seeing the Taliban  girls crying and sending voice  “It’s been very painful to wit-
                                                                      retake territory.            messages are saying. Why not  ness when yesterday the gov-
                                                                                                   say you would leave like this?  ernment surrendered,” Popal
                                                                      “I  received  so  many  death  At least we could protect our-  said. “Women lost hope.”
                                                                      threats  and  challenges  be-  selves.”
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