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A28    u.s. news
                 Diamars 17 augustus 2021

                        After delays, construction on Obama Center begins in Chicago

                                                                      the  University  of  Chicago  build the Obama Presidential  in digital form.
                                                                      where  the  former  president  Center here, just a couple of
                                                                      once taught law. The Obama  miles away from where Pres-   During  a  Chicago  appear-
                                                                      Foundation,   which    an-   ident and Mrs. Obama start-  ance in June, Obama said he
                                                                      nounced preliminary work in  ed their journey,” Valerie Jar-  hoped the center would help
                                                                      April, said a formal ground-  rett, president of the Obama  promote  the  city’s  South
                                                                      breaking  ceremony  would  Foundation,  said  in  a  state-  Side  and  bring  Chicagoans
                                                                      take place in the fall.      ment. “We are on the heels of  together.
                                                                                                   the work of so many whose
                                                                      Progress  on  the  $500  mil-  efforts  made  the  election  of  “Our goal has been, how do
                                                                      lion center has been delayed  our first Black president pos-  we create an institution  that
                                                                      by lawsuits and a federal re-  sible. We look forward to de-  not  only  is  helping  to  pro-
                                                                      view required because of the  livering on the commitments  mote  the  sort  of  civic  en-
                                                                      location of the park, which is  we’ve made to our neighbors  gagement  and  progressive
                                                                      on  the  National  Register  of  and our fellow Chicagoans as  change that I believe happens
                                                                      Historic  Places.  Also,  con-  we  continue  on  our  road  to  when  ordinary  people  just
                                                                      cerns about displacing Black  groundbreaking.”            get  involved  in  their  com-
            (AP)  —  Five  years  after                               residents  stretched  into  a                             munities,” he said. “But also
            Barack Obama chose Chi-      Roadway  closures  were  set  yearslong battle, resulting in  The  multi-building  com-  how  can  we  make  this  into
            cago as the site for his leg-  up  and  a  bulldozer  pulled  neighborhood   protections  plex will include a museum,  something  that  helps  bring
            acy  project,  construction  up to start digging up part of  —including  for  affordable  public library branch, athletic  Chicago  together  at  a  time
            officially  began  Monday  the  19-acre  lakefront  site  in  housing.                 center,  children’s  play  area  when Chicago like much of
            on  the  Obama  Presiden-    Jackson  Park,  which  is  near                           and  a  test  kitchen.  Obama’s  the  country  sometimes  feels
            tial Center.                 the Obama family home and  “We  are  incredibly  proud  to  documents  will  be  available  divided.”

                         Misinformation at public forums vexes local boards, big tech

            (AP)  —  There  are  plenty  ing claims about COVID-19  ernment  meetings  in  North  After  hearing  from  local  of-  become national news.
            of  places  to  turn  for  ac-  while  addressing  the  Mount  Carolina,  Missouri,  Kan-  ficials,  YouTube  reversed  its
            curate  information  about  Vernon  Community  School  sas and Washington state. In  decision  and  put  the  videos  Now,  thanks  to  the  inter-
            COVID-19.  Your  physi-      Corporation  in  Fortville,  Bellingham,    Washington,  back  up.  Earlier  this  month  net  and  social  media,  the
            cian. Local health depart-   Indiana,  on  Aug.  6.  In  his  officials  responded  by  tem-  the company, which is owned  misleading  musings  of  a  lo-
            ments.  The  U.S.  Centers  6-minute  remarks,  Dr.  Dan  porarily  suspending  public  by  Google,  announced  a  cal  doctor  speaking  before
            for Disease Control.         Stock  tells  the  board  that  comment sessions.         change  to  its  COVID  mis-  a  school  board  can  compete
                                         masks  don’t  work,  vaccines                             information  policy  to  allow  for attention with the recom-
            But  not,  perhaps,  your  local  don’t  prevent  infection,  and  The false claims in those vid-  exceptions  for  local  govern-  mendations of the CDC.
            government’s  public  com-   state and federal health offi-  eos  were  made  during  the  ment  meetings  —  though
            ment session.                cials don’t follow the science.  portion  of  the  meeting  de-  YouTube  may  still  remove  It was only a matter of time
                                                                      voted  to  public  comment.  content  that  uses  remarks  before misleading comments
            During  a  meeting  of  the  St.  The  video  has  amassed  tens  Local  officials  have  no  con-  from public forums in an at-  at  these  local  public  forums
            Louis County Council earli-  of  millions  of  online  views,  trol over what is said at these  tempt to mislead.   went viral, according to Jen-
            er this month, opponents of a  and  prompted  the  Indiana  forums, and say that’s part of                          nifer Grygiel, a communica-
            possible mask mandate made  State  Department  of  Health  the point.                  “While  we  have  clear  poli-  tions  professor  at  Syracuse
            so  many  misleading  com-   to  push  back.  Stock  did  not                          cies to remove harmful CO-   University who studies social
            ments about masks, vaccines  return  multiple  messages  In  Kansas,  YouTube  pulled  VID-19  misinformation,  we  media platforms.
            and  COVID-19  that  You-    seeking comment.             video of the May school board  also recognize the importance
            Tube removed the video for                                meeting  in  the  27,000-stu-  of  organizations  like  school  Grygiel  suggested  a  few
            violating  its  policies  against  “Here comes a doctor in sus-  dent  Shawnee  Mission  dis-  districts and city councils us-  possible  ways  to  minimize
            false claims about the virus.  penders who goes in front of  trict  in  which  parents  and  a  ing YouTube to share record-  the  impact  of  misinforma-
                                         the  school  board  and  basi-  state lawmaker called for the  ings  of  open  public  forums,  tion  without  muzzling  local
            “I hope no one is making any  cally  says  what  some  people  district  to  remove  its  mask  even  when  comments  at  governments.  Grygiel  said
            medical  decisions  based  on  are  thinking:  the  masks  are  mandate,  citing  “medical  those forums may violate our  clear  labels  on  government
            what they hear at our public  B.S., vaccines don’t work and  misinformation.”          policies,”  company  spokes-  broadcasts would help view-
            forums,” said County Coun-   the  CDC  is  lying  —  it  can                           woman  Elena  Hernandez  ers  understand  what  they’re
            cilwoman  Lisa  Clancy,  who  be  very  compelling  to  lay-  The  district,  where  a  mask  said.                 watching. Keeping the video
            supports  mask  wearing  and  people,” said Dr. Zubin Da-  mandate  remains  in  ef-                                on the government’s website,
            said she believes most of her  mania, a California physician  fect,  responded  by  ending  The  deluge  of  false  claims  instead of making it shareable
            constituents do too. The vid-  who received so many mes-  livestreaming  of  the  public  about  the  virus  has  chal-  on YouTube, could allow lo-
            eo was restored, but Clancy’s  sages  about  the  Indiana  clip  comment  period.  District  lenged  other  platforms  too.  cal  residents  to  watch  with-
            worries  about  the  impact  of  that he created his own video  spokesman  David  Smith  ac-  Twitter  and  Facebook  each  out  enabling  the  spread  of
            that misinformation remain.  debunking Stock’s claims.    knowledged that it has been  have  their  own  policies  on  videos more widely.
                                                                      challenging  to  balance  mak-  COVID-19  misinformation,
            Videos  of  local  government  Damania hosts a popular on-  ing the board meetings acces-  and  say  that  like  YouTube  “Anytime  there  is  a  public
            meetings have emerged as the  line medical show under the  sible and not spreading falla-  they attach labels to mislead-  arena  –  a  city  council  hear-
            latest  vector  of  COVID-19  name ZDoggMD. His video  cies.                           ing  content  and  remove  the  ing, a school board meeting,
            misinformation,  broadcast-  debunking    Stock’s   com-                               worst of it.                 a  public  park  –  the  public
            ing  misleading  claims  about  ments has been viewed more  “It  was  hard  for  me  to  hear                       has  the  opportunity  to  po-
            masks  and  vaccines  to  mil-  than 400,000 times so far. He  things  in  the  board  meet-  Public  comment  sessions  tentially  spread  misinforma-
            lions and creating new chal-  said that while there are legit-  ing  that  weren’t  true  and  to  preceding  local  government  tion,”  Grygiel  said.  “What’s
            lenges for internet platforms  imate questions about the ef-  know  that  those  were  go-  meetings  have  long  been  changed is it used to stay lo-
            trying  to  balance  the  poten-  fectiveness  of  mask  require-  ing  out  without  contradic-  known for sometimes color-  cal.”
            tial harm against the need for  ments  for  children,  Stock’s  tion,”  Smith  said.  “I  am  all  ful  remarks  from  local  resi-
            government openness.         broad criticism of masks and  about free speech, but when  dents. But before the internet,
                                         vaccines went too far.       that  free  speech  endangers  if someone were to drone on
            The  latest  video  to  go  vi-                           people’s lives, it is hard to sit  about  fluoride  in  the  drink-
            ral features a local physician  YouTube  removed  several  through that.”              ing water, for instance, their
            who  made  several  mislead-  similar  videos  of  local  gov-                         comments  weren’t  likely  to
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