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                                                                                         world news Diamars 17 augustus 2021

                           Kabul airport plunges into chaos as Taliban patrols capital

            (AP) — Thousands of Af-      planned  to  withdraw  at  the  chaos left seven dead, includ-
            ghans rushed into Kabul’s  end of the month.              ing several who fell from the
            main    airport   Monday,                                 flight.  Pentagon  spokesman
            some  so  desperate  to  es-  “The  world  is  following  John  Kirby  said  U.S.  forces
            cape the Taliban that they  events  in  Afghanistan  with  killed  two  people  he  de-
            held onto a military jet as  a  heavy  heart  and  deep  dis-  scribed  as  carrying  weapons
            it  took  off  and  plunged  quiet about what lies ahead,”  in  the  melee.  He  said  1,000
            to  their  deaths.  At  least  warned   United   Nations  more  U.S.  troops  would  be
            seven  people  died  in  the  Secretary-General  Antonio  deployed  to  secure  the  air-
            chaos,  U.S.  officials  said,  Guterres.                 field  and  back  up  the  2,500
            as  America’s  longest  war                               already there.
            ended with its enemy the  As the U.S. military and oth-
            victor.                      ers  continued  evacuation  All  flights  at  the  airport  —
                                         flights,  Afghans  swarmed  both  military  and  civilian
            The  crowds  came  while  the  over  the  international  air-  — were halted until Afghan
            Taliban  enforced  their  rule  port’s tarmac. Some climbed  civilians can be cleared from
            over  the  capital  of  5  mil-  into  aircraft  parked  on  the  the runway, Kirby added.
            lion  people  after  a  lightning  taxiway, while others dangled
            advance  across  the  country  precariously off a jet bridge.  Late  Monday  night,  hun-  were  afraid  that  the  plane  Arifi  gave  up  and  returned
            that  took  just  over  a  week                           dreds  of  people  remained  would  return  and  that  we  home.
            to  dethrone  the  country’s  U.S. troops took positions to  trapped  between  American  would  enter  that  chaos.  We
            Western-backed government.  guard the active runway, but  forces  trying  to  push  them  were sad for those people.”  Other  Afghans,  like  Ra-
            There were no major reports  the crowd stormed past them  out of the airport and Taliban                            khmatula  Kuyash,  are  also
            of  abuses  or  fighting,  but  and  their  armored  vehicles.  forces trying to keep them in,  Shafi Arifi, who had a ticket  trying  to leave through  land
            many residents stayed home  Gunshots  rang  out.  As  one  witnesses said. An Associated  to  travel  to  Uzbekistan  on  border crossings, all of which
            and  remained  fearful  after  U.S. Air Force Boeing C-17  Press journalist also saw what  Sunday, was unable to board  are  now  controlled  by  the
            the  insurgents’  advance  saw  Globemaster III tried to take  appeared  to  be  an  airstrike  his  plane  because  it  was  Taliban.
            prisons  emptied  and  armor-  off, a helicopter did low runs  target  two  vehicles  near  the  packed with people who had
            ies looted.                  in  front  of  it  to  try  to  drive  airport.           raced  across  the  tarmac  and  “I’m  lost  and  I  don’t  know
                                         people off the runway.                                    climbed aboard, with no po-  what  to  do,”  said  Kuyash,
            Across the nation, the Inter-                             More  than  300  people  were  lice or airport staff in sight.  who crossed into Uzbekistan
            national  Committee  of  the  Videos showed a group of Af-  evacuated  aboard  a  Turkish                           on  Sunday  after  leaving  his
            Red Cross warned that thou-  ghans hanging onto the plane  Airlines  flight  after  Turkish  “There  was  no  room  for  us  children and relatives in Af-
            sands  had  been  wounded  in  just before takeoff and several  soldiers  cleared  the  runway.  to  stand,”  said  the  24-year-  ghanistan.  “I  left  everything
            fighting.  Elsewhere,  security  falling through the air as the  Senol  Celik,  who  identified  old.  “Children  were  cry-  behind.”
            forces and politicians handed  airplane  rapidly  gained  alti-  himself as a Turkish Embassy  ing,  women  were  shouting,
            over their provinces and bas-  tude over the city.        employee, said people “threw  young  and  old  men  were  Others  were  not  so  lucky.
            es without a fight, likely be-                            themselves  in  front  of  the  so  angry  and  upset,  no  one  Uzbekistan air defenses shot
            lieving the two-decade West-  Senior American military of-  plane.”                    could hear each other. There  down an Afghan military air-
            ern  experiment  to  remake  ficials, who spoke on condi-                              was no oxygen to breathe.”   craft  that  tried  to  enter  the
            Afghanistan  would  not  sur-  tion of anonymity to discuss  “They  wanted  to  board  the                          country without permission.
            vival  the  resurgent  Taliban.  the  ongoing  operation,  told  plane. They wanted to escape  After  a  woman  fainted  and  The two pilots were report-
            The last American troops had  The Associated Press that the  Afghanistan,”  he  said.  “We  was  carried  off  the  plane,  edly injured and in custody.

                           'A new day': Opposition leader elected president in Zambia

            (AP)  —  Zambia’s  vet-      history.                     Lungu’s government, but he  tolerance” to corruption.     In  pictures  posted  on  Lun-
            eran  opposition  leader                                  said he would not seek ven-                               gu’s Twitter page, both men
            Hakainde  Hichilema  has  President  Edgar  Lungu,  64,  geance or retribution.        Hichilema  garnered  more  smiled  as  they  showed  their
            won the southern African  accepted  defeat  and  said  he                              than half of the nearly 5 mil-  parties’  political  hand  sym-
            country’s presidency with  would  work  for  a  “peaceful  Preaching  unity  in  Zambia,  lion  votes  cast  to  win  the  bols. Also in the photos were
            more than 50% of the vote.   transfer of power.”          a country of 18 million peo-  presidency outright, without  Jakaya  Kikwete,  the  former
                                                                      ple with several political and  having to go to a runoff elec-  president  of  Tanzania  who
            Hichilema was declared pres-  Hichilema  welcomed  Lun-   ethnic  divisions,  Hichilema  tion. About 80% of the coun-  was  the  head  of  the  Com-
            ident–elect early Monday af-  gu’s concession but described  urged  an  end  to  all  politi-  try’s  registered  voters  cast  monwealth’s  observer  mis-
            ter getting more than 2.8 mil-  the outgoing government as a  cal violence in which several  their ballots.         sion, and Ernest Bai Koroma,
            lion votes to President Edgar  “brutal  regime.”  Hichilema  people died in the run-up to                           the former president of Sier-
            Lungu’s  1.8  million  votes,  had  been  arrested  multiple  the elections.           Hichilema will become Zam-   ra Leone who was the head of
            achieving  one  of  the  biggest  times and spent some time in                         bia’s seventh president since  the African Union’s observer
            electoral  wins  in  Zambia’s  jail on treason charges under  “It  is  indeed  a  new  day.  the  reintroduction  of  multi-  mission.
                                                                      Change  is  here,”  said  Hich-  party  democracy  in  1991  by
                                                                      ilema on Monday. “Let’s put  founding  president,  the  late  Zambians  celebrated  over-
                                                                      the  past  behind  us.  We  are  Kenneth  Kaunda,  who  had  night, with hundreds of Hi-
                                                                      not going into office to arrest  ruled  the  country  as  a  one-  chilema’s frenzied supporters
                                                                      those  who  arrested  us  …  to  party state for more than two  turning his home on the out-
                                                                      replace those that have been  decades.                    skirts  of  the  capital,  Lusaka,
                                                                      very violent against our peo-                             into a party zone.
                                                                      ple only to start a new wave  Hichilema narrowly lost two
                                                                      of violence.”                previous  elections  to  Lungu  Hichilema  has  his  work  cut
                                                                                                   in  2015  and  2016.  His  sup-  out for him, as his supporters
                                                                      Hichilema,  a  59-year  old  port  grew  in  each  of  those  are looking to him to increase
                                                                      businessman  contesting  the  polls and in 2016 he lost by  employment and cut out cor-
                                                                      presidency for the sixth time,  just 100,000 votes.       ruption.  “We  will  fix  this!”
                                                                      promised  democratic  re-                                 was one of his popular cam-
                                                                      forms, investor-friendly eco-  Hichilema  and  Lungu  met  paign slogans.
                                                                      nomic  policies,  better  debt  later  Monday,  a  sign  of  the
                                                                      management as well as “zero  start  of  a  smooth  transition.
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