Page 31 - bon-dia-aruba-Sept 2 2020
P. 31
sports Diaranson 2 september 2020
Roglic displays strength on Tour’s 1st mountain stage
O R C I E R E S - M E R - “It is not good when another
LETTE, France (AP) — GC (general classification)
After just four stages at the rider takes some seconds,
Tour de France, the balance but you need to be really
of power is already clearer: patient and to know that
Primoz Roglic and his Jum- our aim is to reach the third
bo-Visma team are looking week without losing too
like the ones to beat. much time, and then try and
Roglic, the Spanish Vuelta regain a bit of time on the
champion, used the race’s long climbs,” he said.
first summit finish Tuesday “For us, it will be all about
in the ski resort of Orcieres- minimizing the time lost
Merlette to erase any linger- and arriving as fresh as we
ing doubts surrounding his can for the last week.”
form. Before the final battle took
Following an impressive shape, a group of six rid-
collective performance from ers attacked from the start
his teammates, the former outside the city of Sisteron.
ski jumper from Slovenia But with Frenchman Alexis
won a sprint to secure his Vuillermoz a threat in the
third career stage win at the overall classification, Ala-
three-week race. philippe’s teammates did
Frenchman Julian Ala- not let the breakaway riders
philippe managed to follow build too much of a gap.
the late accelerations and The sextet did not collabo-
kept the race leader’s yellow rate well as German Nils
jersey after crossing the line Politt tried to drop his com-
in fifth place. panions twice in downhills.
“It was quite a fast day, it was Slovenia's Primoz Roglic celebrates as he crosses the finish line to win the fourth stage of the As he tried to bridge the
hard but the guys again did Tour de France cycling race over 160,5 kilometers (99,7 miles) with start in Sisteron and finish gap, Belgian Tiesj Benoot
a really good job,” Roglic escaped unscathed from a
said, thanking his teammates in Orcieres-Merlette, southern France, Tuesday, Sept.1, 2020. spectacular crash with 26
for their support in the fi- Associated Press kilometers left after he mis-
nal climb. “I was always in a Thibaut Pinot, Nairo Quin- venian one-two and Martin got proof that I was ready for judged a curve and went
good position and so could tana or Bernal. completed the podium. the start. over a guardrail at full speed.
do a nice sprint, so I’m very “The Jumbo-Visma train Overall, Alaphilippe kept a Now we need to continue His bike was broken in two
happy.” was really hard to follow,” four-second lead over Adam the whole team with good but he was given a replace-
Roglic completed the Alaphilippe said. Yates of Britain, with Roglic job.” ment and returned to the
160.5-kilometer (100-mile) Roglic couldn’t drop any of three seconds further back. Bernal crossed with the race.
ride in 4 hours, 7 minutes, his rivals but used his pow- Roglic’ participation at cy- same time as Roglic in the The six breakaway riders
47 seconds. er to prevail in the sprint cling’s marquee race was in ski resort where Luis Ocana were all caught by the pack
With a strategy used in pre- launched by Frenchman doubt only weeks ago af- handed five-time Tour win- before the final ascent.
vious years by defending Guillaume Martin with 500 ter his withdrawal from the ner Eddy Merckx a resound- Stage 5 will take riders from
champion Egan Bernal’s meters left. Roglic, who Critérium du Dauphine ing defeat back in 1971. Gap to Privas on a mainly
Ineos squad, Roglic’s team- moved third overall thanks because of injuries he sus- Trailing 17 seconds behind flat route suited for sprint-
mates Wout van Aert and to the bonus time awarded tained in a crash. Alaphilippe overall, Bernal ers.
Sepp Kuss set a very fast to the stage winner, reached “I’m coming back,” Roglic said the longer climbs in the The three-week Tour, which
tempo on the final seven- a speed of 52 kph (32 mph) said. “We can see that I can big mountain stages that will was postponed from its usu-
kilometer (four-mile) climb, as he raised both arms to race and every day I feel a come later in the race will al July slot due to the coro-
preventing any attack from cross the line. little better. It’s nice to be be more suited to his pure navirus, ends in Paris on
the likes of Alaphilippe, Tadej Pogacar secured a Slo- able to ride again. I already climber’s style. Sept. 20.q
Muguruza dedicates U.S. Open win to player with cancer
NEW YORK (AP) — Garb- a nice woman, so sweet, so Sam Querrey was knocked
iñe Muguruza opened the kind, so humble. out of the first round by a
second day of the U.S. Open "I, for sure, will dedicate this player who missed more than
by dedicating her win to a win to her because I want her two years because of a hip in-
former top-10 player who to feel that we are behind her, jury.
had just revealed her cancer that I am behind her, and I Andrey Kuznetsov's 6-4, 7-5
diagnosis. will go and see her at some (6), 6-2 victory completed his
The No. 10 seed beat Nao point when it's fine." long comeback with his first
Hibino 6-4, 6-4 in the first Suarez Navarro, who turns tour-level win since 2017.
round Tuesday and thought 32 on Thursday, was ranked The Russian returned to play
about Carla Suarez Navarro, as high as No. 6 and reached last month at a Prague Chal-
who share her diagnosis pub- Grand Slam quarterfinals lenger event and lost his only
licly earlier in the day. seven times, including at match after a two-year, sev-
Suarez Navarro revealed in a Flushing Meadows in 2013 en-month layoff because of
tweeted video that she'll need and 2018. the hip.
six months of chemotherapy "I'm fine and calm at the He is the first unranked
to treat Hodgkin lympho- moment and willing to face player to win a Grand Slam Garbine Muguruza, of Spain, returns a shot to Nao Hibino,
ma. She dropped out of the whatever comes," she said in match since Nicolas Kiefer at of Japan, during the first round of the US Open tennis
Grand Slam event last month her video. Wimbledon in 2007. championships, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020, in New York.
with plans to retire. The second day of the tour- Also, Sumit Nagal became Associated Press
"I was expecting to see her in nament without specta- the first Indian man to win
this tournament," Muguruza tors featured several break- a match at the U.S. Open in resident of New Delhi beat 6-1. Nagal came in ranked
said. "You know, she's such throughs and comebacks. seven years. The 23-year-old Bradley Klahn 6-1, 6-3, 3-6, No. 124 in the world.q