Page 28 - bon-dia-aruba-Sept 2 2020
P. 28

A28    world news
              Diaranson 2 september 2020

              In  this  handout  photo  provided  by  the  Malacanang
              Presidential  Photographers  Division,  Philippine  President
              Rodrigo Duterte gestures as he meets members of the Inter-
              Agency Task Force on the Emerging Infectious Diseases at
              the Malacanang presidential palace in Manila, Philippines
              on Monday Aug. 30, 2020.
                                                   Associated Press
                 Duterte orders customs                               Israeli  National  Security  Advisor  Meir  Ben-Shabbat,  center  left,  elbow  bumps  with  an  Emirati

                       chief to shoot, kill                           official as he leaves Abu Dhabi, Arab Emirates, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020.   Associated Press

                         drug smugglers                                          UAE's warm welcome to Israelis

              By JIM GOMEZ                                                               reflects changing region
              Associated Press
              MANILA,  Philippines  (AP)  —  Philippine  President
              Rodrigo Duterte publicly ordered the country’s top cus-  By ARON HELLER              the future.”                 Emirati government officials
              toms official to shoot and kill drug smugglers in one of   Associated Press          The overnight visit, after the  sharing insight and anecdotes
              his most overt threats during a deadly four-year campaign   ABU   DHABI,   United  first-ever  direct  commercial  about their country, govern-
              that has been the centerpiece of his presidency. Duterte   Arab Emirates (AP) — In  passenger  flight  between  Is-  ment and personal lives. Ko-
              has  steadfastly  denied  authorizing  extrajudicial  killings   less  than  24  hours  on  the  rael  and  the  UAE,  marked  sher food was provided to the
              but  has  repeatedly  and  openly  threatened  drug  dealers   ground,  Israel’s  first-of-its-  the  apex  of  an  accelerating  observant  Jews,  as  well  as  a
              with death. He and the national police, which has led en-  kind delegation to the Unit-  warming  relationship  that  ritual hand-washing station.
              forcement of his anti-drug campaign, have said most of   ed  Arab  Emirates  received  had been mostly clandestine  On  Tuesday,  representatives
              the suspects killed by police during the campaign fought   a  royal  welcome  that  would  before  the  surprise  Aug.  13  of  the  international  media
              back and threatened the lives of law enforcers.         have been nearly unthinkable  White House announcement  visited the Al Dhafra air base,
              Duterte gave the order to Bureau of Customs Commis-     just a few weeks ago.        establishing  Israeli-Emirati  where 5,000 American troops
              sioner Rey Leonardo Guerrero in televised remarks from   Dozens of Israeli officials and  ties.  Since  then,  telephone  are  stationed,  to  highlight
              a Cabinet meeting on the coronavirus pandemic Monday    their  accompanying  travel-  lines were quickly connected  the  close  Emirati-American
              night.  Guerrero, a retired army general and former mili-  ing  press  corps  got  a  diz-  between  the  countries,  the  military  alliance.  The  Israeli
              tary chief of staff, was not present when Duterte spoke,   zying  taste  of  Abu  Dhabi’s  UAE’s  ruler  issued  a  decree  journalists were taken to the
              but the president said he met Guerrero and two other of-  glamorous  hotels,  historic  formally  ending  the  coun-  Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque
              ficials earlier Monday at the presidential palace in Manila.  landmarks and scorching cli-  try’s decades-long boycott of  and to a cultural center, with
              “Drug  is  still  flowing  inside  the  country  through  cus-  mate. The Emirati charm of-  Israel and several Israeli com-  a nod toward potential future
              toms,” Duterte said, adding he has earlier approved Guer-  fensive was on full display as  panies  signed  business  deals  Israeli  tourists.  Cheery  gov-
              rero’s request for firearms. “I approved the purchase of   the hosts literally pulled out  with Emirati counterparts.  ernment minders handed out
              firearms and until now you haven’t killed even one? I told   the red carpet at the airport as  For  the  traveling  journal-  souvenirs  and  UAE-themed
              him, ‘Shape up.’” “I told him straight, ‘Drugs is still flow-  they sought to convey a new  ists  from  Israel  in  tow,  the  trinkets.
              ing in. I’d like you to kill there ... anyway, I’ll back you up   spirit of friendship following  visit offered a crash course in  Only before departure, with
              and you won’t get jailed. If it’s drugs, you shoot and kill.   the  historic  U.S.-brokered  Emirati culture and hospital-  an Israeli flag flapping on the
              That’s the arrangement,” Duterte said without elaborat-  deal  to  normalize  relations  ity  and  a  brief  window  into  Abu  Dhabi  Airport  tarmac
              ing. More than 5,700 mostly poor drug suspects have been   between the two countries.   a  nation  that  had  long  been  below, did Al Musharakh, the
              killed under Duterte’s anti-drug crackdown, which has   Emirati  diplomats  in  their  mysterious  and  inaccessible  senior Foreign Ministry offi-
              alarmed human rights groups and Western governments     traditional white garb warmly  to Israeli citizens. The hosts  cial, express himself publicly.
              and  sparked  an  examination  of  alleged  crimes  against   greeted their Israeli counter-  arranged a private tour of the  He  said  the  UAE  remained
              humanity at the International Criminal Court. Duterte   parts,  some  wearing  Jewish  sparkling Louvre Abu Dhabi  committed to solidarity with
              has vowed to continue the deadly crackdown in his re-   skullcaps, as they hammered  museum, with a guide high-   the Palestinians yet felt com-
              maining two years in power. Human Rights Watch called   out the initial details of agree-  lighting  its  Jewish-themed  pelled to move ahead none-
              Duterte’s order “savage.” Phil Robertson, deputy Asia di-  ments  on  a  range  of  issues,  artifacts  and  official  photog-  theless with Israel.
              rector of the U.S.-based rights group, said the U.N. Hu-  including  diplomacy,  trade,  raphers  capturing  images  of  While  the  Palestinians  say
              man Rights Council, which convenes this month, should   science,  technology  and  co-  the  Israeli  visitors  that  were  they  feel  betrayed,  the  UAE
              establish an independent international investigation into   operation  in  countering  the  later shared online.  has touted the deal as a tool
              the killings in the Philippines.  “The continuing carnage   coronavirus pandemic.    A model was put on display of  to  force  Israel  into  halting
              also explains why the international community led by the   “It  is  a  message  of  coexis-  the future Abrahamic Family  its  contentious  plan  to  an-
              European Union needs to act decisively on this ongoing   tence.  It  is  a  message  of  to-  House, a massive multi-faith  nex  parts  of  the  West  Bank
              rights catastrophe in the Philippines and not be swayed   getherness  and  tolerance  in  complex  under  construction  sought  by  the  Palestinians
              by the government’s falsehoods about its record,” Rob-  the  region,”  said  Jamal  Al  set to open by 2022. It aims  for  a  future  state.  It  is  also
              ertson said. Human rights groups have said their inves-  Musharakh, a senior Emirati  to house a mosque, a church  expected  to  help  them  ac-
              tigations showed some suspects were killed mercilessly   Foreign  Ministry  official,  in  and a synagogue, and is being  quire  advanced  U.S.  weap-
              then police officers altered the scene and placed firearms   a  briefing  with  the  visiting  touted as the most expensive  ons  systems  that  have  been
              in the victims’ hands to make it appear that they fought   reporters  Tuesday.  “There  Jewish house of worship ever  previously unattainable, such
              back. Police have said the rights groups and critics should   are too many conflicts in the  built.               as the F-35 fighter jet. Israel
              file  criminal  complaints  in  court  if  they  have  evidence   region  and  it’s  high  time  to  A lavish, multi-course dinner  currently is the only country
              against officers. q                                     look  forward  to  sustainable  with  an  assortment  of  local  in the region to fly the stealth
                                                                      ways  forward  and  hope  for  dishes followed, with senior  warplane.q
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