Page 27 - bon-dia-aruba-Sept 2 2020
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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diaranson 2 september 2020

                        Officials: L.A. deputies shoot, kill Black man who dropped gun

            By STEFANIE DAZIO                                                                                                   sheriff's official, wasn't hold-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ing a weapon.
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —                                                                                               "If he reached down to grab
            Los Angeles County sheriff's                                                                                        it,  that's  different,"  Givens
            deputies shot and killed Di-                                                                                        told the Times. "But if it's on
            jon Kizzee after they stopped                                                                                       the ground, why shoot? That
            the Black man on his bicycle                                                                                        means he was unarmed."
            for a traffic violation and he                                                                                      Police  say  the  handgun  was
            ran from them, punched one                                                                                          recovered  and  no  deputies
            and  then  dropped  a  bundle                                                                                       were  injured.  TV  news  he-
            that included a gun, authori-                                                                                       licopters showed a gun near
            ties and relatives said.                                                                                            the body.
            The shooting death Monday                                                                                           Dean, in a Monday afternoon
            afternoon comes on the heels                                                                                        news conference, said inves-
            of a police shooting in Keno-                                                                                       tigators  had  not  yet  inter-
            sha,  Wisconsin,  that  left  Ja-                                                                                   viewed witnesses or reviewed
            cob Blake, who is also Black,                                                                                       any surveillance or cellphone
            paralyzed and spurred days of                                                                                       video.
            protests,  reinvigorating  the                                                                                      "Give us time to conduct our
            national  debate  on  racial  in-                                                                                   investigation,"  he  said.  "We
            justice and policing.                                                                                               will get all of the facts of this
            Kizzee's  family  and  friends                                                                                      case  and  eventually  present
            created  a  small  memorial  to                                                                                     them."
            the 29-year-old at the shoot-                                                                                       The  Sheriff's  Department
            ing  scene  in  the  South  Los                                                                                     said multiple agencies are in-
            Angeles  area  on  Tuesday,   Protesters clash with deputies of the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department during protests following the   vestigating.
            leaving flowers, balloons and   death of Dijon Kizzee on Monday, Aug. 31, 2020, in Los Angeles, Calif.              Fair described her nephew as
            candles  just  feet  away  from                                                                    Associated Press  "a mother's child," saying he
            first  responders'  discarded                                                                                       took care of his mother after
            blue  medical  gloves  and  many  friends  and  expressed  ten warned his nephew that,  bicycle in violation of vehicle  a car crash until her death in
            rolled  bandages.  More  than  anger  at  the  shooting.  "You  as a Black man, he had to be  codes,  he  dropped  his  bike  2011 from a heart attack. Af-
            100  protesters  had  marched  guys  take  care  of  dogs,  you  especially careful.  "'You have  and  ran.  When  they  caught  ter  that,  he  took  care  of  his
            in the area the night before,  don't take care of us," Kizzee's  a target on your back, just by  up to him he punched one of  younger brother, Sean Jones,
            some chanting "Say his name"  aunt  Fletcher  Fair  said,  ad-  being you,'" Johnson remem-  them in the face and dropped  who is 18 and just graduated
            and  "No  justice,  no  peace,"  dressing the sheriff's depart-  bered saying as recently as a  a  bundle  of  clothes  he  was  from high school.
            the  Los  Angeles  Times  re-  ment.  "He  was  a  sweet  and  few weeks ago. "He was like,  carrying. The deputies spot-  Fair lives near where Kizzee
            ported.                      loving  young  man.  He  had  'yeah, all right, uncle,' like he  ted a handgun in the bundle  was  killed  and  couldn't  be-
            The sheriff's department has  his  whole  life  ahead  of  him  always says."          and opened fire.             lieve  the  circumstances  sur-
            not  released  Kizzee's  name,  and it was cut short by rogue  Sheriff's  Lt.  Brandon  Dean  "He  was  in  possession  of  a  rounding  the  death  of  her
            but  two  relatives  confirmed  sheriffs."                told  the  Los  Angeles  Times  firearm and did assault a dep-  nephew.
            his identity.                Kizzee's   uncle   Anthony  that investigators had not yet  uty," Dean said.           "How do you get a violation
            In  interviews  Tuesday  with  Johnson,  33,  recalled  that  interviewed the two deputies  Neighborhood  resident  Ar-  on  a  bicycle?"  she  asked.  "I
            The  Associated  Press,  rela-  the  two  grew  up  together  involved, but he gave this ac-  lander  Givens,  68,  ques-  stayed here until they picked
            tives  remembered  Kizzee  as  and  were  as  close  as  broth-  count:  When  deputies  tried  tioned why deputies fired at  his body up. I didn't want to
            an energetic young man with  ers. Johnson said he had of-  to stop the man for riding his  a man who, according to the  leave."q

                            Barr tightens rules on surveillance of political candidates

            By ERIC TUCKER               2016 campaign. Barr is acting  and omissions in surveillance
            Associated Press             on an issue that has provoked  applications  targeting  a  for-
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  loud concerns from Trump’s  mer  Trump  aide  during  the
            The  Justice  Department  an-  allies, who have seized on er-  Russia probe.
            nounced  new  restrictions  rors  in  the  surveillance  pro-  One  new  restriction  out-
            Tuesday on how it conducts  cess  to  attack  the  underpin-  lined Tuesday would require
            any  secret  national  security  nings  of  the  Russia  probe  the FBI to consider briefing
            surveillance of candidates for  even as reports from the Jus-  a federal candidate or staffer
            federal  office  or  their  staff  tice  Department’s  watchdog  that  the  person  is  possibly
            members and advisers.        and  the  Senate  intelligence  being  targeted  by  a  foreign
            The  restrictions,  announced  committee have laid out ex-  power  before  applying  for  a
            by Attorney General William  tensive  contacts  between  warrant  from  the  court.  No
            Barr in a pair of memos, are  Russia and Trump associates  application  for  a  candidate
            part of broader changes to the  during  the  2016  presidential  or  staffer  may  be  submit-
            FBI’s surveillance procedures  contest.                   ted  unless  the  FBI  director
            implemented  in  response  to  The  policy  changes  con-  has  decided  that  a  defensive
            problems during the 2016 in-  cern how the FBI goes about  briefing  is  not  appropriate   Attorney  General  William  Barr  talks  to  the  media  during  a
            vestigation into ties between  seeking permission from the  and  has  said  so  in  writing.   news conference about Operation Legend, a federal task force
            Russia and President Donald  Foreign Intelligence Surveil-  Applications must also be ap-  formed to fight violent crime in several cities, Wednesday, Aug.
            Trump’s campaign.            lance  Court  when  it  wants  proved  by  the  attorney  gen-  19, 2020, in Kansas City, Mo.
            Coming just two months be-   to  eavesdrop  on  someone  it  eral and must include a “full                                      Associated Press
            fore the presidential election,  suspects of being an agent of  and complete statement as to
            the  changes  are  designed  to  a foreign power, such as a po-  whether  other  less  intrusive  it  for  fear  of  compromising  applied  to  this  decision  and
            ensure that law enforcement  tential spy or terrorist.    investigative  measures  have  an ongoing investigation, ac-  therefore  determined  that
            officials  have  to  clear  addi-  The  FBI  has  announced  been tried and failed.”   cording  to  a  Justice  Depart-  the decision was a judgment
            tional  hurdles  before  pursu-  more  than  40  corrective  ac-  The  FBI  had  contemplated  ment  inspector  general  re-  call that Department and FBI
            ing the same type of surveil-  tions  after  the  Justice  De-  giving such “defensive brief-  port.                policy leaves to the discretion
            lance as was conducted on a  partment  inspector  general  ings” to the Trump campaign  “We did not identify any De-  of  FBI  officials,”  the  report
            former  adviser  to  Trump’s  identified  significant  errors  in  2016  but  decided  against  partment  or  FBI  policy  that  stated. q
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