Page 25 - bon-dia-aruba-Sept 2 2020
P. 25
u.s. news Diaranson 2 september 2020
Mnuchin says Trump still wants virus deal with Democrats
By MARCY GORDON from Rep. Maxine Waters,
AP Business Writer D-Calif., to phone Pelosi
WASHINGTON (AP) right after the hearing.
— Pressed by Democrats He said he doesn’t support
to quickly negotiate a new the Democrats’ position
coronavirus relief package, for $2.2 trillion in spending
Treasury Secretary Steven in the next package, which
Mnuchin said Tuesday the contrasts with Republicans’
administration remains will- stance of $1 trillion. He add-
ing to work on a bipartisan ed, however, “What’s more
agreement to help small important is ... getting money
businesses, the unemployed, to American workers, Ameri-
children and schools. Demo- can families, kids. There are
cratic leaders in Congress are tremendous areas of agree-
holding it up with hardened ment, and that’s what we
positions, he said. should be doing right away.”
“Let’s move forward on a bi- “I would publicly say I am
partisan basis on points we willing to sit down at the ne-
can agree upon,” Mnuchin gotiating table with the speak-
urged at a hearing by the er with no conditions what-
House Select Subcommittee soever any time,” Mnuchin
on the Coronavirus Crisis. said. Pelosi this week said
“The president and I want to the talks faltered because ad-
move forward.” ministration officials “do not
Mnuchin made the case that Committee Chairman Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C., makes his opening remarks during a House understand the gravity of the
the economy’s recovery has Oversight and Reform Subcommittee, on the Trump administrations response the the Coronavirus problem” facing the country.
strengthened in recent weeks, crisis, Tuesday, Sept. 1, 2020, on Capitol Hill in Washington. Under questioning from
citing improved consumer Associated Press Democrats on the panel,
spending, growth in manu- Mnuchin again denied any
facturing and a rebounding the $660 billion-plus small with the two sides trillions of al spending on aid to small involvement in the hiring
housing market. It’s the fail- business loan program — in- dollars apart. Lawmakers left businesses as the area where of new Postmaster General
ure of some states to reopen cluding more than $1 billion Washington for the August Democrats and Republicans Louis DeJoy.
activity that is holding back awarded to businesses that recess without an agreement. are most likely to agree. In Democrats are looking into
the economy, he said. received multiple loans. The impasse left millions sometimes sharp exchanges, how DeJoy was hired as they
But Democrats insisted that The staff investigators said in of jobless people without a he and Democrats on the scrutinize a series of opera-
dire economic conditions a report that a lack of govern- $600-per-week pandemic panel disagreed over the state tional changes at the Postal
persist for many. “Millions ment oversight and account- bonus unemployment ben- of the economy and traded Service that have resulted in
of Americans are now facing ability for the program “may efit that had helped families blame for the impasse over widespread mail delays and
eviction, debt and hunger,” have led to billions of dollars stay afloat, left state and local new rescue legislation. fears that the agency will not
said the panel’s chairman, being diverted to fraud, waste governments seeking fiscal Mnuchin pinned the blame be able to handle an expected
Rep. James Clyburn, D-S.C. and abuse, rather than reach- relief high and dry, and held on a refusal to compromise surge in mail-in ballots this
“As the pandemic drags on, ing small businesses truly in back a more than $100 billion by House Speaker Nancy fall as a result of the corona-
states, cities and businesses need.” With bipartisan agree- school aid package. Pelosi and Senate Democrat- virus pandemic.
are warning that more layoffs ment, Congress enacted an An estimated 27 million peo- ic leader Chuck Schumer. Democrats also want to
may be coming.” unprecedented $2.3 trillion ple are receiving some form While touting the economy’s learn more about Mnuchin’s
The subcommittee’s Demo- pandemic rescue package in of unemployment benefits, partial recovery, he acknowl- role. The Treasury chief met
cratic staff, meanwhile, said it March. Now the Trump ad- according to the Labor De- edged that “we have more with members of the Postal
has identified lapses pointing ministration and top congres- partment, though the figure work to do.” Service Board of Governors
to possible fraud and abuse sional Democrats have been may be inflated by double- Still, Mnuchin showed some while the selection of the
in a signature piece of the in a monthslong stalemate counting by states. openness to negotiating and new postmaster general was
administration’s relief effort, over new relief legislation, Mnuchin identified addition- even agreed, under prodding underway.q
Court blocks release of Trump tax returns amid latest appeal
By MICHAEL R. SISAK their investigation. “The subpoenas cover 11 entities
Associated Press question at this juncture is engaged in business dealings
NEW YORK (AP) — A quite simple but also quite as far away as Europe and
federal appeals court on important,” Trump law- Dubai.
Tuesday blocked a New York yer William Consovoy said. Trump has blasted the long-
prosecutor from obtaining “Will the president be given running quest for his finan-
Donald Trump’s tax returns an opportunity to appeal that cial records as a “continua-
while his lawyers continue ruling before his personal tion of the most disgusting
to fight a subpoena seeking records are disclosed to the witch hunt in the history of
the records. The three-judge grand jury and the status our country” and predicted
panel ruled after hearing quo is irrevocably changed?” the case would again end up
brief arguments from both Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow before the Supreme Court.
sides. Trump’s lawyers had said they were pleased with The Supreme Court ruled
asked for a temporary stay the ruling. A message seek- In this Monday, Feb. 24, 2020, file photo, Manhattan District last month that the presi-
while they appeal a lower- ing comment was left with Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., speaks at a news conference in New dency in itself doesn’t shield
court ruling that granted Vance’s spokesperson. York. Trump from Vance’s investi-
Manhattan District Attorney A hearing on the merits of Associated Press gation, but the high court re-
Cyrus Vance Jr.’s office ac- Trump’s latest appeal will be turned the case to U.S. Dis-
cess to Trump’s tax returns. held on Sept. 25 after both the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court validate a subpoena issued to trict Judge Victor Marrero’s
A lawyer for Vance’s of- sides agreed to an expedited of Appeals last month after a his accounting firm. Judge courtroom to allow Trump’s
fice had argued that further schedule. district court judge rejected John M. Walker Jr. said at lawyers to raise other con-
delays would only impede Trump’s lawyers appealed to their renewed efforts to in- Tuesday’s hearing that the cerns about the subpoena.q