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a26     obituario/u.s. news
               Diabierna 26 november 2021

                       Families struggle with how to hold 2nd pandemic Thanksgiving

            (AP)  —  Back  in  the  for her, her husband and two                                                                have  a  sense  of  community
            spring,  Pauline  Criel  and  grown boys.                                                                           back.
            her  cousins  talked  about
            reuniting  for  Thanksgiv-   “I’m  going  to  wear  my                                                              She said about seven or eight
            ing at her home near De-     stretchy  pants  and  eat  too                                                         family  members  would  be
            troit  after  many  painful  much — and no one’s going                                                              gathering  for  the  holiday
            months  of  seclusion  be-   to care,” she said.                                                                    and  that  the  group  had  not
            cause  of  the  COVID-19                                                                                            discussed one another’s vac-
            pandemic.                    Her    story   reflects   the                                                          cination  status  beforehand,
                                         Thanksgiving  dilemma  that                                                            in part because they “kind of
            But the virus had a different  families  across  America  are                                                       know”  already  who  got  the
            plan.  Michigan  is  now  the  facing  as  the  gatherings  be-                                                     shots and who has had the vi-
            nation’s  hot  spot.  Hospitals  come  burdened  with  the                                                          rus already.
            there  are  teeming  with  pa-  same political and coronavi-
            tients,  and  schools  are  scal-  rus debates consuming other                                                      “Getting  together  is  worth
            ing back in-person learning.  arenas.                                                                               it.  And  getting  together  and
            A resurgent virus has pushed                                                           ent  approach  by  prioritizing   sharing  meals,  and  shar-
            new  infections  in  the  U.S.  As  they  gather  for  turkey,   “I  know  that  it  might  be  family time over COVID-19   ing life,” Ragusin said while
            to  95,000  daily,  hospitals  in  stuffing,  mashed  potatoes   overkill  that  we’re  not  shar-  concerns  even  as  rising  case   picking up her mother at the
            Minnesota,  Colorado  and  and pie, they are confronted   ing  Thanksgiving  here  with  counts  and  overwhelmed   airport in Denver. “We’re just
            Arizona are also under pres-  with a list of questions: Can   my cousins, but better be safe  hospitals triggered new mask   not made to live in isolation.”
            sure, and health officials are  they once again hold big get-  than sorry, right?” said Criel,  mandates in the Denver area
            pleading  with  unvaccinated  togethers? Can they gather at   a  58-year-old  data  adminis-  this  week.  Ragusin,  whose   The  desire  to  bring  family
            people not to travel.        all?  Should  they  invite  un-  trator for a finance company.  husband contracted the virus   and friends back together for
                                         vaccinated  family  members?                              and spent four days in the in-  Thanksgiving  was  evident
            Criel’s  big  family  feast  was  Should they demand a nega-  Jocelyn  Ragusin,  an  ac-  tensive care unit in October   Wednesday in San Francisco,
            put on hold. She is roasting a  tive test before a guest is al-  countant  from  Littleton,  2020, said she is willing to ac-  where the line at one grocery
            turkey and whipping togeth-  lowed at the dinner table or a   Colorado,  is  taking  a  differ-  cept a certain level of risk to   store  stretched  out  the  door
            er a pistachio fluff salad — an  spot on the sofa for an after-                                                     and around the corner.
            annual tradition — but only  noon of football?

                                                                         Their own words may have doomed men

                                                                                      who killed Ahmaud Arbery

                                                                      (AP)  -  The  video  of  Ah-  trial from Atlanta.         police  Sgt.  Roderic  Nohilly
                                                                      maud  Arbery’s  shotgun                                   read in court.
              “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n tin falta di nada           death was a shocking piece  WHAT THEY SAID:
              Den cunucu di yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.           of evidence that suddenly  The  shooter,  Travis  McMi-   Bryan was on his front porch
              E ta hibami na awa trankil,                             brought  the  Black  man’s  chael,  his  dad,  Greg  McMi-  when he saw Arbery run past
              Pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                                killing  into  the  national  chael  and  neighbor  William  with  the  McMichaels’  truck
              Salmo: 23                                               consciousness.               “Roddie” Bryan all spoke ex-  close behind. He told police
                                                                                                   tensively  and  candidly  with  he  didn’t  recognize  any  of
              A fayece:                                               But  the  murder  convictions  Glynn  County  investigators  them, or know what prompt-
                                                                      of the three white men who  just  hours  after  Arbery  was  ed the chase, but still joined
                                                                      chased  him  may  have  been  killed  in  their  Brunswick,  in after calling out: “Y’all got
                                                                      secured  as  much  by  their  Georgia,  neighborhood  in  him?”
                                                                      own  words  to  investigators  February 2020.
                                                                      the day of the shooting.                                  In  an  interview  with  the
                                                                                                   They told police they weren’t  Georgia Bureau of Investiga-
                                                                      Greg  McMichael,  who  was  sure exactly what Arbery had  tion,  Bryan  said  he  wanted
                                                                      in the bed of a pickup truck  done  wrong,  which  would  to take a photo of Arbery to
                                                                      when  his  son  killed  Arbery,  later  be  a  big  blow  to  their  show  police,  but  couldn’t
                                                                      told  police  the  Black  man  defense that they were mak-  point  to  any  crimes  Arbery
                                                                      “was  trapped  like  a  rat”  and  ing a citizen’s arrest.  had committed.
                                                                      he told Arbery: “Stop, or I’ll
                                                                      blow your f---ing head off!”  The  citizen’s  arrest  law,  “I figured he had done some-
                                                                                                   largely  repealed  by  lawmak-  thing wrong,” Bryan said. “I
                                                                      Statements  like  that  allowed  ers  after  Arbery’s  death,  re-  didn’t know for sure.”
                                                                      prosecutors  to  give  context  quired  a  person  to  see  or
                                                                      to the short video that didn’t  have  immediate  knowledge  The   statements   allowed
                                                                      show the entire shooting and  of  a  crime  being  committed  prosecutor  Linda  Dunikoski
                                                                      had little of the five minutes  or  have  reasonable  suspi-  to  methodically  pick  apart
                                                                      that the men chased Arbery.  cion that someone is fleeing  the defense’s arguments.
                                                                                                   a felony in order to justify a
                                                                      “It’s  those  statements  that  citizen’s arrest.         “Nobody  was  talking  about
                                                                      screwed  the  defense  more                               a citizen’s arrest. And I don’t
                                                                      than  the  video.  If  they  had  “I don’t think the guy has ac-  mean using the magic words
                                                                      never  talked  to  police  and  tually stolen anything out of  ‘citizen’s  arrest.’  I  mean  no
                                                                      they said we saw him taking  there, or if he did it was early  one’s saying, ‘We saw the guy
                                                                      something from the property  in the process. But he keeps  commit  a  burglary  and  we
                           Ricardo Soriano                            and  running  —  there’s  an  going  back  over  and  over  were going to hold on to him
                                                                      OK shot the jury might have  again  to  this  damn  house,”  so we could turn him over to
                          *07-11-1951 - †24-11-2021                   acquitted  them,”  said  appel-  Greg  McMichael  said,  ac-  police because he committed
                                                                      late  attorney  Andrew  Fleis-  cording to a transcript of the  this  crime,’”  Atlanta  defense
                    Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues          chman,  who  followed  the  interview that Glynn County  attorney Page Pate said.
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