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                                                                                                 u.s. news Diabierna 26 november 2021

                             New maps spark debate over majority-minority districts

            (AP)  —  Adam  Hollier  is  said. “It’s just the reality. It’s  respectively.
            a  lieutenant  in  the  Army  got  nothing  to  do  with  me.
            Reserves,  a  paratrooper,  Draw  maps  that  majority-   “I  think  we’re  in  a  new  age
            Detroit  native,  a  Demo-   Black communities can win.”  now,” said Bakari Sellers, an
            crat and a Black man. He                                  African  American  former
            is also a state senator who  Whether Hollier is right is at  South  Carolina  state  leg-
            represents  a  majority-     the  heart  of  a  heated  debate  islator.  “If  you’re  talented
            Black district that stretch-  over how to ensure racial and  enough, you can win in a 30-
            es across the northeastern  ethnic  minority  communi-    35% Black district. ... We can
            edge  of  his  economically  ties can elect the officehold-  be more competitive around
            battered    and    resilient  ers of their choice. The fight  the country.”
            hometown.  That  critical  is  complicated  and  wonky
            mass of Black voters, Hol-   — like most surrounding the  But that’s a hard sell to some
            lier argues, ensures he has  once-a-decade  redistricting  lawmakers  and  advocates
            a chance to be elected and  process.  But  the  stakes  are  pushing to put more people
            give  voice  to  people  who  clear: Black, Latino and Asian  of  color  in  statehouses  and
            have long been ignored by  Americans  are  underrepre-    Congress.  Black  legislators
            the political system.        sented in state legislatures.  make  up  less  than  10%  of
                                                                      state  legislators  in  the  U.S.,
            Rebecca  Szetela  is  a  lawyer  For  decades,  the  widely  ac-  although 14.2% of the popu-
            who  describes  herself  as  an  cepted strategy was to group  lation  is  Black,  according  to  seats in districts that are still
            independent,  and  a  white  together Black voters so they  the  National  Conference  of  majority  African  American  Increasing competition is one
            woman  who  chairs  Michi-   comprised  a  majority  in  a  State Legislatures. Latinos are  — but had recently been re-  of  the  goals  of  Michigan’s
            gan’s   new    Independent  statehouse  or  congressio-   18.7% of the population and  drawn  to  have  fewer  Black  commission,  which  voters
            Citizens Redistricting Com-  nal  district.  That  principle  just 5.3% of state lawmakers.  voters. Control of the House  created in 2018 after decades
            mission. Its job is to redraw  was enshrined in the federal  Asians comprise 2% of legis-  of Delegates will come down  of  partisan  gerrymander-
            the  lines  of  legislative  seats  Voting Rights Act, which re-  lators but 7.2% of the popula-  to two other races that are in  ing  controlled  by  Republi-
            to  promote  more  partisan  quires the creation of districts  tion.                   recounts.                    cans. The commission also is
            competition in a state where  with a majority or plurality of                                                       tasked with considering rep-
            Republicans have dominated  Black  —  or  other  minority  In Nevada, Latino and other  Jonathan  Cervas,  one  of  the  resentation of minority com-
            the  Legislature  for  decades.  racial or ethnic group — vot-  activist groups opposed maps  experts who redrew the Vir-  munities  and  following  the
            One  of  the  best  ways  to  do  ers in places where the white  drawn  by  the  Democratic-  ginia  districts  in  2019,  said  Voting Rights Act.
            that,  and  empower  minor-  population  has  a  history  of  controlled  Legislature  be-  the aim was to rectify what a
            ity  voters,  Szetela  and  other  preventing them from elect-  cause the plan spread Latinos  court had found was discrim-  It  is  advancing  maps  that
            commissioners argue, is put-  ing  their  chosen  representa-  broadly  around  the  state’s  ination  against  Black  voters.  would  cut  the  number  of
            ting  some  of  the  majority-  tives.                    congressional  and  legislative  He  argued  that  the  Voting  majority-Black districts from
            Black neighborhoods in Hol-                               districts to increase the odds  Rights Act does not guarantee  two to zero in Congress and
            lier’s  district  in  other  seats,  That strategy was reinforced  of  Democratic  victories.  In  Black  legislators  will  always  from  roughly  a  dozen  to  as
            where  they  may  have  more  by partisan politics. Republi-  Wisconsin, Democratic Gov.  be  reelected.  “The  problem  few  as  three  in  the  Legis-
            say  over  Michigan’s  leader-  cans have been happy to draw  Tony  Evers  asked  a  com-  is  the  Democrats  had  a  bad  lature,  pending  final  votes.
            ship.                        districts  with  large  numbers  mission  to  propose  maps  to  election,” Cervas said.  Commissioners  argue  that
                                         of Black voters because Black  counter  ones  drawn  by  the                           there  is  evidence  that  Black
            For  Hollier’s  2nd  Senate  voters overwhelmingly favor  GOP-controlled  Legislature.  Still,  the  shift  toward  un-  candidates can still win elec-
            District,  that  means  some  Democrats.  The  effect  was  But Black and Latino Demo-  packing  districts  is  likely  to  tions.  In  2020,  for  example,
            of  its  Detroit  neighbor-  to pack Democrats into just a  crats  objected  to  the  com-  lead  to  turnover  in  legisla-  racial minorities won 19 of 20
            hoods  would  be  grafted  on  few districts and leave other  mission’s maps because they  tures and Congress. In North  legislative  seats  where  Black
            to mostly white districts, and  parts of the state more safely  would scatter minority voters  Carolina,  a  new  GOP-ap-  people constitute at least 35%
            his  own  seat  would  stretch  Republican.               across several districts.    proved map cut the share of  of the voting-age population.
            across  Eight  Mile  Road,  the                                                        Black  voters  in  Democratic
            infamous boundary between  But politics has changed dra-  “I get what Republicans have  Rep.  G.K  Butterfield’s  dis-  “What we have done is taken
            Detroit  and  its  first-ring,  matically  since  the  law  was  done, completely, but I’m not  trict from 45% to 38%. The  those areas and divided them
            majority  white  suburbs.  Its  passed  in  1965.  Now,  only  willing to sacrifice Black rep-  nine-term  African  American  into multiple districts so that
            Black  voting-age  population  18 of the 53 members of the  resentation and brown repre-  congressman  announced  his  there’s actually more districts
            would drop to 42%.           Congressional Black Caucus  sentation, I’m just not,” said  resignation  this  month  and  where minority voters will be
                                         were elected in districts that  Sen. Lena Taylor, one of two  called the new map “racially  able to elect their candidates
            Hollier, like other Black law-  are  majority  African  Ameri-  African American Democrats  gerrymandered.”         of choice, which should actu-
            makers, is furious, saying that  can.  Rising  Black  politicians  in the Wisconsin state Senate,                   ally have the effect of increas-
            move jeopardizes Black elect-  like  Rep.  Antonio  Delgado  who voted against her party’s  At the other extreme, Dem-  ing the representation among
            ed  officials.  “By  and  large,  and Rep.  Joe  Neguse  repre-  map.                  ocrats  filed  a  lawsuit  this  the  African  American  com-
            Black  people  vote  for  Black  sent  heavily  white  areas  in                       month  alleging  that  Ala-  munity,” Szetela said.
            people and white people vote  New  York’s  Hudson  River  The  other,  Sen.  LaTonya  bama  Republicans  improp-
            for  white  people,”  Hollier  Valley and Boulder, Colorado  Johnson,  disagreed,  saying  erly packed Black voters into  But  Republicans  and  oth-
                                                                      the Democratic plan was far  the state’s 7th Congressional  ers, including the state’s civil
                                                                      better than the alternative: “I  District,  making  it  home  to  rights  director,  predict  legal
                                                                      don’t  believe  that  the  maps  nearly one out of every three  troubles ahead.
                                                                      proposed would block Black  African  Americans  in  the
                                                                      candidates  of  choice,  but  I  state.                   Jamie Roe, a GOP consultant
                                                                      would  rather  have  to  fight                            tracking the redistricting pro-
                                                                      harder for my seat than have  One  quarter  of  Alabama’s  cess, noted Michigan has had
                                                                      my community suffer anoth-   population  is  Black,  but  the  two  majority-Black congres-
                                                                      er 10 years under a Republi-  7th is the sole district repre-  sional  districts  since  at  least
                                                                      can gerrymander.”            sented by an African Ameri-  the 1960s — whether drawn
                                                                                                   can  in  Congress,  Rep.  Terri  by legislators or courts.
                                                                      The  risks  in  balancing  the  Sewell.  It  is  also  the  only
                                                                      racial  composition  of  dis-  Democratic-held  district  in  “They  have  opened  them-
                                                                      tricts were illustrated in this  the state. A more even distri-  selves  terribly  to  a  Voting
                                                                      month’s  Virginia  elections.  bution of Black voters, Dem-  Rights  Act  challenge,”  he
                                                                      Two  Black  Democratic  del-  ocrats argue, might help then  said.
                                                                      egates  narrowly  lost  their  win a second.
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