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A28    u.s. news
               Diabierna 26 november 2021

                         Ahmaud Arbery’s mom: Thankful for justice and son’s legacy

                                                                      and a federal hate crimes trial  he walked in his gated com-  “Today is actually going to be
                                                                      for  them  is  scheduled  for  munity.  Martin  was  visiting  a day of rest. I’ve been sitting
                                                                      February.                    relatives.                   in that courtroom since Oc-
                                                                                                                                tober 18,” Cooper-Jones said.
                                                                      Youtube video thumbnail      She  also  spoke  with  the  “I’m gathering my immediate
                                                                      Cooper-Jones  said  after  the  mother  of  Breonna  Taylor.  family. We’re going to have a
                                                                      verdicts  were  read  Wednes-  Taylor  was  killed  by  Louis-  small dinner. We’ve going to
                                                                      day, she thought of her son’s  ville,  Kentucky,  police  who  be  thankful.  We’re  going  to
                                                                      supporters  at  the  Glynn  burst  into  her  home  with-  give our praises to God.”
                                                                      County  courthouse  every  out  knocking  while  serving
                                                                      day who shouted “Justice for  a warrant during a drug op-  Other relatives are also grate-
                                                                      Ahmaud!”                     eration.  Taylor’s  boyfriend  ful for the blessing of justice.
                                                                                                   fired on the group. The offi-
                                                                      “I finally got a chance to come  cers were not charged in her  “We’re  thankful  for  Ah-
                                                                      out of those courtroom doors  death.                      maud’s  life.  Thankful  for
                                                                      and say, we did it, we did it                             the love that he’s shown us,
                                                                      together,” Cooper-Jones said.  Other  mothers  who  have  for  the  years  we  had  him.
            (AP) — Ahmaud Arbery’s  Cooper-Jones,  told  The  As-                                  lost  sons  and  daughters  to  Thankful  for  the  fight  we
            mother woke up Thursday  sociated Press in an interview  Sitting  beside  Cooper-Jones  racial  violence  or  in  police  stayed in for justice. Thank-
            with  a  new,  very  impor-  Thursday.                    as  she  heard  the  judge  read  shootings  also  reached  out.  ful  that  now  we  can  start
            tant  blessing  on  Thanks-                               out  guilty  23  times  was  the  Cooper-Jones  calls  them  a  healing,” Arbery’s aunt Thea
            giving Day.                  The  three  white  men  who  mother  of  Ronald  Greene,  sorority.                    Brooks told the AP.
                                         chased  and  killed  Arbery  in  a  Louisiana  man  who  died
            But there will still be an emp-  Brunswick in February 2020  in  2019  after  he  was  beaten  “We come together. We share  Cooper-Jones  is  also  thank-
            ty chair at the family’s cele-  were all convicted of murder  and  put  in  a  chokehold  by  our experience and we grow  ful  her  son’s  killers  are  fac-
            brations. It is a reminder that  Wednesday.  They  cornered  state  troopers  after  a  high  together,” she said.  ing justic e and his death will
            while  she  feels  justice  was  Arbery  after  finding  out  he  speed  chase.  Troopers  said                     make Georgia a safer place.
            served when the three white  had  been  seen  on  a  surveil-  Greene  suffered  his  injuries  Cooper-Jones spent the past
            men  who  helped  shoot  her  lance  camera  at  a  nearby  in a crash, but his doctors re-  six  weeks  away  from  home,  After  Arbery’s  death,  Geor-
            son were convicted Wednes-   house  under  construction  ported  that  didn’t  appear  to  since  jury  selection  started  gia became the 47th state to
            day  for  cornering  and  kill-  and wanted to question him  be true. A federal civil rights  Oct.  18.  She  moved  away  pass  a  hate  crimes  law.  The
            ing him as he ran through a  about recent burglaries in the  investigation  into  Greene’s  from Brunswick after her son  Legislature  also  repealed  the
            coastal  Georgia  neighbor-  area.                        death continues.             was killed.                  citizen’s  arrest  law  that  de-
            hood, she will never be made                                                                                        fense attorneys tried to use to
            whole again because her son  Arbery  ran  through  the  ADVERTISEMENT                  So she plans a quiet Thanks-  justify chasing him, banning
            is gone.                     neighborhood  and  other  ar-                             giving  away  from  home  to-  people  who  aren’t  officers
                                         eas near his home to clear his  In the days after her son was  day. She isn’t sure if they will  from  detaining  people  out-
            “This is the second Thanks-  head. He had nothing in his  killed. Cooper-Jones got a call  make  Arbery’s  favorite  —  side of shoplifting.
            giving we’ve had without Ah-  hands and ran from the men  from the mother of Trayvon  pork chops and butter beans,
            maud. But at the same time  for five minutes before one of  Martin,  an  unarmed  Black  but if not Thursday, the they  “When  they  hear  my  son’s
            I’m thankful. This is the first  them shot three times at him  teen  killed  by  a  man  who  will have them soon because  name.  they  will  say,  this
            Thanksgiving  we  are  saying  at close range with a shotgun.  successfully  claimed  self-de-  she said her son loved them  young  man,  he  lost  his  life
            we got justice for Ahmaud,”  The  men  face  life  in  prison  fense during his murder trial  for Sunday dinner.    but  he  did  bring  change,”
            Arbery’s   mother,   Wanda  when they are sentenced later  after  confronting  Martin  as                           Cooper-Jones said.

                           Tribes to mourn on Thanksgiving: ‘No reason to celebrate’

            (AP)  -  Members  of  Na-    that they understand the sto-  Hill,  a  windswept  mound  Wampanoag  Tribal  Council,  world,”  Weeden  said.  “Be-
            tive American tribes from  ries we all learned in school  overlooking Plymouth Rock,  said on Boston Public Radio  cause  we  were  thankful,  we
            around  New  England  are  about the first Thanksgiving  a  memorial  to  the  colo-   earlier this week that Ameri-  were willing to share ... and
            gathering  in  the  seaside  are nothing but lies. Wampa-  nists’  arrival.  They  will  also  cans  owe  his  tribe  a  debt  of  we had good intentions and a
            town  where  the  Pilgrims  noag  and  other  Indigenous  livestream the event.        gratitude for helping the Pil-  good heart.”
            settled  —  not  to  give  people  have  certainly  not                                grims survive their first bru-
            thanks,  but  to  mourn  In-  lived happily ever after since  Participants will beat drums,  tal winter.            “That’s why, 400 years later,
            digenous  people  world-     the  arrival  of  the  Pilgrims,”  offer  prayers  and  condemn                        we’re  still  sitting  here  fight-
            wide who’ve suffered cen-    James said.                  what  organizers  describe  as  “People  need  to  understand  ing for what little bit of land
            turies  of  racism  and  mis-                             “the unjust system based on  that  you  need  to  be  thank-  that we still have, and trying
            treatment.                   “To us, Thanksgiving is a day  racism,  settler  colonialism,  ful  each  and  every  day  —  to  hold  the  commonwealth
                                         of mourning, because we re-  sexism, homophobia and the  that  was  how  our  ancestors  and  the  federal  government
            Thursday’s solemn National  member the millions of our  profit-driven  destruction  of  thought  and  navigated  this  accountable,” he said.
            Day of Mourning observance  ancestors  who  were  mur-    the  Earth”  before  marching
            in  downtown  Plymouth,  dered by uninvited European  through  downtown  Plym-
            Massachusetts, will recall the  colonists  such  as  the  Pil-  outh’s historical district.
            disease  and  oppression  that  grims.  Today,  we  and  many
            European settlers brought to  Indigenous  people  around  This  year,  they’ll  also  high-
            North America.               the country say, ‘No Thanks,  light  the  troubled  legacy  of
                                         No Giving.’”                 federal boarding schools that
            “We  Native  people  have  no                             sought  to  assimilate  Indig-
            reason  to  celebrate  the  ar-  It’s  the  52nd  year  that  the  enous youth into white soci-
            rival  of  the  Pilgrims,”  said  United American Indians of  ety in the U.S. as well as in
            Kisha  James,  a  member  of  New England have organized  Canada,  where  hundreds  of
            the  Aquinnah  Wampanoag  the  event  on  Thanksgiving  bodies have been discovered
            and Oglala Lakota tribes and  Day.  The  tradition  began  in  on  the  grounds  of  former
            the  granddaughter  of  Wam-  1970.                       residential schools for Indig-
            sutta Frank James, the event’s                            enous children.
            founder.                     Indigenous  people  and  their
                                         supporters  will  gather  at  Brian  Moskwetah  Weeden,
            “We want to educate people so  noon  in  person  on  Cole’s  chairman  of  the  Mashpee
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