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u.s. news Diaranson 11 november 2020
GOP presses ahead after election with Russia probe review
(AP) — President Donald candidate Hillary Clinton in
Trump may have lost his the form of stolen emails.
bid for reelection, but that The investigation was not
hasn’t stopped Senate Re- opened because the FBI op-
publicans from pressing posed a particular candidate
forward with their politi- or “because we intended to
cally charged probe of the stage a coup or overthrow the
FBI’s Russia investigation. government,” allegations fre-
quently raised by Trump and
The latest burst of activ- some of his supporters.
ity came Tuesday when the Instead, McCabe added, “We
GOP-led Senate Judiciary opened a case to find out how
Committee grilled former the Russians might be un-
FBI Deputy Director An- dermining our elections. We
drew McCabe about an in- opened a case because it was
vestigation that was begun our obligation — our duty —
even before the 2016 presi- to do so. We did our job.”
dential election. McCabe was the fourth for-
mer law enforcement official
The hearing made clear that to appear before the commit-
the election results have not tee. The others were former
cooled the Republican de- FBI Director James Comey
termination to continue Democrats suggested that the between the 2016 Trump nificant, but a Justice De- and Rod Rosenstein and Sal-
congressional investigations committee's time would be campaign and Russia. Those partment inspector general ly Yates, who both served as
that have been cheered on better spent discussing a new include pejorative text mes- report from last year none- deputy attorney general.
by Trump, who tweeted an memo from Attorney Gen- sages about Trump sent by theless concluded that the
attack on McCabe just min- eral William Barr that autho- former FBI employees who investigation was opened for McCabe became acting direc-
utes after the hearing began. rized prosecutors to pursue were involved in the Russia a valid purpose and did not tor after the firing of Comey
Though most congressio- any “substantial allegations” investigation, mistakes and find evidence of partisan bias. in May 2017. He was later
nal Republicans haven't ac- of voting irregularities, if omissions in applications McCabe on Tuesday con- fired from the bureau after
knowledged Trump’s loss, they exist, before the elec- to secretly wiretap a former ceded errors, including in allegations from the Justice
the Russia probe and similar tion is certified, even though Trump campaign adviser and the surveillance applications Department inspector gen-
political inquiries in line with there is no evidence of wide- the FBI questioning of for- targeting Page. The FBI has eral that he had misled inves-
Trump's interests give them spread fraud. mer national security adviser since taken steps to improve tigators about his role in an
continued lines of attack if “This kind of scare-mon- Michael Flynn. the accuracy of its applica- October 2016 disclosure to
they keep control of the Sen- gering is no substitute for Rep. Sen. Josh Hawley, a tions to the Foreign Intel- the news media. McCabe on
ate with Democrat Joe Biden the truth,” said Democratic Missouri Republican, reject- ligence Surveillance Court, Tuesday called the watchdog
in the White House. Sen. Richard Blumenthal ed the Democrats’ character- and McCabe, like other for- investigation “deeply flawed”
of Connecticut. “The fact is ization, describing mistakes mer FBI and Justice Depart- and unfair. The Justice De-
Democrats lamented that the votes have been counted in the Russia investigation ment officials, said Tuesday partment ultimately did not
the committee was occupied and some are being counted, as “the biggest scandal in the that he would not have signed bring charges.
by events from four years and they have shown and will history of the FBI.” off on the Page warrant had
ago and focusing not on last continue to confirm that for- “We’re looking at the use of he known of the problems. Minutes after the hearing be-
week's election but rather the mer Vice President Biden is the FBI to interfere in a pres- gan, Trump went on Twitter
one from 2016. in fact our president-elect.” idential election," he said. But he defended the decision to implore Republicans not
“This is a last ditch, desper- Most of the criticism of the to open the Russia investiga- to let McCabe get away with
ate undertaking to deal with Republican Sen. Lindsey Russia investigation has cen- tion, which was based on in- unspecified “totally criminal
President Trump’s grievances Graham, the Judiciary Com- tered on flaws in applications formation that a Trump cam- activity. What he did should
about that election,” Demo- mittee chairman, repeated to surveil former Trump paign adviser may have had never be allowed to hap-
cratic Sen. Dick Durbin of Il- many of the familiar attacks campaign aide Carter Page. inside information that Rus- pen to our Country again.
linois said of the hearing. on the investigation into ties Those mistakes were sig- sia had dirt on Democratic FIGHT FOR JUSTICE!"
Norway gives quarantine exemption to 2020 Nobel winners
(AP) — The Norwegian is carried out in a good infec- one negative test in Norway.
government has granted tion-control manner.” This means that the persons
an exemption from its The government’s decision have full entry quarantine
two-week quarantine re- came at the recommenda- until they have received one
quirement for arriving tion of Norway’s Director- negative test result. When the
visitors so representatives ate of Health and National negative test result is avail-
from the winner of the Institute of Public Health, able, the person in question is
2020 Nobel Peace Prize - which “consider that the risk exempt from the entry quar-
the World Food Program of infection is very small" antine.”
- can attend the Dec. 10 from granting the quaran-
award ceremony in Oslo. tine waiver, Hoeie said. The The Nobel Peace Prize cer-
World Food Program, which emony usually is held at Oslo
“The awarding of the No- won the 2020 peace prize for City Hall. Next month's
bel Peace Prize is an impor- efforts to combat hunger, will event will be a scaled-down
tant event of great national send a delegation that is “as affair held at the city’s uni-
and international interest,” small as possible, an estimat- versity because of the coro-
Norwegian Health Minis- ed 15-20 people,” to accept navirus pandemic.
ter Bent Hoeie said Tuesday. the award, he said. Along with enormous pres- is held on the anniversary of ceremony, and the ceremo-
“We want to make it easy for tige, the prize comes with a prize founder Alfred Nobel’s nies the same week in Stock-
the prize winner to be physi- Hoeie said visitors also are el- 10-milion krona ($1.1 mil- death. . holm where the other Nobel
cally present this year as well. igible for quarantine exemp- lion) cash award and a gold The traditional banquet and Prizes will be awarded, have
It is important that the event tions “when they have taken medal to be handed out, It concert held after the award been canceled.