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A30    world news
              Diaranson 11 november 2020

                          Polish cardinal chastised by Vatican unconscious in hospital

            (AP) — A prominent Pol-                                                                                             concerning the cardinal.
            ish  cardinal  who  was  re-                                                                                        Professor  Wojciech  Witkie-
            cently  sanctioned  by  the                                                                                         wicz, head of the hospital in
            Vatican over sexual abuse                                                                                           Wroclaw, told Radio Wroclaw
            allegations  has  been  hos-                                                                                        Tuesday that Gulbinowicz is
            pitalized  since  last  week                                                                                        in  a  very  serious  condition
            and remains unconscious,                                                                                            and unconscious.
            Polish  media  reported                                                                                             Local daily Gazeta Wroclaws-
            Tuesday.                                                                                                            ka said Gulbinowicz was hos-
                                                                                                                                pitalized  Wednesday.  A  few
            Retired  Archbishop  Henryk                                                                                         days  earlier,  Vatican  envoys
            Gulbinowicz was sanctioned                                                                                          had informed him about the
            by the Vatican last week after                                                                                      sanctions.
            the  97-year-old  was  accused                                                                                      Mayor  Jacek  Sutryk  has
            of  sexually  abusing  a  semi-                                                                                     said  Gulbinowicz  should
            narian  and  of  covering  up                                                                                       be  stripped  of  his  honorary
            abuse in another case.                                                                                              Wroclaw citizenship.
            Private  Polish  broadcaster                                                                                        Last  year,  prosecutors  in
            TVN24  on  Monday  night                                                                                            Wroclaw  opened  an  investi-
            aired  a  documentary  sug-                                                                                         gation into allegations against
            gesting that another well-re-                                                                                       Gulbinowicz     concerning
            spected churchman, Cardinal                                                                                         sexual  abuse  of  a  seminar-
            Stanislaw  Dziwisz,  covered                                                                                        ian  in  the  1980s,  but  they
            up  sex  abuse  by  priests  in                                                                                     dropped the case because too
            Poland  and  elsewhere,  in-                                                                                        much time had passed.
            cluding  abuse  of  minors  by                                                                                      Gulbinowicz  was  also  cited
            the  Mexican  priest  Marcial                                                                                       in a recent video documenta-
            Meciel Degollado.                                                                                                   ry in Poland, called “Tell No
            The head of Poland’s Catho-                                                                                         One,” about predator priests
            lic  episcopate,  Archbishop                                                                                        and  coverup  efforts.  It  al-
            Stanislaw  Gadecki,  said  in  a                                                                                    leged that Gulbinowicz saved
            statement  Tuesday  he  hopes  said they cast a negative light  ropean  Parliament,  Lukasz  cardinal,   who   supported  a priest suspected of abuse of
            that “all doubts” presented in  on a figure respected for his  Kohut  requested  a  probe  by  Poland’s   pro-democracy  minors from arrest by vouch-
            the documentary “Don Stan-   service and devotion to John  Krakow prosecutors into the  Solidarity  movement  in  the  ing for him.
            islao. The other face of Car-  Paul II, who remains a source  cardinal’s  alleged  backing  of  1980s,  has  also  been  denied  Recently,  allegations  were
            dinal Dziwisz” will be “clari-  of national pride.        pedophile priests. A left-wing  the right to have a cathedral  also  made  that  Gulbinowicz
            fied by the appropriate com-  A  few  hundred  protesters  member  of  Poland’s  parlia-  burial service or to be buried  was an informer for the com-
            mission of the Holy See.”    marched before the Bishop’s  ment,  Maciej  Gdula,  said  in a cathedral.              munist-era secret security.
            Dziwisz,  the  retired  arch-  Palace in Krakow and then by  Dziwisz  should  be  stripped  Gulbinowicz  was  also  or-  Gulbinowicz is the latest Pol-
            bishop of Krakow who served  Dziwisz’s residence chanting  of his honorary Krakow citi-  dered  to  pay  a  “certain  ish  prelate  to  be  sanctioned
            as  secretary  to  beloved  Pol-  against him. The demonstra-  zenship.                amount of money” to a Pol-   after a Vatican-mandated in-
            ish  pope  St.  John  Paul  II  in  tion  was  part  of  daily  pro-  In  Gulbinowicz’s  case,  the  ish  church  charity  that  sup-  vestigation into allegations of
            1978-2005, said he was ready  tests held across Poland since  Vatican  Embassy  in  Poland  ports victims of sexual abuse.  sexual misconduct.
            to cooperate with a commis-  Oct.22,  when  a  top  court  said  Friday  that  the  former  The embassy’s statement said  The  reckoning  has  rocked
            sion and wanted the matter to  tightened the abortion law of  archbishop  of  Wroclaw  has  the  sanctioning  decisions  the Catholic hierarchy in Po-
            be “clarified in a transparent  this  predominantly  Catholic  been  forbidden  from  using  were taken as a “result of an  land, where clergy have long
            way.”                        nation.                      his bishop’s insignia and par-  investigation into accusations  been held in high esteem due
            Commentators in Poland de-   Reacting  to  the  TV  docu-  ticipating in any religious cel-  made  against  Card.  Henryk  to  their  support  for  Poles
            scribed the allegations against  mentary  on  Dziwisz,  a  Pol-  ebrations or public events.   Gulbinowicz  and  after  an  during  the nation’s  troubled
            Dziwisz  as  very  serious  and  ish representative in the Eu-  The  once  well-respected  analysis of other allegations”  history.

                          Turkey’s President Erdogan congratulates Biden on his win

                                                                      in the future, as it has done so  vision" for expanding the ties  between  Ankara  and  Wash-
                                                                      far,” Erdogan said in his con-  between the U.S. and Turkey  ington  could  deepen  under
                                                                      gratulatory  message,  made  during  his  four  years  in  of-  the presidency of Biden, who
                                                                      available by his office.     fice. In his message, Erdogan  takes a dimmer view of Tur-
                                                                                                   also  thanked  Trump  for  his  key's  relations  with  Russia,
                                                                      Turkey was one of a handful  “warm friendship."           its  military  interventions  in
                                                                      of countries, along with Rus-  Trump and Erdogan forged a  Syria and Libya, and of Erdo-
                                                                      sia, that had not commented  strong  personal  relationship  gan's increasingly authoritar-
                                                                      on  Biden’s  victory  since  he  despite troubled ties between  ian tilt.
                                                                      was  declared  the  winner  of  the two NATO allies. Ankara
                                                                      the U.S. presidential election  and  Washington  have  been  Earlier Tuesday, Turkish For-
                                                                      on  Saturday.  A  senior  Turk-  at  odds  over  the  past  years  eign  Minister  Mevlut  Ca-
                                                                      ish official said Monday that  over a number of issues, in-  vusoglu  said  Turkey  expects
                                                                      Ankara would wait until legal  cluding on policy over Syria  steps  that  would  resolve  is-
                                                                      challenges  to  the  U.S.  elec-  and  Turkey’s  decision  to  sues  that  are  “poisoning”
                                                                      tion  results  were  resolved  purchase  Russia’s  advanced  ties  with  the  United  States.
                                                                      and for the outcome to be fi-  anti-aircraft  missile  systems,  Addressing  Turkish  ambas-
            (AP) — Turkish President  ministration.                   nalized. It was not clear what  which prompted Washington  sadors in Ankara, Cavusoglu
            Recep  Tayyip  Erdogan                                    made  Erdogan  change  his  to expel Turkey from its F-35  said there were a number of
            congratulated  President-    “I believe that the strong co-  mind.                     stealth fighter program.     opportunities  to  help  im-
            elect  Joe  Biden  on  Tues-  operation and the bond of al-  Separately, Erdogan also sent  U.S.  lawmakers  have  pres-  prove  the  bilateral  ties,  in-
            day,  expressing  Turkey’s  liance between our countries  a message to President Don-  sured the Trump administra-  cluding the two countries co-
            determination  to  work  will  continue  to  make  vital  ald Trump thanking him for  tion to sanction Turkey.      operating to end the conflicts
            closely  with  the  new  ad-  contributions to world peace  his  “sincere  and  determined  Some  analysts  think  strains  in Syria and Libya.
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