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               Wednesday 15 January 2025

              Stay Connected and Relaxed with SETAR in Aruba!

              SETAR,  the  island's  premier  Tele-  Tourist  Bundles!  Stay  connected,  provides you the freedom to call  plans without worrying about ad-
              com  provider,  is  a  pioneer  in  share  the  magic,  and  make  the  anytime or choose from the differ-  ditional charges and you can use
              shaping  connectivity  in  Aruba.  most of your Aruban escape with  ent Prepaid bundles SETAR offers:     it anywhere on the island. It is easy
              SETAR has become indispensable  seamless communication.               Data  Bundles:  Stay  connected  to  use  and  access.  Choose  the
              to Aruba's vibrant tech landscape                                     with  high-speed  Internet  and  bundle that suits your budget and
              by  delivering  lightning-fast  net-  Tourist Bundles to Suit Your Journey:  choose from various data options  needs.
              works  to  local  communities  and  Tourist Bundles - 7 Days (35GB)   to suit your needs.
              visitors.  The  island  is  transforming  •   UNLIMITED Data [5GB DAILY]   One  Bundle:  Enjoy  the  conve-  Explore  the  options  that  best  suit
              with  SETAR's  ambitious  project  to  •   200  Minutes  on-net  to  Fixed  nience  of  bundled  SMS,  Voice,  your Workcation in Aruba:
              convert  the  entire  island  to  fiber,   and Mobile                 and Data in one package.            1 Day Plan:
              revolutionizing  how  Aruba  stays  •   30  Minutes  to  other  providers  SETAR ensures you have the best  •   10GB Data
              connected, and marking a signifi-      and International              communication  experience  dur-     •   Valid for 1Day or upon deple-
              cant leap in innovation and firmly  •   50 SMS Local and International  ing your time in Aruba.              tion of your bundle
              establishing  Aruba  as  one  of  the  •   Valid for 7 Days                                               •   $5.55
              most  technologically  advanced  •     For only $30                   Makes  your  Workcation  in  Para-
              islands in the Caribbean.                                             dise Effortless                     1 Week Plan:
                                                 Tourist Bundles - 14 Days (70GB)   Are you planning a trip to Aruba  •    50GB Data
              With stores around the island and  •   UNLIMITED Data [5GB DAILY]     that  blends  business  with  leisure,  •   Valid for 7Day or upon deple-
              services designed to keep all visi-  •   300  Minutes  on-net  to  Fixed  or perhaps seeking a remote work   tion of your bundle
              tors  connected,  whether  they're     and Mobile                     setup? Whether you're coming to  •     $20
              coming  for  vacation  or  work,  SE-  •   60  Minutes  to  other  providers  Aruba for business or to embrace
              TAR ensures you stay in touch ef-      and International              a 'workcation,' SETAR has tailored  30 Days Plan:
              fortlessly. Revel in the high speed  •   50 SMS Local and International  solutions  to  ensure  seamless  and  •   75GB Data
              Internet  on  Aruba's  exceptional  •   Valid for 14 Days             uninterrupted connectivity during  •   Valid for 30Day or upon deple-
              Fixed and Mobile Networks, ensur- •    For only $50                   your stay.                             tion of your bundle
              ing  you're  connected  wherever                                      Stay  productive  while  enjoying  •   $55.50
              your adventure takes you.          When  purchasing  the  bundle  for  the  beauty  of  Aruba.  SETAR  de-
                                                 the first time at one of our stores,  signed  flexible  plans  and  reliable  Imagine  strolling  along  the  Aru-
              Are you eager to start your expe-  the Tourist SIM card is FREE and is  services  to  cater  to  your  needs,  ban  beaches  after  a  productive
              rience?  Start  by  purchasing  your  tailored  for  visitors  staying  a  few  providing you with the connectiv-  workday or unwinding with a pic-
              SETAR  Tourist  SIM  at  the  TeleKiosk  weeks in Aruba.              ity required for work and play. Go  turesque sunset as your backdrop
              in the Arrival Hall of Aruba's Airport.  For  visitors  staying  longer  on  the  to the TeleKiosk in the Arrival Hall  to a successful day's work. Experi-
                                                 island, SETAR offers a flexible Pre-  of Aruba’s Airport and ask for the  ence the ideal blend of work and
                         Tourist SIM             paid option that allows you to buy  Prepaid Wireless Home Internet for  relaxation in Aruba, supported by
              Paradise awaits in Aruba, and SE-  credit  conveniently  at  any  Tele-  seamless  connectivity.  Enjoy  the  SETAR's seamless connectivity. Let
              TAR, is here to enhance your tropi-  shop,  gas  station,  minimarket,  or  fastest  Internet  speeds  with  our  us make your stay in Aruba an ex-
              cal  adventure  with  our  exclusive  supermarket.  This  prepaid  credit  Wireless  Home  Internet  Prepaid  perience like no other. q

            The Lionfish

            And its threat to our marine wild life

            (Oranjestad)—Despite its colorful and  diet. In other words, the lionfish has  population in the area. However, as  Controlling the lionfish population is
            striking appearance, the lionfish has  no predators in the Caribbean Sea.  the lionfish feeds off of these tiny fish,  challenge, as each female fish can

            become a Caribbean-wide problem  And this becomes a major problem  it becomes harder for the coral reef  lay up to 40,000 eggs a day. Luckily,
            for Atlantic sea life. The Aruban ma-  for our local marine life; if there are  to maintain its health.     we have people like van Brakel who
            rine wild life is also affected by this  no predators to stimulate population                               dedicate their lives hunting and captur-
            beautiful dilemma, as it is foreign to  control of lionfish, these fish can con-  Patrick also shares the origins of lionfish  ing these invasive species, using them
            our waters and has become a danger  tinue to reproduce and expand to  in the Caribbean Sea. It is theorized  for consumption and jewelry making.
            to our local fish and reefs.        other parts of the Atlantic, become  that the introduction of these fish in the
                                                more invasive and dangerous for other  Atlantic happened in Florida, where  They are caught with a hand spear, an
            Originating  from  the  Indo-Pacific  types of fish.                    people would buy lionfish from across  object resembling a garbage picker
            Ocean, the lionfish is a relatively small                               the world to keep in their aquariums.  with 4 sharp prongs. These spears are
            fish. It has no teeth, but it does protect  For Aruba, the lionfish is a problem  However, lionfish grow, and as these  used like a sling shot to catch lionfish
            itself against predators using its sharp,  especially for our local coral reefs. Ac-  buyers realized that the fish were too  from a distance. These fish are then
            colorful spikes. It is said that the sting  cording to Patrick van Brakel, lionfish  much upkeep, they were let out into  put into a collecting tube and taken
            of a lionfish can be up to 100 times  expert and hunter from the Hunting  the ocean to roam free. From conti-  out of the water. Van Brakel not only
            more painful than that of a bee’s sting.  Lionfish Aruba foundation, every reef  nental USA, the lionfish travelled to and  catches them himself, but also cooks
            Its natural predators in the Indo-Pa-  has a “cleaning station”—tiny fish that  invaded the entire Caribbean area,  them for locals and tourists at The Li-
            cific are sharks and barracudas, but  eat algae and other types of waste  from Aruba, Bonaire and Curacao up  onFish Snack Aruba in Paradera. This
            in the Caribbean Sea, local fish do not  on a reef, thus maintaining the reef’s  to New York. In Aruba, lionfish were  way, he does his part in protecting
            recognize the lionfish as part of their  health and providing food to the fish  discovered in 2009.         the local wild life. q
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