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a22     obituario
                 Diasabra 22 Februari 2025

              It is with deep sorrow that we announce the sudden   “Señor ta mi wardador,                     The Lord is my shepherd; I shall
              passing of:                                     mi’n tin falta di nada.                         not want. He makes me lie down in
                                                              Den cunucu di yerba berde                       green pastures. He leads me beside
                                                              e ta ponemi sosega.                             still waters. He restores my soul.
                                                              E ta hibami na awa                              He leads me in paths of righteousness
                                                              trankil,                                        for his name's sake.
                                                              pa mi bolbe haña forsa”.                        Psalm 23: 1-3
                                                              Salmo: 23

                                                              Cu inmenso tristesa                             We announce the passing of
                                                              na nos curason pero
                                                              conforme cu Dios su
                                                              boluntad, nos ta participa                            Simon Rudolf Wilson
                                                              fayecimento na Hulanda                                     *17-01-1954 - †16-02-2025
                                                                                                              Left to mourn are his:
                                                                                                              Wife: Bozena Wilson-Machinova

               Mrs. Natasha Andrea Ashley-Williams                  Norman Rogelio Delle                      Children:
                          Also known as “Tasha”                          Mihor conoci como “Solo”             William (Billy) Wilson
                          Sunrise: June 10, 1978                   *17-05-1977 Aruba -  †15-11-2024 Hulanda   Gilbert Conrad Wilson
                        Sunset: February 14, 2025                                                             Eugene Riginold Wilson & Nhu Wilson-Vo
                                                              Na nomber di su:                                Simone Bozena Bains-Wilson & Travis Bains
              On behalf of her family:                        Mama: Maria Farro                               Ivonne Cecilia Zimmerman-Wilson and Brian
              Mother: Antonia Alberta Willems-Bryson          Tata: †Rogelio Delle                            Cassidy Ann Vitek-Wilson & Martin Vitek
              Father: †Mauricio E. Willems                    †Enid Tromp-Delle y Esposo Jairo Tromp          Grandchildren:
                                                              Rodger Christiaana, esposa y famia              Aiden Carlton Bains, Alicia Bozena Jane Bains, Lexington
              Husband: Corey Ashley                                                                           Piatt Wilson, Ellie Komsri & Maia Emry Wilson
                                                              Sobrinonan stima:
              Children:       Keyana Willems                  Jairo Junior Tromp y famia                      Siblings:
                                    Keayshawn Willems         Jair Tromp y famia                              Esline E. Wilson & fam.
                                                                                                              Agnes & fam.
                                    Aurorra Ashley            Yair Christiaans                                Antonio (Tony) Wilson & Ana L. Wilson-Chaves
              Grandchild:    Shameer King                     Daveny Christiaans
                                                              Damaris Christiaans                             Nieces & Nephew:
              Sister:        Nadia Cremony-Willems            Eliandra Christiaans                            Ruben Hansen, Janine & fam, Pascal Hansen, Natasha
                                                              Bethany Christiaans
                                                              Israela Christiaans                             Arends & fam., Justin Wilson, Zosia Frontczak, Antonio
              Brother:       Maurits Willems                                                                  Frontczak, Luenda Alvarez & fam., Franklin Wilson &
                                  Anthony Willems             Welo y welanan:                                 fam., Kenneth Wilson & fam, Peter Correa & Gloria
                                                                                                              Amparo Correa Zuluaga, Ricardo Wilson & fam., Carrol
                                                              † Sr. Theodoor y † Catharina Farro-Tromp        & fam, Dorian Wilson & fam, Dylan Wilson, Osvaldo
              Great Aunt:    Sylvia Rombley                   † Sr. Raymundo Delle y † Bernadeta Delle-Barbolina  Correa, Ezekiel Correa, Rachelle, Ruthlaine
              Uncles:        Rudolfo Richardson               Tanta y Omonan y nan famia:                     Good friends:
                                 Roberto Bryson               Ludwina Pak-Farro y famia                       Laurens D. Tromp, Julio Hernandez & other friends too
                                 Antonio Rombley              Stella Farro y famia (Hulanda)                  many to mention
                                                              Frida La Rosa-Farro y famia
                                                              Lita Farro                                      Neighbors:
              Nieces:        Nalliyah Willems                 Robert Farro y Paulita                          Maria Burleson, Anna Pourier, Benita Helder
                                 Tishayna Willems             Doy Farro y Deta Rasmijn y famia
                                  Gina Willems                Irma y Franklin Eckmeyer-Farro y famia          Related to families:
                                                              Tico Farro y Corry y famia (Hulanda)            Wilson, Machnovi, Chaves, Alvarez, Correa, Bains,
              Nephews:       Jeremiah Godett                  Nilca y Tico Tromp-Tromp y famia                Zimmerman, Vitek, Hansen, Arends, Jacobs, Ridderstap,
                                     Jaydon Willems           Anton Kock y famia                              Walker, Ferrari, Monte, Bilioso, Frontczak, Gil,
                                                              Brigida y Lucien Larmonie-Delle                 Bernabela, Tromp, Dikkens, Franken, Ras
                                                              Omaida Delle y you
              Special Cousin: Raiza Rogers                    Richard y Lourdes Delle-Tromp                   We apologize if in our sadness we may have forgotten a
                                                                                                              family member or friend.
                                                              Raymundo y Helga Delle-Faneyte
              Other cousins: too numerous to mention          Mildred y Siegfried Apostel-Delle
                                                              Nilva Delle                                     Opportunity for condolences:
              Close friends: Taneisha, Janice, Lisa, Sandy and   Mercedes y Rudy Maduro-Delle                 Monday, February 24, 2025, from 7.00 pm to 9.00 pm at
              Lukcasjo.                                       Arnolda y Roy Donato                            Royal Funeral Home.
                                                              Magriet Delle
              Related to Willems, Rombley, Myers, Bryson,     Gisella Delle y Ludo Put                        The funeral will take place on Saturday, March 1,
                                                                                                              2025, at Eastview Christian Church at 401 West Union
              Spanner, Rogers, Richardson, Rooyer, Kock,      Harold Delle                                    Street Bloomington IL 61701, USA, From 12.00 pm –
              Maduro and Fraser.                              Eugenie Delle y Elton Petronillia               3.00 pm
                                                              Tur su primo y primanan na Aruba, Corsow y Hulanda.
              The Funeral Service for the late Mrs. Natasha
              A. Ashley-Willems will take place on Tuesday    Padrino y Madrina:
              February 25, 2025 at the San Nicolas            Frida La Rosa
              Seventhday Adventist  Church located at Dr.     †Hubert Tromp
              Schaepmanstraat 3.                              Franklin Eckmeyer

              The viewing of the body will be from 1-2 and the   Demas famia: Delle, Farro, Tromp, Pak, La Rosa,
              celebration of life service will be from 2-4pm.  Christiaans, Rasmijn, Eckmeyer, Baarh, Kock, Figaroa,   “Señor ta mi wardador, mi’n
                                                              Faro, Leest, Ridderstaat, Quandus, Carrasquero,   tin falta di nada Den cunucu di
              Evening of condolences will be on Monday        Geerman, Boekhoudt, Wolff, Cathalina, Gomez,    yerba berde e ta ponemi sosega.
                                                              Dreischor, Esser, Lesire, Gomez, Faneyte, Apostel,
              February 24, 2025 from 7-9 pm at the Pray       Maduro, Donato, Put y Petronillia.              E ta hibami na awa trankil, Pa
              Funeral  Home in San Nicolas.                                                                   mi bolbe haña forsa”. Salmo: 23
                                                              Ta invita pa asisti na acto di despedida y condolencia
              Our apologies if we may have forgotten anyone in   cual lo tuma lugar na Aurora Funeral Home dialuna 24   Nos ta anuncia fayecimento di:
              our grief.                                      di februari 2025 di 7’or pa 9’or di anochi.              Elisabeth Brete

              We regret to inform that we will not be able to   Nos disculpa si den nos tristesa nos por a lubida cualkier   *11-08-1939 - †14-02-2025
              accept any condolences after the funeral.       famia of conocir                                     Acto di entiero lo wordo anuncia despues.
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