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local Friday 17 May 2024
Dining in? Try making a local favorite
How to make “funchi hasa”
(Oranjestad)—A night in can be just as fun stick to the bottom. Let this cool complete-
as a night out on the town, especially if you ly while it firms up for the last time. Once it’s
got the right snacks to munch on. One of the cooled you can enjoy it as is, topped with
most famous Aruban snacks or appetizers is some butter or shredded cheese. Or, you
“funchi hasa” (fried polenta sticks). A super can take it to another level of deliciousness.
easy meal that adults and children will both
enjoy. Here’s how to make it! When your funchi is firm enough, cut it into
strips (size is up to you). Heat up some oil in a
Before we start, get to know the basics pan and fry those babies up! After frying, you
So what is funchi hasa? Funchi, or Aruban po- can top it with some cheese or enjoy it with
lenta, is a popular side dish for local dishes, your favorite dipping sauce.
like soups, stews and fried fish. Made from
a corn flour, water and butter mixture, this Note: We recommend the FUNCHI FRESKU
appetizer is traditionally eaten alongside a Ingredients (measured by heart) polenta flour brand that is sold in all super-
warm meal. However, locals also like to fry 1. Polenta flour* markets on the island. You can also use yel-
sticks of funchi for a quick and filling snack. 2. Water low corn flour from the brand PAN.
3. Butter
4. Salt to taste Photo credit of fried funchi sticks: Jacqueline
Felida on Pinterest. q
Bring water to a boil in a medium-sized sauce
pan. Add in some salt and butter to taste in
the boiling water and let this dissolve and
melt. Then, gradually add the flour while stir-
ring with a wooden spoon. The mixture will
start to begin to harden pretty fast, so be
careful not to add too much. At this phase of
cooking, you want a goopy thick mixture, but
thin enough so you can continue to stir to get
all the lumps out.
After reaching a semi-firm, yet flexible texture,
grab a baking pan or any large, deep plate,
and pour the mixture in. Be sure that this plate
is wet or greased so that the mixture does not
The Bushiribana Gold Mill Ruins and its history
(Oranjestad)—The Bushiri- found some gold, it was
bana Gold Mill Ruins is one enough to motivate a fur-
of the most visited places ther search, and the assign-
by tourists on the island, ment was discontinued by
as it lies along the north- Printz himself.
ern coast line near the mini
pool and on the way to the It wasn’t until 100 years lat-
Natural Bridge. Despite its er, in 1824, when a young
seemingly plain appear- boy found a lump of gold
ance, this ruin represents while out herding his fa-
one of the most important ther’s sheep. His father took
histories of the island: The it to a local merchant who
Aruban Gold Rush. then sold the lump for $70.
Unbeknownst to the boy
Built in 1872 by English com- and his father, they quite
pany Aruba Island Gold literally struck gold, and
Mining Company Ltd, the as word got out, a gold
gold mill at Bushiribana fever spread among the
was constructed in the locals who started search-
area where most gold was ing for more gold. About 25 government decided to Island Gold Mining Compa- processes were done at
found by locals. The story pounds worth was found. implement stricter rules and ny Ltd. was no different, but the Bushiribana Gold Mill.
of gold on Aruba actually banned local search par- used a unique method that
dates back to 1725, when At the same time, the Aru- ties. involved grinding the rocks The gold mill itself had a
a first exploration for gold ban government took and letting the dust be short life-span: only 10 years
on the island was commis- immediate actions, and Over the years, conces- blown away by the strong in service, but its structure
sioned by the Dutch West informed Curacao that sion-holding had seen dif- northeast wind, leaving remained relatively solid till
India Company. Under the gold was found. At first, ferent companies from clumps of gold behind. The this day, and is now a his-
leadership of Mr. Paulus everyone could look for around the world, all of next step was melting the torical remnant.
Printz, a three-year search gold, as long as they sold which used primitive meth- gold and letting it attach
was conducted on Aruba, it to the government. How- ods to dig and carve out to quicksilver in order to Sources: Etnia Nativa & gold-
to no avail. Though they ever, after some time, the gold from the rocks. Aruba obtain pure gold. All these