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a8    local
                         Friday 17 May 2024

            How Aruban beaches came to be!

                                                                      also contribute to this, one
                                                                      small  bite  at  a  time.  Over
                                                                      the  course  of  thousands
                                                                      of  years,  as  waves  contin-
                                                                      ue  to  crash  and  fish  con-
                                                                      tinue to eat off the corals,
                                                                      sand  starts  to  accumulate
                                                                      around  the  area.    Howev-
                                                                      er, whether the sand stays
                                                                      there  is  another  question
                                                                      to be answered, and this is
                                                                      where we highlight the big-
                                                                      gest  difference  between  floors—has      sand    that  island.  The  island  actu-
                                                                      the  northern  and  southern  stretches  for  miles.  In  con-  ally  forms  part  of  South
                                                                      coast of the island.         trast,  the  northern  area,  America,  and  the  space
            (Oranjestad)—We’ve  talk-    How did Aruba get its                                     where  the  stream  is  much  between  Aruba  and  the
            ed about the best beaches  white, sandy beaches?          The sand that accumulates  stronger  and  the  ocean  South  American  continent
            to visit on the island before,  Aruba’s beaches have de-  around  a  torn  coral  reef  floor is much deeper, there  is simply referred to as land
            but  have  you  ever  won-   veloped  over  the  span  of  is  swept  away  along  with  is  no  sand  present—they  that runs under the ocean.
            dered  how  Aruba  got  its  thousands of years. Waves  the  debris  by  the  ocean  were swept away with the  This  is  why  it  gets  gradu-
            white, sandy beaches, and  crashing  on  the  rocky  for-  stream.  However,  in  areas  current!                   ally  deeper  in  the  south,
            why  there’s  a  clear  differ-  mations  along  our  coast  where  it’s  shallow  and  the                         whereas the ocean floor in
            ence between the northern  line  (which  consists  mainly  stream is weaker, the sand  Why north deep, but south  the north runs steeply to the
            and southern shores? Here  of  coral  reefs)  have  start-  tends  to  sick  to  the  bot-  shallow?                bottom.q
            are  some  fun  facts  about  ed  to  wear  and  tear  the  tom  faster.  This  is  why  the  Ah!  Good  question…and
            the  development  of  Aru-   reefs  over  time,  resulting  beaches  in  the  south—the  interesting phrasing.        Source: archival document
            ban beaches.                 in  its  gradual  breakdown.  areas  with  weaker  stream                               provided by the National Ar-
                                         Fish  that  feed  off  corals  and   shallower   ocean  Aruba  is  a  continental             chive of Aruba (ANA).

            Visit the island’s hidden natural pools

                                                                      and food—it could take you
                                                                      up to three hours to hike there!

                                                                      However,  when  you  even-
                                                                      tually do get there, you will
                                                                      be greeted with crystal blue
                                                                      water surrounded by a natural
                                                                      rock formation that protects
                                                                      you from the wild waves on
                                                                      the other side. Though the
                                                                      pool is located on the north-
            (Oranjestad)—Amongst the  (Turtle’s Cove) or just Natural  ern side of the island (where  it, but most people just call  wild northern waves crash into
            countless beaches surround-  Pool—is reachable with any  the sea is largely rough and  it the cave pool.            each other. Sounds scary, but
            ing the island that are well-  4x4 vehicle or by foot if you’re  largely no suitable for swim-                      if you look down on your right,
            known and frequently visited,  up for a long hike. However,  ming), the pool itself is very  Just like the Conchi, the new  you’ll see a calm, crystal blue
            there are an additional two  since it is part of the National  calm. It’s also relatively deep,  natural  pool  is  situated  on  little  pool  in  the  corner.  To
            “hidden” natural pools that  Park, you must first get permis-  and you can climb up the  the northern coast of Aruba.  get there, you have to climb
            are situated in the northern  sion from park management  rocks and jump in!            However, this pool is much  down some stairs. Be care-
            coast of the island, two ideal  to enter. You would have to                            easier to reach with any type  ful when climbing down and
            stops in your tour itinerary.   purchase a day pass, and          Cave Pool            of vehicle, and there is no  follow the instructions of your
                                         receive a wristband as proof  This relatively new pool ap-  hiking needed. This spot has  tour guide if you have one.
               Conchi (Natural Pool)     of  payment.  Once  you’ve  peared just a few years ago,  also become a regular stop
            For many years, Conchi was  completed that, you are set!  when a part of the dried up  for touring visitors.        And just like Conchi, this pool
            the only natural pool that we                             coral floor broke off and cre-                            also has a jumping spot, and
            had on the island. Located  If you decide to hike from the  ated a partition between the  When you get there, maybe  a rope to climb back up the
            in the Arikok National Park,  entrance of the Arikok Na-  ocean and what is now the  you won’t be able to spot the  boulder.
            near  Boca  Keto  and  the  tional Park, this is also possible:  natural pool that is hidden  pool immediately, because
            Daimari  Ranch,  Conchi—     do bring plenty of protective  there. Because it’s still so new,  you will probably notice the   Picture of cave pool is cred-
            also known “Cura di Turtuga  clothing and enough water  there is no official name for  moon-shaped lagoon where         ited to RockaBeach Tours
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