Page 50 - min.jus sept 1,2015
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U.S. NEWSTuesday 1 September 2015
Kansas man sentenced to 20 years for airport bomb plot
ROXANA HEGEMAN sentence that came with dom, fairness and oppor- ize the pain and suffering I a federal prison as close to
Associated Press the plea deal. Loewen tunity,” U.S. Attorney Barry caused you is enormous ... his family as possible, add-
WICHITA, Kansas (AP) — A stared straight ahead and Grissom said afterward in a I do not ask for forgiveness ing he has been a “model
Kansas man who plotted a showed no emotion as the news release. because I deserve none,” inmate” in jail and does not
suicide bomb attack aimed judge sentenced him. “We won’t give way to he said. need to be in a maximum
at causing “maximum car- The 60-year-old Wichita those who would inflict vio- Prosecutors told the court security prison.
nage” at a Wichita airport man pleaded guilty in June lence on their fellow citi- that the government be- Loewen came to the atten-
was sentenced on Monday to attempting to use a zens.” lieved the proposed 20- tion of the FBI in late May
to 20 years in prison. weapon of mass destruc- Loewen made a brief year sentence was appro- 2013, when he became a
Terry L. Loewen apologized tion. courtroom statement in priate given Loewen’s age Facebook friend of an indi-
to his family and thanked “Here in the heartland, which he apologized to his and health condition. vidual who regularly post-
his attorneys before U.S. terrorism will never shake wife and his two sons and His attorney, Tim Henry, ed information supporting
District Judge Monti Be- our faith in the things this his extended family. asked Belot to recommend violent jihad, or holy war,
lot imposed the proposed country stands for — free- “I love you all and I real- Loewen be incarcerated in court documents show. q
Murder charge dropped against Irish nanny in US girl’s death
DENISE LAVOIE Aisling Brady McCarthy leaves court proceedings at Middlesex McCarthy came to the U.S. ions about the cause of
AP Legal Affairs Writer Superior Court in Woburn, Mass. Middlesex District Attorney Mar- about 13 years ago under Rehma’s death,” the report
BOSTON (AP) — A murder ian Ryan announced Monday, Aug. 31, 2015, that the murder a visa waiver program that states, according to ex-
charge has been dropped charge against the Irish nanny had been dropped. entitled her to stay 90 days. cerpts contained in Ryan’s
against an Irish nanny ac- She has been living illegally statement.
cused of killing a 1-year-old (Keith Bedford//The Boston Globe via AP) in the United States. It was “In particular the overall
girl in her care after a state not immediately clear if she state of Rehma’s health
medical examiner reversed ing the manner of death to of the present state of the would be deported. Her and her past medical issues
a finding that the child’s “undetermined.” evidence, including the lawyers did not return calls raise the possibility that she
death was a homicide Ryan said the medical ex- amended ruling from the seeking comment, but they had some type of disorder
caused by shaken baby aminer found Rehma had Medical Examiner who per- planned a late afternoon that was not able to be
syndrome, prosecutors an- past medical issues and formed the autopsy, the news conference. completely diagnosed pri-
nounced Monday. may have had some type Commonwealth cannot In the new ruling, the medi- or to her death,” the report
Aisling Brady McCarthy, 37, of undiagnosed disorder. meet its burden of proof,” cal examiner said the deci- states.
was charged with killing “Based on an assessment Ryan said. sion to change the cause The report said that Rehma
Rehma Sabir in Cambridge and manner of death had a history of bruising
in 2013. McCarthy insisted came after additional and that she might have
she was innocent and her materials were reviewed, been prone to easy bleed-
lawyers vigorously chal- including expert witness ing with relatively minor
lenged the medical exam- reports from both the de- trauma. “Given these un-
iner’s findings that Rehma fense and prosecution, ad- certainties, I am no longer
died of complications of ditional transcripts of police convinced that the sub-
blunt-force head injuries. interviews, transcripts of dural hemorrhage in this
In a written statement, grand jury testimony, ad- case could only have been
Middlesex District Attorney ditional medical records caused by abusive/inflict-
Marian Ryan announced and additional lab testing ed head trauma, and I can
that the murder charge related to the girl’s death. no longer rule the manner
was dropped because the “These additional materials of death as a homicide,”
medical examiner issued put forth several different the medical examiner
an amended ruling chang- and often conflicting opin- wrote in the report.q
Supremacist convicted of killing 3 at US Jewish sites
H. HOLLINGSWORTH which he said would allow After the verdict was an- decide his sentence. He tal murder in the April 2014
Associated Press him to “die a martyr.” nounced, Miller, 74, said: could get the death pen- shootings at two Jewish
OLATHE, Kansas (AP) — The It took the jury of seven men “The fat lady just sang.” As alty. The sentencing pro- sites in Overland Park, Kan-
man who admitted killing and five women just over jurors were filing out of the ceedings were expected sas. Although he has admit-
three people at two subur- two hours to find Frazier courtroom, he raised his to begin Tuesday. During ted to killing the three peo-
ban Kansas City Jewish sites Glenn Miller guilty of one right arm in the Nazi salute the prosecution’s clos- ple, he has pleaded not
gave jurors a Nazi salute count of capital murder, and told them: “You prob- ing, District Attorney Steve guilty, saying it was his duty
Monday after they convict- three counts of attempted ably won’t sleep tonight.” Howe cited a “mountain to stop genocide against
ed him of murder and other murder and assault and The judge reminded Mill- of evidence” against Miller, the white race. None of the
charges for the shootings, weapons charges. er that the same jury will who is charged with capi- victims was Jewish.q