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Wednesday 4 January 2023
McCarthy fails in marathon votes for speaker, not giving up
From Front Even with an endorse-
ment from former President
By LISA MASCARO, FAR- Trump, McCarthy fell short.
NOUSH AMIRI and KEVIN Democrats enthusiastically
FREKING nominated Jeffries, D-.N.Y.,
Associated Press who is taking over as party
WASHINGTON (AP) — Re- leader, as their choice for
publican leader Kevin Mc- speaker — a typically sym-
Carthy failed in marathon bolic gesture in the minority
voting Tuesday to become but one that took on new
House speaker, a historic importance as Republicans
defeat with no clear way were in disarray.
out as House Republicans “A Latino is nominating in
dug in for a long, messy this chamber a Black man
start for the new Congress. for our leader for the the
Needing 218 votes in the first time in American histo-
full House, McCarthy got ry,” said Rep. Pete Aguilar
just 203 in two rounds — less of California, the third-rank-
even than Democrat Ha- ing Democrat, in nominat-
keem Jeffries in the GOP- ing his colleague.
controlled chamber. A A new generation of
third ballot was underway Trump-aligned Republicans
as night fell on the new led the opposition to Mc-
House GOP majority, ten- House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., stands with Minority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., Carthy. They don’t think
sions rising as all other busi- left, and other Republicans before an address by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the he is conservative enough
ness came to a halt. House chamber, at the Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022. Associated Press or tough enough to battle
McCarthy had pledged Democrats.
a “battle on the floor” for usual in Washington, and But on the first vote a chal- Freedom Caucus and a Rep. Dusty Johnson, R-S.D.,
as long as it took to over- were committed to stop lenge was quickly raised by leader of Trump’s effort to a leader of a more prag-
come right-flank fellow Re- McCarthy’s rise without Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., a challenge the 2020 presi- matic conservative group,
publicans who were refus- concessions to their priori- conservative former leader dential election. said “frustration was rising”
ing to give him their votes. ties. of the Freedom Caucus, The group said McCarthy with the minority faction.
But it was not at all clear “The American people are who was nominated by refused the group’s last- A viable challenger to Mc-
how the embattled GOP watching, and it’s a good a fellow conservative as ditch offer for rules chang- Carthy had yet to emerge.
leader could rebound after thing,” said Rep. Chip Roy, speaker. In all, 19 Republi- es in a meeting late Mon- The second-ranking House
becoming the first House R-Texas, who nominated cans peeled away, deny- day at the Capitol. Republican, Scalise of
speaker nominee in 100 fellow conservative Rep. ing McCarthy the majority “If you want to drain the Louisiana, could be a
years to fail to win the gav- Jim Jordan of Ohio as an he needs as they cast votes swamp you can’t put the next choice, a conserva-
el with his party in the ma- alternative for speaker. for Biggs, Jordan or others biggest alligator in control tive widely liked by his col-
jority. It was the second time in protest. of the exercise,” said Rep. leagues and seen by some
Without a speaker, the conservatives pushed for- The mood was tense, at Matt Gaetz, R-Fla. as a hero after surviving a
House cannot fully form ward a reluctant Jordan, least on the Republican “He eagerly dismissed us,” gunshot wound suffered
— swearing in its mem- the McCarthy rival-turned- side, as lawmakers rose said Rep. Lauren Boebert, during a congressional
bers, naming its commit- ally, who earlier had risen to from their seats, in lengthy R-Colo. baseball game practice in
tee chairmen, engaging urge his colleagues, even in-person voting. Demo- Lawmakers convened in a 2017.
in floor proceedings and those who backed him, to crats were joyous as they new era of divided govern- A speaker’s contest last
launching investigations of drop vote for McCarthy. cast their own historic votes ment as Democrats relin- went multiple rounds in
the Biden administration. “We have to rally around for their leader, Rep. Jef- quish control of the House 1923.
“We all came here to get him, come together” Jor- fries of New York. after midterm election This year’s deadlock was in
things done,” said the dan said. In the first-round tally, Mc- losses. While the Senate re- stark contrast to the other
second-ranking Republi- Jordan got six votes in the Carthy won 203 votes, with mains in Democratic hands, side of the Capitol, where
can, Rep. Steve Scalise, in first round, 19 in the second 10 for Biggs and nine for barely, House Republicans Senate Republican leader
a rousing speech urging round and was on track to other Republicans. In the are eager to confront Presi- Mitch McConnell will offi-
his colleagues to drop their pick up a similar number in second, it was 203 for Mc- dent Joe Biden’ after two cially become the cham-
protest. the third. Carthy and 19 for Jordan. years of Democratic Party ber’s longest-serving party
Railing against President Smiling through it all, Mc- Democrat Jeffries had the control of both houses of leader in history.
Joe Biden’s agenda, Scal- Carthy huddled briefly most, 212 votes, but no Congress. Despite being in the minor-
ise said, “We can’t start fix- with aides, then appeared nominee won a majority. Outgoing House Speak- ity in the Senate, where
ing those problems until we intent on simply trying to After a raucous private er Nancy Pelosi gaveled Democrats hold a slim 51-
elect Kevin McCarthy our wear down his colleagues. GOP meeting, a core group closed the last session, mov- 49 majority, McConnell
next speaker.” Earlier, he strode into the of conservatives led by ing aside for new House could prove to be a viable
It was a chaotic start to the chamber, posed for pho- the Freedom Caucus and leadership in her Demo- partner as Biden seeks bi-
new Congress and pointed tos, and received a stand- aligned with Trump, were cratic Party, to a standing partisan victories in the new
to a difficult road ahead ing ovation from many on furious, calling the meet- ovation from colleagues on era of divided government.
with Republicans in con- his side of the aisle after ing a “beat down” by Mc- her side of the aisle. The two men were expect-
trol of the House for the first being nominated by the Carthy allies and remaining The chaplain opened with ed to appear together lat-
time in more than a de- third-ranking Republican, steadfast in their opposition a prayer seeking to bring er in the week in the GOP
cade. A new generation of Rep. Elise Stefanik of New to the GOP leader. the 118th Congress to life. leader’s home state of Ken-
conservative Republicans, York, who said the Califor- “There’s one person who But first, House Republicans tucky to celebrate federal
many aligned with Donald nian from gritty Bakersfield could have changed all had to elect a speaker, infrastructure investment in
Trump’s MAGA agenda, “has what it takes” to lead this,” said Rep. Scott Perry, second in succession to the a vital bridge that connects
want to upend business as House Republicans. R-Pa., the chairman of the presidency. Kentucky and Ohio.q