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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Wednesday 4 January 2023
            South Korea: Talks with US on management of nukes underway

            By HYUNG-JIN KIM Associ-                                                                                            U.S. president. Yoon’s office
            ated Press                                                                                                          didn’t provide many details
            SEOUL,  South  Korea  (AP)                                                                                          about  his  government’s
            —  South  Korea  confirmed                                                                                          discussion  with  the  United
            Tuesday  that  Seoul  and                                                                                           States. Some observers say
            Washington  are  discussing                                                                                         South  Korea  is  seeking  to
            its  involvement  in  U.S.  nu-                                                                                     obtain a greater role in the
            clear  weapons  manage-                                                                                             U.S.  decision-making  pro-
            ment in the face of intensi-                                                                                        cess on the deployment of
            fying North Korean nuclear                                                                                          its nuclear assets in times of
            threats, after President Joe                                                                                        tensions with North Korea.
            Biden denied that the allies                                                                                        Kim  Taewoo,  a  former
            were discussing joint nucle-                                                                                        head  of  Seoul’s  Korea  In-
            ar exercises.                                                                                                       stitute  for  National  Unifi-
            The  purported  difference                                                                                          cation,  said  the  reported
            came  after  North  Korean                                                                                          South  Korea-U.S.  discus-
            leader Kim Jong Un entered                                                                                          sion likely “benchmarked a
            the new year with a vow to                                                                                          NATO-style  nuclear-sharing
            mass-produce     battlefield                                                                                        arrangement”  that  allows
            nuclear weapons targeting                                                                                           NATO member states’ war-
            South Korea and introduce                                                                                           planes to carry U.S. nuclear
            a  more  powerful  intercon-                                                                                        weapons.  He  said  the  dis-
            tinental  ballistic  missile  ca-                                                                                   cussion  still  appears  to  be
            pable  of  striking  the  main-  In this photo provided by the North Korean government, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, center,   falling  short  of  the  NATO
            land U.S. Some experts say   attends a ceremony of donating 600mm super-large multiple launch rocket system at a garden   arrangement   because
                                         of the Workers’ Party of Korea headquarters in Pyongyang, North Korea Saturday, Dec. 31, 2022.
            Kim  would  eventually  aim                                                                       Associated Press   possible  nuclear  exercises
            to  use  his  enlarged  weap-                                                                                       between the two countries
            ons arsenal to wrest outside  cials are expected to hold  press  affairs,  Kim  Eun-hye,  ning,  intel-sharing  and  ex-  would likely be South Kore-
            concessions  like  sanctions  table-top exercises soon to  issued  a  statement  Tues-  ercises involving them must  an air force aircraft escort-
            relief.  South  Korean  Presi-  chart  out  a  potential  joint  day saying that Seoul and  be  jointly  conducted  with  ing  U.S.  aircraft  simulating
            dent  Yoon  Suk  Yeol  said  response to a range of sce-  Washington  “are  discuss-   South  Korea.  He  said  he  nuclear  strikes  during  joint
            in  a  newspaper  interview  narios,  including  deploy-  ing an intel-sharing, a joint  finds it difficult to assure his  drills.  “North  Korea  would
            published Monday that the  ment of a nuclear weapon  planning  and  subsequent  people  of  a  security  guar-      take  this  sensitively.  (South
            two countries were pushing  by the North, according to  joint  execution  plans  over  antee with the current lev-  Korea  and  the  U.S.)  are
            for joint planning and train-  a  senior  Biden  administra-  the  management  of  U.S.  els of U.S. security commit-  discussing this to get North
            ing  involving  U.S.  nuclear  tion  official  who  spoke  on  nuclear  assets  in  response  ment.                 Korea to take this sensitively
            assets and that the United  the condition of anonymity  to  North  Korea’s  nuclear  South Korea has no nuclear  … because that can be a
            States  responded  positive-  to discuss planning.        (threats).”                  weapons  and  is  under  the  deterrence  against  North
            ly to the idea. Asked by a  The  White  House  National  Kim  said  Biden  likely  an-  protection of a U.S. “nuclear  Korea,” Kim Taewoo said.
            reporter  later  at  the  White  Security  Council  in  state-  swered  “no”  because  a  umbrella,”  which  guaran-  He  said  South  Korea  and
            House  about  whether  the  ment on Tuesday said Biden  reporter  tersely  asked  him  tees  a  devastating  Ameri-  the United States are likely
            two countries were discuss-  and  Yoon  have  “tasked  about  nuclear  exercises  can  response  in  the  event  using unofficial channels to
            ing  joint  nuclear  exercises,  their  teams  to  plan  for  an  without   providing   any  of an attack on its ally. But  discuss  the  topic.  That  al-
            Biden replied, “No.”         effective  coordinated  re-  background information.      some  experts  question  the  lows  South  Korea  to  claim
            North  Korea’s  recent  tests  sponse  to  a  range  of  sce-  In  the  Chosun  Ilbo  inter-  effectiveness of such a se-  it’s discussing the issue with
            have caused growing wor-     narios,  including  nuclear  view,  Yoon  said  that  while  curity  commitment,  saying  the U.S. at the same time it
            ry in Seoul and Washington.  use by North Korea.”         the  U.S.  nuclear  weapons  the decision to use U.S. nu-  allows Washington to deny
            U.S. and South Korean offi-  Yoon’s  top  adviser  for  belong  to  the  U.S.,  plan-  clear weapons lies with the  that, he said. q

             Poland’s conservative premier in favor of death penalty

            WARSAW,  Poland  (AP)  —  a  public  question-and-an-     penalty.”
            Polish  Prime  Minister  Ma-  swer session with Facebook  He  called  its  abolition  a
            teusz  Morawiecki  has  sur-  users.                      “premature invention.”
            prisingly spoken in favor of  Asked  by  an  apparent  Some  opposition  lawmak-
            the death penalty and ad-    critic  if  the  death  penalty  ers, including Monika Falej,
            mitted he doesn’t share the  could stop his government  noted  that  such  views  are
            view of the Roman Catho-     from  doing  more  harm  to  characteristic of authoritar-
            lic Church on the matter.    society,  Morawiecki  said  it  ian rulers.
            It seemed to be an isolated  was  a  sharp  question,  but  Poland   abolished   the
            view among leaders within  went on to answer it.          death penalty in 1997, as it
            the  27-member  European  “In  my  opinion,  the  death  was  shedding  some  com-
            Union, which doesn’t have  penalty should be admissi-     munist-era regulations and
            capital   punishment.   His  ble for the heaviest crimes,”  preparing to join the EU. In
            words  drew  criticism  from  Morawiecki  said,  stressing  2013, Poland ratified a pro-
            the opposition.              that “I do not agree on the  tocol of the European Con-
            Morawiecki,  a  practicing  matter with the teaching of  vention  of  Human  Rights    Poland’s  Prime  Minister  Mateusz  Morawiecki  speaks  with  the
            Catholic,  made  the  com-   the  church,  because  I  am  that totally abolishes capi-  media as he arrives for an EU summit in Brussels on Oct. 21, 2022.
            ments late Monday during  a  supporter  of  the  death  tal punishment.q                                                        Associated Press
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