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A4   U.S. NEWS
                Wednesday 4 January 2023
            Idaho slayings suspect agrees to extradition to face charges

            By MICHAEL RUBINKAM                                                                                                 happen and a lot of play-
            Associated Press                                                                                                    ers  involved  in  that,  and
            STROUDSBURG,  Pa.  (AP)  —                                                                                          so  I  just  I  can't  speculate
            A  criminology  graduate                                                                                            to  how  quickly  that  could
            student  charged  in  the                                                                                           occur,"  Dahlinger  said  last
            November  slayings  of  four                                                                                        week. Kohberger's relatives
            University of Idaho students                                                                                        in  Pennsylvania  have  ex-
            agreed  Tuesday  to  be  ex-                                                                                        pressed  sympathy  for  the
            tradited from Pennsylvania,                                                                                         families  of  the  victims  but
            where he was arrested last                                                                                          vowed to support him and
            week,  to  face  charges  in                                                                                        promote  "his  presumption
            Idaho.  Bryan  Kohberger,  a                                                                                        of innocence."
            28-year-old  doctoral  stu-                                                                                         His  parents,  Michael  and
            dent  and  teaching  assis-                                                                                         Maryann, and his two older
            tant  at  Washington  State                                                                                         sisters, Amanda and Melis-
            University,   was   arrested                                                                                        sa,  said  in  a  statement  re-
            early  Friday  by  state  po-                                                                                       leased Sunday by his attor-
            lice at his parents' home in                                                                                        ney that they "care deeply
            eastern  Pennsylvania,  au-                                                                                         for  the  four  families  who
            thorities said.                                                                                                     have lost their precious chil-
            Wearing a red jumpsuit with                                                                                         dren.  There  are  no  words
            his hands shackled in front                                                                                         that  can  adequately  ex-
            of  him,  Kohberger  showed                                                                                         press  the  sadness  we  feel,
            little  emotion  during  Tues-  Bryan Kohberger, who is accused of killing four University of Idaho students, is escorted to an   and we pray each day for
            day's  brief  hearing  in  a   extradition hearing at the Monroe County Courthouse in Stroudsburg, Pa., Tuesday, Jan. 3, 2023.   them." The family said that
                                                                                                               Associated Press
            Pennsylvania  courtroom  in                                                                                         relatives will continue to let
            which  he  acknowledged  sumed  innocent  and  "not  adding  that  investigators  Federal and state investiga-      the  legal  process  unfold,
            facing  four  counts  of  first-  tried in the court of public  obtained  samples  of  Koh-  tors  are  combing  through  and  that  "as  a  family  we
            degree murder and a bur-     opinion,"  said  the  public  berger's  DNA  directly  from  Kohberger's  background,  will  love  and  support  our
            glary charge.                defender, Jason LaBar.       him after he was arrested.   financial records and elec-  son and brother." They say
            It  was  not  immediately  After Tuesday's hearing, La-   DNA  evidence  played  a  tronic  communications  as  they have fully cooperated
            clear  how  soon  authorities  bar  described  Kohberger  key role in identifying Koh-  they work to build the case  with law enforcement to try
            would  arrange  for  Koh-    as "an ordinary guy."        berger  as  a  suspect,  and  against  him,  the  official  to "seek the truth and pro-
            berger's  transport  back  to  Capt.  Anthony  Dahlinger,  officials were able to match  who  spoke  anonymously  mote his presumption of in-
            Idaho  —  a  process  that  is  of  the  Moscow  Police  De-  his DNA to genetic material  said.  The  investigators  are  nocence rather than judge
            generally  kept  secret  be-  partment in Idaho, told The  recovered  during  the  in-  also  interviewing  people  unknown  facts  and  make
            cause of security concerns.  Associated  Press  on  Satur-  vestigation, a law enforce-  who  knew  Kohberger,  in-  erroneous assumptions."
            The  chief  public  defender  day that authorities believe  ment official said last week.  cluding  those  at  Washing-  Latah  County  prosecutors
            in  Monroe  County,  Penn-   Kohberger was responsible  The official spoke on condi-   ton State University, the of-  in Idaho have said they be-
            sylvania  said  his  client  is  for  all  four  slayings.  The  tion of anonymity because  ficial said.            lieve Kohberger broke into
            eager  to  be  exonerated  students  were  stabbed  to  they  were  not  authorized  Authorities  have  not  yet  the  students'  home  near
            and  plans  to  tell  a  judge  death  at  a  rental  home  to publicly discuss details of  released  any  information  the  university  campus  in-
            in Pennsylvania that he will  near  campus  in  Moscow,  the ongoing investigation.    about  how  or  when  Koh-   tending to commit murder.
            waive  his  extradition  hear-  Idaho, sometime in the ear-  Investigators have said they  berger  will  be  transported  Their  bodies  were  found
            ing  so  he  can  be  quickly  ly morning hours of Nov. 13.  are still looking for a murder  back to Idaho.         Nov. 13, several hours after
            taken to Idaho.              "We  believe  we've  got  weapon  and  a  motive  for  "There's a lot of layers to fig-  investigators  believe  they
            Kohberger  should  be  pre-  our  man,"  said  Dahlinger,  the killings.               uring out how to make that  died.q

                                                                      Report analyzes racial profiling in

                                                                      California traffic stops

                                                                      pedestrian  stops  in  2021,  The  58  agencies  —  which  was  perceived  to  be  His-
                                                                      as  compared  to  people  includes the 23 largest de-     panic or Latino, according
                                                                      believed  to  be  white,  ac-  partments  in  the  state  —  to the report.
                                                                      cording  to  a  state  report  collectively  made  more  More  than  30%  were  per-
                                                                      released Tuesday.            than 3.1 million vehicle and  ceived  to  be  white  and
                                                                      The  annual  report  by  Cali-  pedestrian stops in 2021. By  15%  were  believed  to  be
                                                                      fornia's  Racial  and  Iden-  April, all of California's more  Black.
                                                                      tity Profiling Advisory Board  than 400 law enforcement  But    law    enforcement
                                                                      gathered  data  on  vehicle  agencies must submit their  searched people who were
                                                                      and pedestrian stops by of-  data.                        perceived  to  be  Black  at
                                                                      ficers from 58 law enforce-  The  data  includes  how  of-  2.2 times the rate of people
            A  California  Highway  Patrol  officer  stops  a  motorist  who  was   ment agencies in 2021.   ficers  perceive  an  individ-  thought to be white, the re-
            suspected of speeding along Interstate 5 freeway on April 23,
            2020, in Anaheim, Calif.                                  The data includes what of-   ual's race or gender, even  port said.
                                                     Associated Press  ficers  perceived  to  be  the  if it's different than how the  And  teenagers  15  to  17
                                                                      race, ethnicity, gender and  person  identifies,  because  years  who  who  were  per-
                                                                      disability  status  of  people  the  officer's  perception  is  ceived  to  be  Black  were
            LOS  ANGELES  (AP)  —  Cali-  likely  to  use  force  against  they stop so that the state  what drives bias.       searched at nearly six times
            fornia  law  enforcement  people  they  perceived  as  can better identify and an-     In more than 42% of the 3.1  the  rate  of  teens  believed
            was  more  than  twice  as  Black  during  vehicle  and  alyze bias in policing.       million stops, the individual  to be white.q
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