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A30    world news
               Diahuebs 29 september 2022

                               Heat wave led to unprecedented melt of Swiss glaciers

            (AP)    —    Switzerland's
            glaciers  are  melting  like                                                                                        The report issued Wednesday
            never before, an academic                                                                                           chronicles in detail the dam-
            study released Wednesday                                                                                            age  across  the  Swiss  Alps:
            found,  with  their  ice  vol-                                                                                      Over 6 meters (19.6 feet) of
            ume declining  by 6%  this                                                                                          ice  melted  this  year  on  the
            year amid rising concerns                                                                                           Konkordiaplatz  summit  in
            about global warming and                                                                                            the Great Aletsch Glacier in
            a summer heat wave that                                                                                             the  south,  near  the  Italian
            swept across Europe.                                                                                                border.

            The  Swiss  Academy  of  Sci-                                                                                       Small  glaciers  like  Pizol  in
            ences  reported  that  the                                                                                          the  east  near  Liechtenstein,
            shrinkage of ice in the coun-                                                                                       Vadret dal Corvatsch near St.
            try's glaciers topped a previ-                                                                                      Moritz in the southeast, and
            ous  record  retreat  nearly  a                                                                                     Schwarzbachfirn  in  central
            generation ago.                                                                                                     Switzerland have "practically
                                                                                                                                disappeared," the team said.
            "2022  was  a  disastrous  year
            for Swiss glaciers: all ice melt                                                                                    Elsewhere in Europe, the Ba-
            records  were  smashed  by                                                                                          varian  Academy  of  Sciences
            the  great  dearth  of  snow  in                                                                                    in Germany said the ice sheet
            winter  and  continuous  heat                                                                                       on the Southern Schneefern-
            waves in summer," the acad-  says  there's  "zero  chance"  along,  but  now  they  are  al-  then blanketed many parts of  er in the Alps melted so much
            emy said in a statement.     the  glaciers  will  return  for  ready here."            Europe in the spring, causing  this summer that it could no
                                         decades  —  at  best  —  given                            the snow to absorb more so-  longer  be  considered  a  gla-
            The academy based its report  current projections for global  Switzerland  faced  an  "un-  lar heat. A spike in summer  cier — leaving Germany now
            on data collected by Glamos,  temperatures.               lucky combination of factors"  temperatures  across  Europe  with only four glaciers.
            the Swiss glacier-monitoring                              this  year  that  led  to  the  big  further intensified the glacial
            network. Switzerland has the  "We  have  a  series  reaching  melt, Huss said. Snow cover  melt.                    Huss  said  that  while  people
            greatest volume of glaciers of  back for more than 100 years,  in the Swiss Alps was excep-                         are not acting quickly enough
            any country in Europe.       and we have never seen any-  tionally  light,  particularly  in  The findings come on top of  to  curb  global  warning,  he
                                         thing  that  is  comparable  to  the  southeast,  meaning  that  another  study  released  last  thinks the world is waking up
            Matthias Huss, a glaciologist  this year," he said by phone.  the  glaciers  had  less  natural  month  showing  that  Swit-  to the threat and the need to
            with  the  Federal  Polytech-  "It's something that has been  protection from the heat.  zerland's  1,400  glaciers  have  reduce  emissions  of  green-
            nic  Institute  in  Zurich  who  expected  for  the  future  that                      lost more than half their total  house gases that trap heat in
            heads  the  Glamos  program,  such  extremes  might  come  A dust drift from the Sahara  volume since the early 1930s.  the atmosphere.

                           ADB to devote $14B to help ease food crisis in Asia-Pacific

            (AP) — The Asian Devel-      help  the  most  vulnerable,  In a recent update, the bank  climate change amplifies ex-  shortages next year.
            opment  Bank  said  Tues-    particularly women.          downgraded  its  forecast  for  treme  weather,  hurting  har-
            day it will devote at least                               growth in the region to 4.3%  vests  and  triggering  migra-  In just one example, in Paki-
            $14  billion  through  2025  In  opening  the  ADB  meet-  from  an  earlier  estimate  of  tion, Asakawa noted.    stan,  massive  floods  this
            to  help  ease  a  worsening  ing,  Asakawa  noted  that  the  5.2%. Next year's outlook is                         summer have wiped out large
            food crisis in the Asia-Pa-  economic outlook has wors-   for 4.9% annual growth.      Last  week,  the  U.N.  food  swaths  of  crops,  adding  to
            cific.                       ened  with  the  Russian  in-                             chief  warned  the  world  is  worries over food shortages.
                                         vasion  of  Ukraine,  soaring  Food  insecurity  threatens  to  facing  "a  perfect  storm  on
            The development lender said  prices  for  many  commodi-  undo decades of progress and  top of a perfect storm," urg-  Even before the floods, some
            it plans a comprehensive pro-  ties  and  a  harsher  economic  has worsened with the strife  ing donors, particularly Gulf  38  million  Pakistanis,  more
            gram  of support  to  help  the  environment thanks to rising  in  Ukraine,  a  key  supplier  nations  and  billionaires,  to  than 16% of the population,
            1.1  billion  people  in  the  re-  interest rates and weakening  of grain, oil and fertilizer to  give a few days of profits to  were  living  in  moderate  or
            gion  who  lack  healthy  diets  currencies for many develop-  many countries in the region.  tackle a fertilizer supply crisis  severe food insecurity, uncer-
            due  to  poverty  and  soaring  ing economies.            The situation will worsen as  to  prevent  widespread  food  tain  they  could  obtain  food
            food prices.                                                                                                        or at times going without eat-
                                                                                                                                ing,  according  to  the  World
            The  Manila,  Philippines-                                                                                          Health Organization. Nearly
            based  ADB  made  the  an-                                                                                          18% of children were acutely
            nouncement  during  its  an-                                                                                        malnourished.
            nual meeting.
                                                                                                                                Pakistan's  economy  already
            The plan calls for improving                                                                                        was  reeling  from  mounting
            long-term  food  security  by                                                                                       debt  problems  and  soaring
            strengthening  farming  and                                                                                         prices. The blow to the food
            food  supplies  to  cope  with                                                                                      supply  and  incomes  will  tip
            climate  change  and  loss  of                                                                                      those  populations  deeper
            biodiversity.  The  ADB  said                                                                                       into  hunger,  U.N.  agencies
            the funds will go to both ex-                                                                                       have warned.
            isting and new projects span-
            ning  farming,  food  produc-                                                                                       The  coronavirus  pandemic
            tion  and  distribution,  water                                                                                     had already pushed 100 mil-
            resources  management  and                                                                                          lion  more  people  into  hun-
            social supports.                                                                                                    ger,  the  ADB  estimates.  A
                                                                                                                                10%  increase  in  food  price
            Asakawa  said  that  in  the                                                                                        inflation could push another
            short-term,  support  will  be                                                                                      64  million  into  poverty,  it
            targeted  at  and  designed  to                                                                                     says.
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