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               Diahuebs 29 september 2022

                                    Viewer's guide for this year's World Cup in Qatar

            (AP)  –  A  last  chance  for  en  Generation"  is  gradually  winner's medal that, to many,
            Lionel  Messi  and  Cristia-  breaking  up  but  there's  still  would solidify him as soccer's
            no Ronaldo. Kylian Mbap-     Kevin De Bruyne leading the  greatest player.
            pé  back  on  the  biggest  Belgian charge.
            stage of all. Brazil bidding                              Cristiano Ronaldo, Portugal.
            for  a  record-extending  Argentina (No. 3). No World  He  has  won  the  European
            sixth title.                 Cup title since the days of the  Championship but the lead-
                                         great Diego Maradona. This  ing  scorer  in  men's  interna-
            One  of  the  most  eagerly  will  be  the  first  World  Cup  tional soccer hasn't played in
            anticipated  World  Cups  in  since his death in November  a World Cup final, let alone
            memory — as much for off-    2020  and  Argentina  is  im-  won  one.  He's  37  years  old
            the-field reasons as those on  proving, with Messi still at its  now  —  make  the  most  of
            it — is just around the corner  core.                     him while you can.
            in  Qatar  and  excitement  is
            building  after  the  qualifica-  France  (No.  4).  The  de-  Kylian Mbappé, France. The
            tion period was wrapped.     fending champions. Still the  star of the last World Cup at
                                         country with the most depth  the age of 19 and he is only
            Thirty-two teams, 64 match-  to its squad, despite a grow-  getting  better.  The  speedy
            es,  29  days.  The  first  World  ing  injury  list.  Now  with  striker  could  match  Brazil
            Cup in the Middle East.      Mbappé  AND  Karim  Ben-     great  Pelé  in  being  a  cham-
                                         zema leading the attack. No  pion  at  his  first  two  World
            The  tournament  starts  on  team  has  retained  its  World  Cups.
            Nov.  20  and  the  final  is  set  Cup title since Brazil in 1962.
            for Dec. 18.                                              Kevin  De  Bruyne,  Bel-
                                         England  (No.  5).  Semifi-  gium. Widely regarded as the
            Here's a few things to watch  nalist  at  the  World  Cup  in  world's  best  midfielder,  his
            when  the  tournament  gets  2018, finalist at the European  driving  runs  are  among  the
            going in the smallest country  Championship in 2021. Soc-  best sights in soccer. Belgium
            ever to host a World Cup:    cer's  most  underperforming  just  has  to  hope  he  arrives
                                         national  team  is  trending  in  healthy.
            TOP TEAMS                    the  right  direction  at  major
                                         tournaments but is winless in  Neymar, Brazil. Often over-
            Brazil (No. 1 in FIFA rank-  its last six competitive games.  shadowed  by  Mbappé  and
            ing).   Neymar,    Vinícius                               Messi  at  Paris  Saint-Ger-
            Júnior  and  the  rest  of  the  BIG STARS                main, still the main man for
            flair-filled  Selecao  are  peak-                         Brazil.  Watch  out  for  tricks
            ing at the right time. Is a first  Lionel Messi, Argentina. The  and  flicks,  and  some  histri-
            World  Cup  title  since  2002  seven-time  world  player  of  onics, too.
            on the horizon?              the year might have been sav-
                                         ing  his  35-year-old  legs  for
            Belgium (No. 2). The "Gold-  one last push at a World Cup  MUST-SEE GAMES

                                                                                                                                Just like at the World Cup in
                                                                                                   Qatar  vs.  Ecuador,  Nov.  20.  1998, the two countries will
                                                                                                   The first match of the tour-  meet in the group stage in a
                                                                                                   nament and always a date to  politically  charged  matchup.
                                                                                                   save on the calendar.        Diplomatic relations have yet
                                                                                                                                to  be  restored  between  the
                                                                                                   Argentina  vs.  Mexico,  Nov.  nations  since  being  severed
                                                                                                   26. The first of the big con-  in 1980.
                                                                                                   tinental rivalries in the group
                                                                                                   stage, with Messi potentially  Ghana  vs.  Uruguay,  Dec.
                                                                                                   sealing  his  and  Argentina's  2.  Anyone  remember  the
                                                                                                   spot in the last 16.         night of July 2, 2010? In the
                                                                                                                                last  minute  of  extra  time  in
                                                                                                   Spain vs. Germany, Nov. 27.  a  World  Cup  quarterfinal
                                                                                                   Surely there can't have been  match between Uruguay and
                                                                                                   many  bigger  group-stage  Ghana,  Luis  Suarez  deliber-
                                                                                                   matches than this at a World  ately  stopped  the  ball  with
                                                                                                   Cup? Two recent champions,  his hand on the goalline, got
                                                                                                   two  giants  of  European  and  sent  off,  only  for  Ghana  to
                                                                                                   world soccer.                miss the penalty and lose in a
                                                                                                                                shootout as Suarez celebrated
                                                                                                   Iran  vs.  United  States,  Nov.  on  the  sideline.  Revenge
                                                                                                   29. It has been labeled as "The  would be sweet for Ghana.
                                                                                                   Mother of All Games Part II."
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