Page 29 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 29
Saturday 26 September
Pope Francis to
release album
called ‘Wake Up!’
NEW YORK (AP) — Pope
Francis is becoming Pop
Star Francis: The religious
leader is set to release a
pop-rock album.
Believe Digital, the la-
bel releasing the album,
announced Friday that
“Wake Up!” will be avail-
able on Nov. 27. The album This CD cover image released In this image made by Felix & Paul Studios and provided by the Clinton Global Initiative, former
will feature extracts from by Believe Digital, shows U.S. President Bill Clinton sits at his desk in New York in part of a seven-minute movie made with
Pope Francis’ speeches in “Wake Up!” The album will virtual reality techniques.
various languages, includ- feature extracts from Pope
ing English, Italian, Spanish Francis’ speeches in various Associated Press
and Portuguese. languages, including English,
Pope Francis premiered Italian, Spanish and Portu- Bill Clinton appears in virtual-
the first single called “Wake guese. It will be available on reality movie on Africa
Up! Go! Go! Forward!” on Nov. 27.
Rolling Stone’s website on
Friday. The album is avail- Associated Press
able for pre-order on iTunes. ANICK JESDANUN Clinton will be taking them — that will be set up in the
The album’s 11 tracks range from pop to rock to Latin AP Technology Writer to East Africa through vir- main lounge.
sounds. Some of the album’s proceeds will be donated NEW YORK (AP) — As world tual reality. “The ability of technology
to “a support fund for refugees,” according to a news leaders descend on the Viewers with special gog- like this to bring people
release. United Nations this week- gles will be able to fol- together from around the
Pope Francis is currently on a visit to the United States.q end, former President Bill low Clinton’s travels in world has the potential to
eight minutes. Footage encourage everyone, no
was captured last spring matter where they are,
Judge grants Jenner’s request with 360-degree cameras. to be more engaged in
to legally change name, gender What you see through the global issues and how to
goggles changes as you solve them,” Clinton said in
move your head left, right a statement to The Associ-
and even up or down. ated Press.
ANTHONY McCARTNEY In this July 15, 2015 file photo, Caitlyn Jenner accepts the Arthur Virtual reality is no longer “I enjoyed being able to
AP Entertainment Writer Ashe award for courage at the ESPY Awards at the Microsoft the domain of just science bring the viewer with me
SANTA MONICA, Calif. (AP) Theater, in Los Angeles. fiction and video games. to see the important work
— She proclaimed her new You feel as though you’re being done on the ground
name on the cover of Van- Associated Press sitting in the same living in Africa. I hope everyone
ity Fair magazine, but Cait- room as Clinton chats with who watches the film will
lyn Jenner’s transition from placing her birth name of special and debuting her an entrepreneur in Karatu, feel compelled to make a
her old identity as Bruce William Bruce Jenner. She new name and look on the Tanzania, who sells solar- positive difference in their
Jenner is finally official. will now be able to get cover of Vanity Fair maga- powered products. You own way.”
A judge on Friday ap- documents — including a zine. appear to share a tent as Rob Holzer of Matter Unlim-
proved Jenner’s request driver’s license and Social Some details that accom- Clinton and his daughter, ited, the creative agency
to formally change her Security card — that con- panied her petition to le- Chelsea, fit people in Nai- behind the movie, said that
name and gender, mark- form to her new identity. gally change her name robi, Kenya, with hearing when people experience
ing another milestone in Jenner publicly transitioned and gender were redact- aids. The movie also takes the projects rather than just
the Olympic gold medal- to a woman in recent ed after Jenner cited pri- you to a Nairobi classroom hear about them, they’re
ist’s public transition as a months after revealing her vacy concerns and threats that is part of a Clinton- more likely to volunteer
transgender woman. intentions to journalist Di- she says she has received backed initiative to im- and donate.
Jenner, 65, sought the ane Sawyer in a televised during her transition.q prove education for young The movie’s co-director,
change “to better match women and girls. It starts Paul Raphael of Felix & Paul
my identity,” according to and ends with Clinton talk- Studios, said he was drawn
court filings she submitted ing to you from his desk in by the immersive nature of
earlier this month. New York. virtual reality.
Superior Court Judge Ger- Clinton plans to unveil the “It’s not something you look
ald Rosenberg granted movie in New York on Sun- at in front of you,” he said.
the petition during a brief day at the annual meeting “It’s something you visit,
hearing. Jenner did not at- of the Clinton Foundation’s something no film or You-
tend but was represented Clinton Global Initiative. Tube video can replicate.”
by two lawyers. Heads of states, corporate The movie will be distrib-
The approval means Jen- executives and civil-society uted for free to owners of
ner’s new name will be leaders in attendance will Gear VR, including a new
Caitlyn Marie Jenner, re- be able to watch using $99 model Samsung an-
special goggles — Sam- nounced Thursday for ship-
sung’s Gear VR headset ment in November. q