Page 24 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 24


BUSINESSSaturday 26 September

Late health care slump pushes stocks to weekly loss                                                                                    Hyundai recalls
                                                                                                                                      470K Sonatas to
STEVE ROTHWELL                 The late sell-off on Friday       gan their slide on Monday          vestors were encouraged           replace engines 
AP Markets Writer              pushed stocks to their third      when Democratic presi-             by a report that showed
NEW YORK (AP) — A late         losing week in the last four.     dential front-runner Hillary       U.S. economic growth was          TOM KRISHER
slump in health care stocks    “This is a dangerous market       Rodham Clinton pledged             faster in the spring than         AP Auto Writer
pushed the market to its       that is still looking for direc-  to stop “price gouging”            previously estimated.             DETROIT (AP) — Hyundai
third weekly loss this month.  tion,” said Jerry Braakman,       in the industry. The health        The U.S. economy expand-          is recalling nearly a half-
Stocks had traded solidly      Chief Investment Officer          care sector, a longtime            ed at an annual rate of 3.9       million midsize cars in the
higher for most of the day,    at First American Trust an        favorite of investors, end-        percent in the April-June         U.S. to replace the engines
as banks, insurance com-       investment management             ed the week with its worst         quarter, up from a previ-         because a manufactur-
panies and brokerage           firm. “Although the U.S. is       weekly performance in              ous estimate of 3.7 per-          ing problem could cause
firms climbed after Federal    continuing to improve, out-       more than four years.              cent, the Commerce De-            them to fail. The recall cov-
Reserve Chair Janet Yellen     side the U.S., it’s just scary.”  Biotechnology shares in the        partment reported Friday.         ers 470,000 Sonata sedans
                                                                                                    The strength came from            from the 2011 and 2012
Trader David O’Day, left, works on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange. A late slump in        gains in consumer spend-          model years equipped
                                                                                                    ing,  business  investment        with 2-liter or 2.4-liter gaso-
health care stocks pushed the market to its third weekly loss this month.                           and residential construc-         line engines. At the time,
                                                                                                    tion.                             the Sonata was Hyundai’s
                                                                           (AP Photo/Richard Drew)  Financial companies got           top-selling vehicle in the
                                                                                                    a boost after Federal Re-         U.S. The company also is
said that the policymakers The Standard & Poor’s S&P 500 dropped plunged                            serve Chair Janet Yellen          recalling nearly 100,000
                                                                                                    said that the central bank        Accent small cars because
would likely raise interest 500 index fell 0.9 points, or during the week, pushing                  was still likely to raise inter-  the brake lights can fail.
                                                                                                    est rates this year. She sug-     In documents on the So-
rates this year. The market less than 0.1 percent, to the overall health care in-                   gested global economic            nata recall posted Friday
                                                                                                    weakness won’t be signifi-        by the U.S. National High-
gave up its most of its gains 1,931.34. The Dow Jones dex down 5.8 percent, its                     cant enough to alter the          way Traffic Safety Admin-
                                                                                                    central bank’s plan to raise      istration, Hyundai says that
in the afternoon as a sell- industrial average gained worst week since August                       its key short-term rate from      metal debris may not have
                                                                                                    zero by December. Record          been fully removed from
off in drugmakers led the 113.35 points, or 0.7 per- 2011. Vertex Pharmaceu-                        low interest rates since the      the crankshaft area during
                                                                                                    2008 global financial cri-        manufacturing at Hyun-
health care sector lower. cent, to 16,314.67. The Nas- ticals, which focuses on                     sis have been a boon for          dai’s Alabama engine
                                                                                                    stocks, underpinning a bull       plant. That can restrict oil
The stock market has been daq composite fell 47.98 developing drugs for cystic                      market that has run for six       flow to the connecting rod
                                                                                                    and a half years.                 bearings, and since they
volatile for the past six points, or 1 percent, to fibrosis and viral infections,                   The combination of high-          are cooled by oil, they
                                                                                                    er rates and a growing            could fail. If that happens,
weeks on worries about 4,686.50.                                 was the biggest decliner in        economy is good for fi-           the engines could stall and
                                                                                                    nancial companies. That’s         cause a crash. So far, Hyun-
the impact of slowing The S&P 500 closed down the index on Friday, drop-                            because they can earn             dai said it has no reports of
                                                                                                    more from making loans.           crashes or injuries from the
growth in China and other 1.4 percent for the week, ping $7.83, or 7 percent, to                    Citigroup rose $1.42, or          problem. The company
                                                                                                    2.9 percent, to $50.55 and        said in documents that a
emerging markets, as well the Dow was 0.4 percent $103.20.                                          Bank of America climbed           worn connecting rod bear-
                                                                                                    34 cents, or 2.2 percent, to      ing will make a cyclical
as uncertainty about the lower.                                  The market had started the         $15.89.                           knocking noise, and it also
                                                                                                    “The financials are a won-        could cause the oil pressure
outlook for interest rates. Shares of drugmakers be- day with solid gains as in-                    derful place to be over           warning light to illuminate.
                                                                                                    the next several quarters         Continued driving with the
                                                                                                    if a rate rises materializes,”    problem can cause the
                                                                                                    said Jim Russell, a portfolio     bearing to fail and engine
                                                                                                    manager at Bahl & Gaynor          stalling. The company said
                                                                                                    Investment Counsel.q              that the 2011 Sonata was
                                                                                                                                      the first Hyundai vehicle to
Japan core inflation falls in August on low oil prices                                                                                use engines made in Ala-
                                                                                                                                      bama, where the compa-
TOKYO (AP) — Japan             the central bank launched         flationary doldrums that it        profits to invest overseas        ny initially used a mechani-
inched back into deflation-    massive asset purchases           says is stifling growth.           while consumers have re-          cal process to remove
ary territory in August as     that are pumping 80 trillion      Excluding both energy              mained relatively frugal.         machining debris from the
lower oil prices pulled core   yen ($670 billion) a year         and food prices, the price         Prime Minister Shinzo Abe         crankshaft. That process
inflation excluding volatile   into the economy in a bid         index rose 0.8 percent in          announced Thursday an             was changed to a high
food prices lower.             to push prices higher.            August, compared with 0.6          update of his economic            pressure wet blasting sys-
The core consumer price        With oil prices below $50         percent in the previous two        policies, setting a target for    tem in April of 2012. Hyun-
index slipped 0.1 percent      a barrel, upward pressure         months.                            a 600 trillion yen ($5 trillion)  dai discovered the prob-
after remaining flat in July.  on prices has eased, hin-         Theoretically, expectations        economy.                          lem when owners started
The “headline” inflation       dering those efforts. The         of higher inflation would          The plan focused mainly           reporting engine noise. In
rate, which includes both      government has made               lead families and  busi-           on promises of improved           June of 2015, NHTSA raised
food and energy data,          achieving an inflation rate       nesses to step up spending         social welfare policies to        the issue with Hyundai,
was flat at 0.2 percent.       of about 2 percent a key          to beat price increases.           help alleviate the burden         which said it didn’t consid-
It was the first time the      aim of its strategy for forc-     But companies have used            of child and elder care           er the issue to be a safety
core inflation measure         ing the world’s third-largest     massive cash piles accu-           and encourage a higher            problem because owners
had dipped lower since         economy out of the de-            mulated thanks to record           birth rate.q                      would get warnings.q
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