Page 23 - Minister Alex Schwengle
P. 23
Saturday 26 September
Got the new iPhone? Here’s how to use Live Photos feature
ANICK JESDANUN that the video won’t show merely enhances that. Pay go to the Photos app and video. You can also share
AP Technology Writer you moving the phone attention to perfecting that move your cursor over the these through the phone’s
NEW YORK (AP) — If you’re into position. Likewise, re- still shot in terms of focus, “LIVE” box on the lower left iCloud Photo Sharing and
getting one of the new sist dropping your camera lighting and composition. corner. Your devices need AirDrop features, but not as
iPhones, you’ll be able to right after taking the shot. You don’t need to wait the latest system software email. Apple is letting other
turn still images into video. The phone will detect that for the video recording to — iOS 9 on iPhones and services such as Facebook
The iPhone 6s and 6s Plus, movement with an up- finish before snapping an- iPads, watchOS 2 on Apple create tools for sharing
which started shipping Fri- coming software update, other shot. Just keep snap- Watch and El Capitan on and viewing as well.
day in the U.S. and other so it can stop the video au- ping, as you’d normally do, the Mac. The Mac update Because Live Photos in-
markets, automatically clude audio, don’t share
take three-second videos A new Apple iPhone 6S is displayed at an Apple store on Chicago’s Magnificent Mile, Friday, with someone you’ve just
to accompany your regu- gossiped about.
lar shots, including selfies. Sept. 25, 2015, in Chicago. Associated Press ___
Imagine snapping a shot PHOTO MANAGEMENT
of your kid blowing out tomatically. For now, wait and the phone will create is coming soon. The video part gets turned
birthday candles — and for a yellow “LIVE” box on overlapping three-second Share Live Photos with fam- off when you edit photos.
getting video showing the screen to disappear videos automatically. ily and friends through the You can get it back, but
the flame going out as before moving. ___ Messages app — as long you then lose your chang-
everyone sings “Happy Ask your subjects to hold VIEWING AND SHARING as they have an Apple es. Make a copy to edit
Birthday.” Yes, sound is in- their pose longer. If they To view a Live Photo on device with the latest sys- by sending the Live Photo
cluded. You can also en- start moving or talking, the your phone, tap and hold tem. Otherwise, they’ll just to yourself using iMessage.
hance shots of your pets video will show that. The the image in the Photos get the still image. Make Just send it to your Apple
and landscapes, such as a video will show your flash app. On the Apple Watch, sure the message is sent ID email address rather
waterfall. firing if you use it, so natural you can view it in its Photos as an iMessage, which will than your phone number.
You need one of the 6s lighting is better. app or as part of a custom appear blue. If it’s green, You can export Live Photos
models to capture these The still shot is the key part watch face with that im- it is a standard text mes- to Mac and Windows com-
“Live Photos,” but older of Live Photos, and video age. On Mac computers, sage and won’t have puters and find video files
phones are fine for view- that work with most video
ing. programs. Quality is lower
This feature takes practice, than usual to save storage.
so check out these tips: Plus, Apple hides these files
___ under normal use, so this is
TAKING THE SHOT mostly for advanced users.
When you open the cam- Each Live Photo takes up
era app, the iPhone con- about twice the storage of
tinually records video in a regular photo. You can’t
the background, though delete just the video part,
it’s immediately discarded but you can disable video
if you do nothing. When recording by tapping a
you snap a shot, the phone yellow circle on the screen.
saves a second and a half Apple’s iCloud Photo Li-
of video leading to that brary service might free
shot and continues record- up some storage on your
ing until you get three sec- phone, but you might be
onds in all. better off buying a phone
Wait a few seconds be- with more storage to begin
fore snapping your shot so with.q
Snowden on video at NYC
forum to promote privacy treaty
TOM HAYS National Security Agency was granted asylum de- In this Dec. 10, 2014, file photo, former U.S. National Security
Associated Press systems analyst, said in his spite demands by the Unit- Agency contractor Edward Snowden, who is in Moscow, is
NEW YORK (AP) — Domes- brief remarks from Moscow ed States that he return to seen on a giant screen during a live video conference for an
tic digital spying on ordi- via video link. “What’s hap- face espionage and other interview as part of Amnesty International’s annual Write for
nary citizens is an interna- pening here happens in charges. Rights campaign at the Gaite Lyrique in Paris, France.
tional threat that will only France, it happens in the The global advocacy
be slowed with measures U.K., it happens in every group Avaaz organized the Associated Press
like a proposed interna- country, every place, to gathering to promote the
tional treaty declaring pri- every person.” so-called “Snowden Trea- sembly. Organizers have treaty, but have declined
vacy a basic human right, The key ques- ty.” Countries who signed said diplomats have shown to name what nations they
Edward Snowden said tion, Snowden added, is: would be required to cur- interest in a draft of the represent.q
Thursday in a video ap- “How do we assert what tail surveillance of phone
pearance at a Manhattan our rights are, traditionally calls and online activity,
forum. and digitally?” and also agree to provide
“This is not a problem Snowden gained notori- sanctuary for people who
exclusive to the United ety in 2013 for leaking de- expose illegal domes-
States. ... This is a global tails of the once-secret U.S. tic spying. The forum was
problem that affects all of surveillance programs. He timed to coincide with the
us,”Snowden, the one-time fled to Russia, where he United Nations General As-